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namespace Smuuf\Primi\Modules;

use \Smuuf\StrictObject;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Scope;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Logger;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Context;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\ImportError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\ModuleNotFoundError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\ImportBeyondTopException;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\ImportRelativeWithoutParentException;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\ModuleValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Wrappers\ContextPushPopWrapper;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Wrappers\ImportStackWrapper;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Modules\Dotpath;
use \Smuuf\Primi\StackFrame;

 * @internal
class Importer {

    use StrictObject;

    private const MODULE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = [
        NativeModuleLoader::class => ".primi.php",
        PrimiModuleLoader::class => ".primi",

    /** Runtime context object. */
    private Context $ctx;

    /** @var array<string, ModuleValue> Storage for loaded modules. */
    private array $loaded = [];

    /** @var array<string> Import stack for circular import detection. */
    private array $importStack = [];

    /** @var array<string> Known import paths. */
    private array $importPaths = [];

     * Array dict cache for storing determined base paths when looking for
     * modules in various import paths.
     * @var array<string, ?string>
    private array $baseCache = [];

     * @param array<string> $importPaths
    public function __construct(
        Context $ctx,
        array $importPaths = []
    ) {
        $this->ctx = $ctx;
        $this->importPaths = $importPaths;

     * @return array<string, ModuleValue>
    public function getLoaded(): array {
        return $this->loaded;

    public function pushImport(string $importId): bool {

        // If this import ID is already in the stack, it is a circular import.
        if (\in_array($importId, $this->importStack, \true)) {
            return \false;

        $this->importStack[] = $importId;
        return \true;


    public function popImport(): void {

     * Fetch module value object by its dot path.
     * If the module has been already loaded, it will be just returned. If the
     * module has not been loaded yet, it will be loaded, stored into cache, and
     * then returned.
    public function getModule(string $dotpath): ModuleValue {

        $originPackage = '';
        if ($currentModule = $this->ctx->getCurrentModule()) {
            $originPackage = $currentModule->getPackage();

        Logger::debug("Getting module '$dotpath' (with origin '$originPackage')");

        try {
            $dp = new Dotpath($dotpath, $originPackage);
        } catch (ImportRelativeWithoutParentException $e) {
            throw new ImportError("Relative import without origin package");
        } catch (ImportBeyondTopException $e) {
            throw new ImportError("Relative import {$e->getMessage()} reached beyond top-level package");

        $dotpathString = $dp->getAbsolute();
        if (isset($this->loaded[$dotpathString])) {
            Logger::debug("Returned '$dotpathString' from module cache");
            return $this->loaded[$dotpathString];

        // Determine which import path matches the first part of dotpath.
        // For example if we're trying to import module 'a.b.c', this returns
        // the first import path that contains the module 'a' (a package/dir 'a'
        // or module 'a.primi' or 'a.primi.php').
        $base = $this->determineBase($dp, $this->importPaths);

        if ($base) {

            Logger::debug("Determined base '$base' for module '{$dp->getAbsolute()}'");
            if ($module = $this->tryWithBase($base, $dp)) {
                return $module;


        Logger::debug("Module '$dotpath' could not be found");
        throw new ModuleNotFoundError($dotpath);


     * Go through each of the possible paths from where modules can be imported
     * and return the first path that actually contains the first part of the
     * dotpath of the module that is requested to be imported.
     * For example, for given import paths (order is important) and their
     * contents:
     * ```
     * - /xxx/
     *   - a/bruh.primi
     *   - b/bruh.primi
     * - /yyy/
     *   - b/bruh.primi
     *   - c/bruh.primi
     * - /zzz/
     *   - c/bruh.primi
     *   - d/bruh.primi
     * ```
     * ... importing 'c.bruh' would look through '/xxx/' first and then '/yyy/',
     * where 'c' directory is present - the resulting base is determined as
     * '/yyy/', ignoring the '/zzz/', because '/yyy/' was before it and thus
     * had a higher priority.
     * @param array<string> $possiblePaths
    private function determineBase(
        Dotpath $dp,
        array $possiblePaths
    ): ?string {

        $first = $dp->getFirstPart();
        if (\array_key_exists($first, $this->baseCache)) {
            return $this->baseCache[$first];

        foreach ($possiblePaths as $base) {
            $path = "$base/$first";
            if (self::isModule($path)) {
                return $this->baseCache[$first] = $base;

        return $this->baseCache[$first] = \null;


    private function tryWithBase(string $basepath, Dotpath $dp): ?ModuleValue {

        $module = \null;

