

0 mins
Test Coverage


namespace Smuuf\Primi\Values;

use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\RuntimeError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Stdlib\BuiltinTypes;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Func;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Indices;

class ListValue extends AbstractBuiltinValue {

    public const TYPE = "list";

     * @param array<AbstractValue> $items
    public function __construct(array $items) {

        // Ensuring the list is indexed from 0. Keys will be ignored.
        $this->value = \array_values($items);


    public function __clone() {

        // Contents of a list is internally really just a PHP array of other
        // Primi value objects, so we need to do deep copy.
        \array_walk($this->value, function(&$item) {
            $item = clone $item;


    public function getType(): TypeValue {
        return BuiltinTypes::getListType();

    public function getLength(): ?int {
        return \count($this->value);

    public function isTruthy(): bool {
        return (bool) $this->value;

    public function getStringRepr(): string {
        return self::convertToString($this);

    private static function convertToString(
        self $self
    ): string {

        $return = [];
        foreach ($self->value as $item) {

            // This avoids infinite loops with self-nested structures by
            // checking whether circular detector determined that we
            // would end up going in (infinite) circles.
            $return[] = $item === $self
                ? \sprintf("[ *recursion (%s)* ]", Func::object_hash($item))
                : $item->getStringRepr();


        return \sprintf("[%s]", \implode(', ', $return));


     * @return \Iterator<int, AbstractValue>
    public function getIterator(): \Iterator {
        yield from $this->value;

    public function itemGet(AbstractValue $index): AbstractValue {

        if (
            !$index instanceof NumberValue
            || !Func::is_round_int($index->value)
        ) {
            throw new RuntimeError("List index must be integer");

        $actualIndex = Indices::resolveIndexOrError(
            (int) $index->value,

        // Numbers are internally stored as strings, so get it as PHP integer.
        return $this->value[$actualIndex];


    public function itemSet(?AbstractValue $index, AbstractValue $value): bool {

        if ($index === \null) {
            $this->value[] = $value;
            return \true;

        if (
            !$index instanceof NumberValue
            || !Func::is_round_int($index->value)
        ) {
            throw new RuntimeError("List index must be integer");

        $actualIndex = Indices::resolveIndexOrError(
            (int) $index->value,

        $this->value[$actualIndex] = $value;
        return \true;


    public function doAddition(AbstractValue $right): ?AbstractValue {

        // Lists can only be added to lists.
        if (!$right instanceof self) {
            return \null;

        return new self(\array_merge($this->value, $right->value));


    public function doMultiplication(AbstractValue $right): ?AbstractValue {

        // Lists can only be multiplied by a number...
        if (!$right instanceof NumberValue) {
            return \null;

        // ... and that number must be an integer.
        if (!Func::is_round_int((string) $right->value)) {
            throw new RuntimeError("List can be only multiplied by an integer");

        // Helper contains at least one empty array, so array_merge doesn't
        // complain about empty arguments for PHP<7.4.
        $helper = [[]];

        // Multiplying lists by an integer N returns a new list consisting of
        // the original list appended to itself N-1 times.
        $limit = $right->value;
        for ($i = 0; $i++ < $limit;) {
            $helper[] = $this->value;

        // This should be efficient, since a new array (apart from the empty
        // helper) is created only once, using the splat operator on the helper,
        // which contains only references to the original array (and not copies
        // of it).
        return new self(\array_merge(...$helper));


    public function isEqualTo(AbstractValue $right): ?bool {

        if (!$right instanceof ListValue) {
            return \null;

        // Simple comparison of both arrays should be sufficient.
        // PHP manual describes object (which are in these arrays) comparison:
        // Two object instances are equal if they have the same attributes and
        // values (values are compared with ==).
        // See
        return $this->value == $right->value;


    public function doesContain(AbstractValue $right): ?bool {

        // Let's see if the needle object is in list value (which is an array of
        // Primi value objects). Non-strict search allows to match dictionaries
        // with the same key-values but in different order.
        return \in_array($right, $this->value);

