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namespace Smuuf\Primi\Values;

use \Smuuf\Primi\Context;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Location;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\TypeError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\EngineError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\UnhashableTypeException;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\TypeValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Func;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Types;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Interned;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\ValueFriends;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Structures\CallArgs;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Structures\FnContainer;

 * Primi value == Primi object in our case.
abstract class AbstractValue extends ValueFriends {

    /** @const string Name of Primi (object) type. */
    public const TYPE = '__undefined__';

     * Take any PHP value and convert it into a Primi value object of an
     * appropriate type.
     * NOTE: We're not checking \is_callable on bare $value, because for example
     * string 'time' would be determined to be the PHP's 'time' function and
     * we do not want that (and it would also be a security issue).
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return AbstractValue
    public static function buildAuto($value) {

        switch (\true) {
            case $value instanceof AbstractValue:
                return $value;
            case $value === \null:
                return Interned::null();
            case \is_bool($value):
                return Interned::bool($value);
            case \is_int($value) || \is_float($value) || \is_numeric($value):
                return Interned::number(Func::scientific_to_decimal((string) $value));
            case \is_string($value):
                return Interned::string($value);
            case \is_array($value):
                if (\is_callable($value)) {
                    return new FuncValue(FnContainer::buildFromClosure($value));

                $inner = \array_map(__METHOD__, $value);
                if (!\array_is_list($value)) {
                    return new DictValue(Func::array_to_couples($inner));
                return new ListValue($inner);
            case $value instanceof \Closure;
                return new FuncValue(FnContainer::buildFromClosure($value));

        // Otherwise throw an error.
        throw new EngineError(\sprintf(
            "Unable to auto-build Primi object from '%s'",


     * Returns the core PHP value of this Primi value object.
     * @return mixed
    final public function getCoreValue() {
        return $this->value;

     * Returns an unambiguous string representation of internal value.
     * If possible, is should be in such form that it the result of this
     * method can be used as Primi source code to recreate that value.
    abstract public function getStringRepr(): string;

     * Returns a string representation of value.
    public function getStringValue(): string {
        return $this->getStringRepr();

     * Returns dict array with this all attributes of this value.
     * @return array<string, AbstractValue>
    final public function getAttrs(): array {
        return $this->attrs;

     * Return the Primi type object this Primi value is instance of.
    abstract public function getType(): TypeValue;

     * Return the name of Primi type of this value as string.
    public function getTypeName(): string {
        return $this->getType()->getName();

    // Length.

     * Values can report the length of it (i.e. its internal value).
     * Values without any meaningful length can report null (default).
    public function getLength(): ?int {
        return \null;

    // Truthiness.

     * All values must be able to tell if they're truthy or falsey.
     * All values are truthy unless they tell otherwise.
    public function isTruthy(): bool {
        return \true;

    // Comparisons - Equality.

     * All values support comparison.
     * Default implementation below says that two values are equal if they're
     * the same PHP object.
    public function isEqualTo(
        AbstractValue $right
    ): ?bool {
        return $this === $right;

    // Comparisons - Relation.

     * If a value knows how to evaluate relation to other values, it shall
     * define that by overriding this default logic. (By default a value does
     * not know anything about its relation of itself to other values.)
     * Relation in this scope means the result of <, >, <=, >= operations.
    public function hasRelationTo(string $operator, AbstractValue $right): ?bool {
        return \null;

    public function doesContain(AbstractValue $right): ?bool {
        return \null;

    public function doAddition(AbstractValue $right): ?AbstractValue {
        return \null;

    public function doSubtraction(AbstractValue $right): ?AbstractValue {
        return \null;

    public function doMultiplication(AbstractValue $right): ?AbstractValue {
        return \null;

    public function doDivision(AbstractValue $right): ?AbstractValue {
        return \null;

    public function doPower(AbstractValue $right): ?AbstractValue {
        return \null;

     * Called when used as `some_value()`.
     * If the value is not callable, throws TypeError.
     * This API differs from "return null when unsupported" used elsewhere,
     * because then someone would always have to check if the returned value
     * was a PHP null, to find out the value does not support invocation. Every
     * time, after each invocation (which doesn't even make much sense).
     * This way the exception is just simply thrown once.
     * @param Context $context Runtime context of the call-site.
     * @param ?CallArgs $args Args object with call arguments (optional).
     * @param ?Location $callsite Call site location (optional).
     * @throws TypeError
    public function invoke(
        Context $context,
        ?CallArgs $args = \null,
        ?Location $callsite = \null
    ): ?AbstractValue {
        throw new TypeError("'{$this->getTypeName()}' object is not callable");

     * @return ?\Iterator<int, AbstractValue>
    public function getIterator(): ?\Iterator {
        return \null;

     * Assign a value under specified key into this value.
     * Must return `true` on successful assignment, or `false` if assignment is
     * not supported.
    public function itemSet(?AbstractValue $key, AbstractValue $value): bool {
        return \false;

     * Returns some internal value by specified key.
     * Must return some value object, or `null` if such operation is not
     * supported.
    public function itemGet(AbstractValue $key): ?AbstractValue {
        return \null;

     * Assign an attr to the value.
     * Must return true on successful assignment, or `false` if assignment is
     * not supported.
     * NOTE: This attribute name can only be strings, so there's no need to
     * accept StringValue as $key.
    public function attrSet(string $name, AbstractValue $value): bool {
        return \false;

     * Returns an attr from the value.
     * This must return either a value object (which is an attribute of this
     * value object) or `null`, if not found.
     * If this returns `null`, object hierarchy will be traversed upwards and
     * attr will be searched in the parent object.
     * This API is differs from, for example, `self::itemGet()`, as `null` does
     * NOT represent an "unsupported" operation, but rather "it's not here, try
     * elsewhere".
     * As the above is expected to be the most common thing to do, unsupported
     * attr access instead should throw a RuntimeError.
     * NOTE: This attribute name can only be strings, so there's no need to
     * accept StringValue as $key.
    public function attrGet(string $name): ?AbstractValue {
        return $this->attrs[$name]
            ?? Types::attr_lookup($this->getType(), $name, $this);

     * Return attribute from this Primi object - without any inheritance or
     * type shenanigans.
     * For internal usage by Primi engine - keeping the $attr property of
     * PHP AbstractValue class protected.
     * @internal
    final public function rawAttrGet(string $name): ?AbstractValue {
        return $this->attrs[$name] ?? \null;

     * Returns a scalar value to be used as a hash value that can be used as
     * scalar key for PHP arrays used in Primi internals.
     * @throws UnhashableTypeException
    public function hash(): string {
        throw new UnhashableTypeException($this->getTypeName());

     * Return PHP array contain listing of items/attrs inside the object.
     * This is mainly for the builtin dir() function Primi provides for
     * easy inspection of contents of an object.
     * @return array<string>
    public function dirItems(): ?array {

        $fromParents = $this->getType()->dirItems();
        $t = $this->getType();
        while ($t = $t->getParentType()) {
            $fromParents = [...$t->dirItems(), ...$fromParents];

        return \array_unique([

