

1 day
Test Coverage


namespace Smuuf\Primi;

use \Smuuf\StrictObject;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Scope;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\ErrorException;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\EngineException;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\SystemException;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Cli\Term;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Code\Source;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Parser\GrammarHelpers;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\NullValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\AbstractValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\ModuleValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Func;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Colors;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Wrappers\ContextPushPopWrapper;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Drivers\ReadlineUserIoDriver;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Drivers\ReplIoDriverInterface;

class Repl {

    use StrictObject;

     * @const string How this REPL identifies itself in call stack.
    private const REPL_NAME_FORMAT = "<repl: %s>";

    private const HISTORY_FILE = '.primi_history';
    private const PRIMARY_PROMPT = '>>> ';
    private const MULTILINE_PROMPT = '... ';

    private const PHP_ERROR_HEADER = "PHP ERROR";
    private const ERROR_REPORT_PLEA =
        "This is probably a bug in Primi or any of its components. "
        . "Please report this to the maintainer.";

    /** Full path to readline history file. */
    private static string $historyFilePath;

    /** REPL identifies itself in callstack with this string. */
    protected string $replName;

     * IO driver used for user input/output.
     * This is handy for our unit tests, so we can simulate user input and
     * gather REPL output.
    protected ReplIoDriverInterface $driver;

     * If `false`, extra "user-friendly info" is not printed out.
     * This is also handy for our unit tests - less output to test.
     * @var bool
    public static $noExtras = false;

    public function __construct(
        ?string $replName = null,
        ReplIoDriverInterface $driver = null
    ) {

        self::$historyFilePath = getenv("HOME") . '/' . self::HISTORY_FILE;

        $this->replName = sprintf(self::REPL_NAME_FORMAT, $replName ?? 'cli');
        $this->driver = $driver ?? new ReadlineUserIoDriver;



    protected function printHelp(): void {

            "{green}Use '{_}exit{green}' to exit REPL or '{_}exit!{green}' " .
            "to terminate the process.\n" .
            "Use '{_}?{green}' to view local variables, " .
            "'{_}??{green}' to view all variables, " .
            "'{_}?tb{green}' to see traceback. \n" .
            "The latest result is stored in '{_}_{green}' variable.\n\n"


     * Main REPL entrypoint.
     * Creates a new instance of interpreter and runs it with a Context, if it
     * was specified as argument. Otherwise the interpreter creates its own
     * new context and REPL operates within that one.
    public function start(?Context $ctx = null): void {

        // If context was not provided, create and use a new one.
        if (!$ctx) {
            $scope = new Scope;
            $config = Config::buildDefault();
            $ctx = new Context($config);
            $module = new ModuleValue(MagicStrings::MODULE_MAIN_NAME, '', $scope);
        } else {
            $module = $ctx->getCurrentModule();
            $scope = $ctx->getCurrentScope();

        $frame = new StackFrame($this->replName, $module);

        $wrapper = new ContextPushPopWrapper($ctx, $frame, $scope);
        $wrapper->wrap(function($ctx) {


    private function loop(Context $ctx): void {

        // Print out level (current frame's index in call stack).
        if (!self::$noExtras) {
            $level = self::getStackLevel($ctx);
                "{darkgrey}Starting REPL at F {$level}{_}\n"

        $currentScope = $ctx->getCurrentScope();
        $cellNumber = 1;

            static fn($buffer) => self::autocomplete($buffer, $ctx)

        while (true) {

            // Display frame level - based on current level of call stack.
            $level = self::getStackLevel($ctx);
            if (!self::$noExtras && $level) {
                $this->driver->stderr(Colors::get("{darkgrey}F {$level}{_}\n"));

            $input = $this->gatherLines($ctx);

            if (trim($input) && $input !== 'exit') {

            switch (trim($input)) {
                case '?':
                    // Print defined variables.
                    $this->printScope($currentScope, false);
                    continue 2;
                case '?tb':
                    // Print traceback.
                    continue 2;
                case '??':
                    // Print all variables, including the ones from parent
                    // scopes (i.e. even from extensions).
                    $this->printScope($currentScope, true);
                    continue 2;
                case '':
                    // Ignore (skip) empty input.
                    continue 2;
                case 'exit':
                    // Catch a non-command 'exit'.
                    // Return the result of last expression executed, or null.
                    break 2;
                case 'exit!':
                    // Catch a non-command 'exit!'.
                    // Just quit the whole thing.

