// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package barista provides the building blocks for a custom i3 status bar.
package barista
import (
l ""
// i3Event instances are received from i3bar on stdin.
type i3Event struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// i3Header is sent at the beginning of output.
type i3Header struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
StopSignal int `json:"stop_signal,omitempty"`
ContSignal int `json:"cont_signal,omitempty"`
ClickEvents bool `json:"click_events"`
// i3Bar is the "bar" instance that handles events and streams output.
type i3Bar struct {
// The list of modules that make up this bar.
modules []bar.Module
moduleSet *core.ModuleSet
// A map of previously set click handlers for each segment.
clickHandlers map[string]func(bar.Event)
// The function to call when an error segment is right-clicked.
errorHandler func(bar.ErrorEvent)
// The channel that receives a signal on module updates.
update chan struct{}
// The channel that aggregates all events from i3.
events chan i3Event
// The Reader to read events from (e.g. stdin)
reader io.Reader
// The Writer to write bar output to (e.g. stdout)
writer io.Writer
// A json encoder set to write to the output stream.
encoder *json.Encoder
// Flipped when Run() is called, to prevent issues with modules
// being added after the bar has been started.
started bool
// Suppress pause/resume signal handling to workaround potential
// weirdness with signals.
suppressSignals bool
// Keeps track of whether the bar is currently paused, and
// whether it needs to be refreshed on resume.
paused bool
refreshOnResume bool
// For testing, output the associated error in the json as well.
// This allows output tester to accurately check for errors.
includeErrorsInOutput bool
// For testing, emits debug events based on the requested mask.
debugChan chan<- debugEvent
debugMask int
type debugEventKind int
const (
dEvtPaused debugEventKind = 1 << iota
// debugEvent is used for tests to synchronise on some events that
// are otherwise extremely hard to user.
type debugEvent struct {
kind debugEventKind
data string
var instance *i3Bar
var instanceInit sync.Once
func construct() {
instanceInit.Do(func() {
instance = &i3Bar{
update: make(chan struct{}, 1),
events: make(chan i3Event),
reader: os.Stdin,
writer: os.Stdout,
// bar starts paused, will be resumed on Run().
paused: true,
// Default to i3-nagbar when right-clicking errors.
errorHandler: DefaultErrorHandler,
// Add adds a module to the bar.
func Add(module bar.Module) {
defer instance.Unlock()
if instance.started {
panic("Cannot add modules after .Run()")
instance.modules = append(instance.modules, module)
// SuppressSignals instructs the bar to skip the pause/resume signal handling.
// Must be called before Run.
func SuppressSignals(suppressSignals bool) {
defer instance.Unlock()
if instance.started {
panic("Cannot change signal handling after .Run()")
instance.suppressSignals = suppressSignals
// SetErrorHandler sets the function to be called when an error segment
// is right clicked. This replaces the DefaultErrorHandler.
func SetErrorHandler(handler func(bar.ErrorEvent)) {
defer instance.Unlock()
instance.errorHandler = handler
// Run sets up all the streams and enters the main loop.
// If any modules are provided, they are added to the bar now.
// This allows both styles of bar construction:
// `bar.Add(a); bar.Add(b); bar.Run()`, and `bar.Run(a, b)`.
func Run(modules error {
// Oauth configs are setup by modules when they're created.
// Now that all modules are created, the oauth system knows about all providers.
// So if the 'setup-oauth' arg was given, enter interactive setup instead.
// (InteractiveSetup calls os.Exit, so the rest of the bar will not run).
