

1 hr
Test Coverage


namespace Smuuf\Primi\Helpers;

use \Smuuf\Primi\Context;
use \Smuuf\Primi\MagicStrings;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\EngineError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\FuncValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\TypeValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\AbstractValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\NullValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Structures\CallArgs;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\MethodValue;

abstract class Types {

    public static function is_subclass_of(
        TypeValue $childType,
        TypeValue $parentType,
    ): bool {

        do {
            if ($childType === $parentType) {
                return \true;
        } while ($childType = $childType->getParentType());

        return \false;


     * Handles special treating of attributes that will represent attributas
     * of a type.
     * Special treating like, for example, `__new__` method must be converted
     * from ordinary method to static method for the type system and object
     * model to work correctly.
     * @param array<string, AbstractValue> $methods
     * @return array<string, AbstractValue>
    public static function prepareTypeMethods(
        array $methods,
    ): array {

        static $methodNameNew = MagicStrings::MAGICMETHOD_NEW;

        if (isset($methods[$methodNameNew])) {
            $methods[$methodNameNew] = new MethodValue(
                isStatic: true,

        return $methods;


     * Lookup and return attr from a type object - or its parents.
     * If the `$bind` argument is specified and the attr is a function, this
     * returns a new `FuncValue` with partial arguments having the object
     * in the `$bind` argument (this is how Primi handles object methods -
     * the instance object is bound as the first argument of the function its
     * type object provides).
     * @return AbstractValue|null
    public static function attr_lookup(
        ?TypeValue $typeObject,
        string $attrName,
        ?AbstractValue $bind = \null
    ) {

        if (!$typeObject) {
            return \null;

        // Try attr access on the type object itself.
        // Example - Accessing `SomeClass.some_attr`:
        // Try if there's `some_attr` attribute in the SomeClass type itself.

        if ($value = $typeObject->rawAttrGet($attrName)) {
            return $bind && $value instanceof FuncValue
                ? $value->withBind($bind)
                : $value;

        // If the type object itself doesn't have this attr, try inheritance -
        // look for the attr in the parent type objects.

        while ($typeObject = $typeObject->getParentType()) {
            if ($value = $typeObject->rawAttrGet($attrName)) {
                return $bind && $value instanceof FuncValue
                    ? $value->withBind($bind)
                    : $value;

        return \null;


     * Converts PHP class names to Primi type names represented as string.
     * Throws an exception if any PHP class name doesn't represent a Primi type.
     * @param array<class-string|AbstractValue> $types
    public static function php_classes_to_primi_types(array $types): string {

        $primiTypes = \array_map(function($class) {

            // Resolve PHP nulls as Primi nulls.
            if (\is_string($class) && \strtolower($class) === 'null') {
                return NullValue::TYPE;

            return TypeResolver::resolve($class);

        }, $types);

        return \implode('|', $primiTypes);


     * Returns array of Primi value types (PHP class names) of parameters
     * for a PHP function of which the \ReflectionFunction is provided.
     * In another words: This function returns which Primi types a PHP function
     * expects.
     * @return array<string>
     * @throws EngineError
    public static function check_allowed_parameter_types_of_function(
        \ReflectionFunction $rf
    ): array {

        $types = [];
        foreach ($rf->getParameters() as $rp) {

            $invalid = \false;
            $type = $rp->getType();

            if ($type === \null) {
                $invalid = 'Type must be specified';
            } else {

                // See
                if (!$type instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) {
                    $invalid = "Union types not yet supported";
                } else {

                    $typeName = $type->getName();

                    // a) Invalid if not hinting some AbstractValue class or its descendants.
                    // b) Invalid if not hinting the Context class.
                    if (\is_a($typeName, AbstractValue::class, \true)
                        || \is_a($typeName, Context::class, \true)
                        || \is_a($typeName, CallArgs::class, \true)
                    ) {
                        $types[] = $typeName;
                    } else {
                        $invalid = "Type '$typeName' is not an allowed type";



            if ($invalid) {

                $declaringClass = $rp->getDeclaringClass();
                $className = $declaringClass
                    ? $declaringClass->getName()
                    : \null;

                $fnName = $rp->getDeclaringFunction()->getName();
                $paramName = $rp->getName();
                $paramPosition = $rp->getPosition();
                $fqn = $className ? "{$className}::{$fnName}()" : "{$fnName}()";

                $msg = "Parameter {$paramPosition} '\${$paramName}' for function {$fqn} "
                    . "is invalid: $invalid";

                throw new EngineError($msg);



        return $types;


     * Return true if the value passed as first argument is any of the types
     * passed as the rest of variadic arguments.
     * We're using this helper e.g. in value methods for performing easy
     * checks against allowed set of types of values. If PHP ever supports union
     * types, I guess this helper method might become unnecessary (?).
    public static function is_any_of_types(?AbstractValue $value, string ...$types): bool {

        // If any of the "instanceof" checks is true,
        // the type is allowed - return without throwing exception.
        foreach ($types as $type) {
            if ($value instanceof $type) {
                return \true;

        return \false;