        // Go through each of the paths (originating from this basepath) leading
        // to the target module - and try to import each one of them.
        foreach ($dp->iterPaths($basepath) as [$dotpath, $package, $filepath]) {

            if (!$module = $this->importModule($filepath, $dotpath, $package)) {

                // Stop importing if any of the paths doesn't represent a
                // module. Modules imported so far are still loaded and cached.
                return \null;



        // If the whole tree of module was successfully imported/fetched, return
        // the last one (which is what the user wants - when doing
        // 'import a.b.c' the 'c' module is returned from this function).
        return $module;


    private function importModule(
        string $filepath,
        string $dotpath,
        string $packageDotpath
    ): ?ModuleValue {

        if (isset($this->loaded[$dotpath])) {
            return $this->loaded[$dotpath];

        // If the module is - in fact - a package (dir), import it as such.
        if (\is_dir($filepath)) {
            $module = $this->importPackage($filepath, $dotpath);
            return $module;

        // Build dict of possible filenames with supported extensions
        // (differentiating whether the module is a native/PHP module or a
        // Primi module). The keys of the dict are the class names of loaders
        // that know how to load that particular extension.
        // Native modules ('.../module_name.primi.php') have priority over
        // Primi modules ('.../module_name.primi').
        $candidates = self::withSupportedExtensions($filepath);
        foreach ($candidates as $loader => $candidate) {

            // If this file with this extension does in fact exist, load it
            // using the correct loader.
            if (!\is_file($candidate)) {

            return $this->loadModule(


        // No filepath that corresponds to this dotpath exists, return null,
        // telling the caller that this import was a failure.
        return \null;


    private function importPackage(
        string $filepath,
        string $dotpath
    ): ModuleValue {

        // Try importing the package's init file.
        $init = "$filepath/__init__";
        if ($module = $this->importModule($init, $dotpath, $dotpath)) {
            return $module;

        Logger::debug("Creating implicit package '$dotpath' from '$filepath'");

        // If the package has no init file, just create an empty module object.
        $module = new ModuleValue($dotpath, $dotpath, new Scope);
        $this->loaded[$dotpath] = $module;

        return $module;


    private function loadModule(
        string $loader,
        string $filepath,
        string $dotpath,
        string $packageDotpath
    ): ModuleValue {

        Logger::debug("Loading module '$dotpath' from file '$filepath'");

        $wrapper = new ImportStackWrapper($this, $filepath, $dotpath);
        return $wrapper->wrap(function() use (
            ) {

                // Imported module will have its own global scope.
                $scope = new Scope;
                $module = new ModuleValue(

                // Put the newly created module immediately in the "loaded
                // module" cache. Relative imports made from this new module
                // might need to load this module again (because if module 'a'
                // wants to import '.b' relatively, the resulting absolute
                // module path is 'a.b' - and import mechanism wants to import
                // 'a' first and then 'b'). And we don't want the new module to
                // be imported again (that would result in circular import).
                $this->loaded[$dotpath] = $module;

                $frame = new StackFrame("<module>", $module);
                $wrapper = new ContextPushPopWrapper($this->ctx, $frame, $scope);

                $wrapper->wrap(function() use (
                ) {

                    return $loader::loadModule(


                return $module;



    // Static Helpers.

     * Returns true if a filepath (without extension) represents a module
     * or a package (which is a kind of module). Otherwise returns false.
    private static function isModule(string $filepath): bool {

        Logger::debug("Is '$filepath' a module?");

        // Just a simple directory is a package (a package is a module).
        if (\is_dir($filepath)) {
            Logger::debug("  YES (package)");
            return \true;

        // Try adding supported module (file) extensions and go see if it
        // matches the filesystem contents.
        $candidates = self::withSupportedExtensions($filepath);
        foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
            if (\is_file($candidate)) {
                Logger::debug("  YES (module)");
                return \true;

        Logger::debug("  NO");
        return \false;


     * @return array<string>
    private static function withSupportedExtensions(string $filepath): array {

        $result = [];
        foreach (self::MODULE_FILE_EXTENSIONS as $loaderClass => $ext) {
            $result[$loaderClass] = "{$filepath}{$ext}";

        return $result;

