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namespace Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Traits;

use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Func;

 * Use external scope for watching life-cycles, as different classes that
 * use the WatchLifecycle trait don't share the one trait's static properties.
abstract class WatchLifecycleScope {

    public static int $instanceCounter = 0;
    public static int $stackCounter = 0;

    /** @var array<int, bool> */
    public static array $alreadyVisualized = [];

    /** @var array<int, string> */
    public static array $stack = [];


 * Currently supports only classes without additional parent constructors/destructors.
trait WatchLifecycle {

    /** @var int Every unique instance of "watched" class's number. */
    private static $instanceCounter;

    public function watchLifecycle() {

        // Assign a new, globally unique counter's number for this new object.
        self::$instanceCounter = WatchLifecycleScope::$instanceCounter++;

        // Build a completely unique hash for this object's instance.
        $hash = self::getHash($this);

        // Add this object to global watch stack.

        // Build a unique true color for this instance.
        $colorHash = self::truecolor($hash, $hash);
        $visual = $this->visualize();

        // Visualize newly created object with a pretty sign.
        echo "+  $colorHash $visual\n";


    public function __destruct() {

        // Build visualization string before removing this object from watched stack.
        $visual = $this->visualize();

        // Remove this object from global watch stack.
        $hash = self::getHash($this);

        $colorHash = self::truecolor($hash, $hash);
        echo " - $colorHash $visual\n";


     * Add this currently watched instance to global stack.
    private function add(string $hash): void {
        WatchLifecycleScope::$stack[++WatchLifecycleScope::$stackCounter] = $hash;

     * Remove this currently watched instance from global stack.
    private function remove(string $hash): void {
                array_search($hash, WatchLifecycleScope::$stack, true)

    private function visualize(): string {

        if (!WatchLifecycleScope::$stack) return "x";

        $max = max(array_keys(WatchLifecycleScope::$stack));
        $return = null;

        foreach (range(1, $max) as $pos) {

            // If such position exists in our watching stack, display a character.
            // If this stack item was not displayed yet, display a special character.
            $return .= isset(WatchLifecycleScope::$stack[$pos])
                ? (isset(WatchLifecycleScope::$alreadyVisualized[$pos]) ? "|" : "o")
                : " ";
            WatchLifecycleScope::$alreadyVisualized[$pos] = true;


        return $return;


     * Return a completely unique hash for this object's instance.
     * Uniqueness is based off a 1) global counter, 2) class name, 3) spl_object_hash.
     * Now that I'm thinking about it, the "1)" should be enough, but, well...
    private static function getHash(object $object): string {

        return Func::string_hash(
            . get_class($object)
            . spl_object_hash($object)


    private static function truecolor(string $hex, string $content): string {

        $r = self::numpad(hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2)) + 32);
        $g = self::numpad(hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2)) + 32);
        $b = self::numpad(hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2)) + 32);

        $out = sprintf("\x1b[38;2;%s;%s;%sm", $r, $g, $b);
        $out .= $content . "\033[0m"; // Reset colors.
        return $out;


     * Return int number as hex and ensure it's of length of 3, padded with zeroes.
    private static function numpad(int $n): string {
        return str_pad((string) $n, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