            $source = new Source($input);

            try {

                // May throw syntax error - will be handled by the catch
                // below.
                $ast = $ctx->getAstProvider()->getAst($source, false);
                $result = DirectInterpreter::execute($ast, $ctx);

                // Store the result into _ variable for quick'n'easy
                // retrieval.
                $currentScope->setVariable('_', $result);

            } catch (ErrorException|SystemException $e) {
                $colorized = Func::colorize_traceback($e);
            } catch (EngineException|\Throwable $e) {

                // All exceptions other than ErrorException are likely to be a
                // problem with Primi or PHP - print the whole PHP exception.





        if (!self::$noExtras) {
            $level = self::getStackLevel($ctx);
                "{yellow}Exiting REPL frame $level{_}\n"


     * Pretty-prints out a result of a Primi expression. No result or null
     * values are not to be printed.
    private function printResult(?AbstractValue $result = null): void {

        // Do not print out empty or NullValue results.
        if ($result === null || $result instanceof NullValue) {

        $this->driver->stdout(self::formatValue($result), "\n");


     * Pretty-prints out all variables of a scope (with or without variables
     * from parent scopes).
    private function printScope(Scope $c, bool $includeParents): void {

        foreach ($c->getVariables($includeParents) as $name => $value)  {
                Colors::get("{lightblue}$name{_}: "),



     * Pretty-prints out traceback from a context.
    private function printTraceback(Context $ctx): void {

        $tbString = Func::get_traceback_as_string($ctx->getCallStack());
        $this->driver->stdout($tbString, "\n\n");


     * Pretty-prints out traceback from a PHP exception.
    private function printPhpTraceback(\Throwable $e): void {

        $type = get_class($e);
        $msg = Colors::get(sprintf("\n{white}{-red}%s", self::PHP_ERROR_HEADER));
        $msg .= " $type: {$e->getMessage()} @ {$e->getFile()}:{$e->getLine()}\n";

        // Best and easiest to get version of backtrace I can think of.
            Colors::get(sprintf("\n{yellow}%s", self::ERROR_REPORT_PLEA)),


     * Gathers and returns user input for REPL.
     * Uses a "very sophisticated" way of allowing the user to enter multi-line
     * input.
    private function gatherLines(Context $ctx): string {

        $gathering = false;
        $lines = '';

        while (true) {

            if ($gathering === false) {
                $prompt = self::PRIMARY_PROMPT;
            } else {
                $prompt = self::MULTILINE_PROMPT;

            $input = $this->driver->input($prompt);
            [$incomplete, $trim] = self::isIncompleteInput($input);

            if ($incomplete) {

                // Consider non-empty line ending with a "\" character as
                // a part of multiline input. That is: Trim the backslash and
                // go read another line from the user.
                $lines .= mb_substr($input, 0, mb_strlen($input) - $trim) . "\n";
                $gathering = true;

            } else {

                // Normal non-multiline input. Add it to the line buffer and
                // return the whole buffer (with all lines that may have been)
                // gathered as multiline input so far.
                $lines .= $input;
                return $lines;




    // Static helpers.

