

45 mins
Test Coverage


namespace Smuuf\Primi\Modules;

use \Smuuf\StrictObject;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\EngineInternalError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\ImportBeyondTopException;

class Dotpath {

    use StrictObject;

    private const VALID_REGEX = '#^(:?|(\.*))(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\.)*(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)$#';

    /** Final absolute dotpath (with relativity resolved). */
    private string $absolute;

     * Parts of the resolved dotpath.
     * @var array<string>
    private array $parts;

    public function __construct(
        string $dotpath,
        string $originPackage = ''
    ) {

        if (!self::isValid($dotpath)) {
            throw new EngineInternalError("Invalid dot path '$dotpath'");

        if ($originPackage !== '' && !self::isValid($originPackage)) {
            throw new EngineInternalError("Invalid origin package dot path '$originPackage'");

        ] = self::resolve($dotpath, $originPackage);


     * Resolve the original, possibly relative, dotpath into an absolute
     * dotpath using origin as the origin dotpath.
     * @return array{string, array<string>}
    private static function resolve(
        string $dotpath,
        string $originPackage
    ): array {

        $parts = [];
        $steps = \explode('.', $dotpath);

        // If the dotpath is absolute, we don't need to process it further.
        if (!\str_starts_with($dotpath, '.')) {
            return [$dotpath, $steps];

        // If the dotpath is relative (starts with a dot), use passed origin as
        // the origin.
        $parts = $originPackage
            ? \explode('.', $originPackage)
            : [];

        // Exploding relative import dotpath '.a.b' results in array list
        // with three items - empty string being the first - so let's get
        // rid of it. It's because the "while" algo below handles each one
        // of these empty strings as "go-one-level-up" from the origin
        // package dotpath, but we want the first dot in relative path
        // to mean "current level", not "one level up".

        while (\true) {

            // If there are no more steps to process, break the loop.
            if (!$steps) {

            $step = array_shift($steps);

            // Empty step means a single dot exploded from the original dotpath.
            // And
            if ($step === '') {

                // If there are no parts left and one level up was requested,
                // it's a beyond-top-level error.
                if (!$parts) {
                    throw new ImportBeyondTopException($dotpath);



            $parts[] = $step;


        // Save final dotpath (with relativity resolved).
        $absolute = \implode('.', $parts);
        return [$absolute, $parts];


    public function getAbsolute(): string {
        return $this->absolute;

    public function getFirstPart(): string {
        return \reset($this->parts);

     * @return iterable<array{string, string, string}>
    public function iterPaths(string $basepath = ''): iterable {

        $dotpath = '';
        $package = '';
        $filepath = "{$basepath}/";

        foreach ($this->parts as $part) {

            $dotpath .= $part;
            $filepath .= $part;

            yield [$dotpath, $package, $filepath];

            $package = $dotpath;
            $dotpath .= '.';
            $filepath .= '/';



    // Helpers.

    /** Returns true if the dotpath string is a valid dotpath. */
    private static function isValid(string $dotpath): bool {
        return (bool) \preg_match(self::VALID_REGEX, $dotpath);
