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namespace Smuuf\Primi\Stdlib\Modules;

use \Smuuf\Primi\Extensions\PrimiFunc;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\RuntimeError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\NullValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\StringValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\NumberValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Func;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Interned;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Modules\NativeModule;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Structures\CallArgs;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Modules\AllowedInSandboxTrait;

return new
 * Functions and tools for basic time-related operations.
class extends NativeModule {

    use AllowedInSandboxTrait;

     * Returns high-resolution monotonic time. It is an arbitrary number that
     * keeps increasing by 1 every second.
    public static function monotonic(): NumberValue {
        return new NumberValue((string) Func::monotime());

     * Returns current high-resolution UNIX time.
    public static function now(): NumberValue {
        return new NumberValue((string) \microtime(\true));

     * Sleep specified number of seconds.
    public static function sleep(NumberValue $duration): NullValue {

        $d = $duration->value;
        if (Func::is_round_int($d)) {
            \sleep((int) $duration->value);
        } else {
            \usleep((int) ($duration->value * 1_000_000));

        return Interned::null();


     * Return UNIX timestamp from human readable string.
     * @see
    public static function from_string(StringValue $when): NumberValue {

        $when = $when->value;
        if (!\trim($when)) {
            throw new RuntimeError("Cannot convert empty string into UNIX timestamp");

        $ts = \strtotime($when);
        if ($ts === \false) {
            throw new RuntimeError("Cannot convert '$when' into UNIX timestamp");

        return new NumberValue((string) $ts);


     * Return string UNIX timestamp to a string representation specified by
     * format. If timestamp is provided, current time will be used.
    #[PrimiFunc(callConv: PrimiFunc::CONV_CALLARGS)]
    public static function format(
        CallArgs $args
    ): StringValue {

        [$format, $now] = $args->extractPositional(2, 1);

        if ($now) {
            Func::allow_argument_types(1, $now, NumberValue::class);
            $now = (int) $now->getStringValue();
        } else {
            $now = \time();

        Func::allow_argument_types(2, $format, StringValue::class);
        $format = $format->getStringValue();

        return Interned::string(\date($format, $now));