     * Returns a pretty string from AbstractValue representation with type info.
    private static function formatValue(AbstractValue $value): string {

        return sprintf(
            "%s %s",
            !self::$noExtras ? self::formatType($value) : null


     * Returns a pretty string representing value's type info.
    private static function formatType(AbstractValue $value): string {

        return Colors::get(sprintf(
            "{darkgrey}(%s %s){_}",


     * @return array{bool, int}
    private static function isIncompleteInput(string $input): array {

        if ($input === '') {
            return [false, 0];

        // Lines ending with opening curly brackets are considered incomplete.
        if ($input[-1] === "{") {
            return [true, 0];

        // Lines ending with backslashes are considered incomplete.
        // And such backslashes at the EOL are to be trimmed from real input.
        if ($input[-1] === '\\') {
            return [true, 1];

        // Lines starting with a SPACE or a TAB are considered incomplete.
        if (strspn($input, "\t ") !== 0) {
            return [true, 0];

        return [false, 0];


    private function loadHistory(): void {

        if (is_readable(self::$historyFilePath)) {


    private function saveHistory(): void {

        if (is_writable(dirname(self::$historyFilePath))) {


     * Return string with human-friendly information about current level
     * of nested calls (that is the number of entries in the call stack).
    private static function getStackInfo(
        Context $ctx,
        bool $full = false
    ): string {

        $level = self::getStackLevel($ctx);

        // Do not print anything for level 0 (or less, lol).
        if ($level < 0) {
            return '';

        $out = "F {$level}";
        if ($full) {
            $out = "REPL at frame {$level}.\n";

        return Colors::get("{darkgrey}REPL at frame {$level}.\n{_}");


    private static function getStackLevel(Context $ctx): int {
        return \count($ctx->getCallStack()) - 1;

     * @return array<string>
    private static function autocomplete(
        string $buffer,
        Context $ctx
    ): array {

        $names = [];

        if (!$buffer || GrammarHelpers::isValidName($buffer)) {

            // Buffer (word of input) is empty - or maybe a simple variable.
            $names = array_keys($ctx->getVariables(true));

        } elseif (GrammarHelpers::isSimpleAttrAccess(trim($buffer, '.'))) {

            // Autocomplete for attr access of objects from current scope.
            // We need to separate parts of nested attr access, so that
            // for "obj" we suggest attrs from "obj", but for
            // "obj.attr_a.attr_b" we complete attrs from the final "attr_b".
            $parts = array_reverse(explode('.', $buffer));

            // Fetch the actual variable (always for the first part).
            $name = array_pop($parts);
            if (!$obj = $ctx->getVariable($name)) {
                return [];
            $names[] = $name;

            // Now go fetch the attrs inside that variable, if there are any
            // specified in the buffer. E.g. "some_obj.attr_a.att[TAB]" needs
            // to fetch "some_obj", then its attr "attr_a" and get all attrs
            // inside it, so we can suggest "some_obj.attr_a.attr_b"
            $prefix = $name;
            while ($name = array_pop($parts)) {

                if (!$innerObj = $obj->attrGet($name)) {

                $obj = $innerObj;
                $prefix .= ".$name";
                $names[] = $prefix;


            // The name is now either the rest of the string after last dot,
            // or null (we processed all parts already).
            // If if's not null, we're going to suggest attributes from the
            // object we encountered last.
            if ($name !== null) {

                $underscored = \str_starts_with($name, '_');
                foreach ($obj->dirItems() as $name) {

                    // Skip underscored names if not requested explicitly.
                    if (!$underscored && Func::is_under_name($name)) {

                    $addName = "$prefix.$name";
                    $names[] = $addName;



        $names = array_filter(
            static fn($name) => \str_starts_with($name, $buffer)

        // Typing "some_v[TAB]" if "some_var" exists should also
        // suggest "some_var " with a space, so there are two options for
        // the autocomplete. Why? Otherwise readline would just write
        // "some_var " with a space when the TAB is pressed (it does that
        // automatically). And that's not user friendly if our user would
        // like to access attributes via "some_var." quickly.
        $starting = array_filter(
            static fn($n) => str_starts_with($n, $buffer)

        // If there's only one candidate (eg. "debugger"), but it's not yet
        // entered completely ("debugge"), add another candidate with space at
        // the end ("debugger "), so that readline autocomplete stops at the
        // latest common character ("debugger|") instead of resolving into
        // "debugger |" directly (readline adds the space automatically and
        // we don't want that).
        if (count($starting) === 1 && reset($starting) !== $buffer) {
            $names[] = reset($starting) . " ";

        return $names;