// To allow TestMode to work, we need to avoid any references
// to instance in the run loop.
b := instance
var signalChan chan os.Signal
if !b.suppressSignals {
// Set up signal handlers for USR1/2 to pause/resume supported modules.
signalChan = make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(signalChan, unix.SIGUSR1, unix.SIGUSR2)
b.modules = append(b.modules, modules...)
b.moduleSet = core.NewModuleSet(b.modules)
// Mark the bar as started.
b.started = true
l.Log("Bar started")
go func(i <-chan int) {
for range i {
errChan := make(chan error)
// Read events from the input stream, pipe them to the events channel.
go func(e chan<- error) {
e <- b.readEvents()
// Write header.
header := i3Header{
Version: 1,
ClickEvents: true,
if !b.suppressSignals {
// Go doesn't allow us to handle the default SIGSTOP,
// so we'll use SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 for pause/resume.
header.StopSignal = int(unix.SIGUSR1)
header.ContSignal = int(unix.SIGUSR2)
// Set up the encoder for the output stream,
// so that module outputs can be written directly.
b.encoder = json.NewEncoder(b.writer)
if err := b.encoder.Encode(&header); err != nil {
return err
// Start the infinite array.
if _, err := io.WriteString(b.writer, "["); err != nil {
return err
// Bar starts paused, so resume it to get the initial output.
// Infinite arrays on both sides.
for {
select {
case <-b.update:
// The complete bar needs to printed on each update.
if err := b.print(); err != nil {
return err
case event := <
if onClick, ok := b.clickHandlers[event.Name]; ok {
go onClick(event.Event)
case sig := <-signalChan:
switch sig {
case unix.SIGUSR1:
case unix.SIGUSR2:
case err := <-errChan:
return err
// DefaultErrorHandler invokes i3-nagbar to show the full error message.
func DefaultErrorHandler(e bar.ErrorEvent) {
exec.Command("i3-nagbar", "-m", e.Error.Error()).Run()
func colorString(c color.Color) string {
cful, _ := colorful.MakeColor(c)
return cful.Hex()
// i3map serialises the attributes of the Segment in
// the format used by i3bar.
func i3map(s *bar.Segment) map[string]interface{} {
i3map := make(map[string]interface{})
txt, pango := s.Content()
i3map["full_text"] = txt
if shortText, ok := s.GetShortText(); ok {
i3map["short_text"] = shortText
if color, ok := s.GetColor(); ok {
i3map["color"] = colorString(color)
if background, ok := s.GetBackground(); ok {
i3map["background"] = colorString(background)
if border, ok := s.GetBorder(); ok {
i3map["border"] = colorString(border)
if minWidth, ok := s.GetMinWidth(); ok {
i3map["min_width"] = minWidth
if align, ok := s.GetAlignment(); ok {
i3map["align"] = align
if urgent, ok := s.IsUrgent(); ok {
i3map["urgent"] = urgent
if separator, ok := s.HasSeparator(); ok {
i3map["separator"] = separator
if padding, ok := s.GetPadding(); ok {
i3map["separator_block_width"] = padding
if pango {
i3map["markup"] = "pango"
} else {
i3map["markup"] = "none"
return i3map
// print outputs the entire bar, using the last output for each module.
func (b *i3Bar) print() error {
// Store the set of click handlers for any segments that can handle clicks.
// When i3bar sends us the click event, it will include an identifier that
// we can use to look up the function to call.
b.clickHandlers = map[string]func(bar.Event){}
// i3bar requires the entire bar to be printed at once, so we just take the
// last cached value for each module and construct the current bar.
output := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
for _, segments := range b.moduleSet.LastOutputs() {
for _, segment := range segments {
out := i3map(segment)
var clickHandler func(bar.Event)
if err := segment.GetError(); err != nil {
// because go.
segment := segment
clickHandler = func(e bar.Event) {
if e.Button == bar.ButtonRight {
b.errorHandler(bar.ErrorEvent{Error: err, Event: e})
} else {
} else if segment.HasClick() {
clickHandler = segment.Click
if clickHandler != nil {
name := strconv.Itoa(len(b.clickHandlers))
out["name"] = name
b.clickHandlers[name] = clickHandler
output = append(output, out)
if err := b.encoder.Encode(output); err != nil {
return err
_, err := io.WriteString(b.writer, ",\n")
return err
// readEvents parses the infinite stream of events received from i3.
func (b *i3Bar) readEvents() error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(b.reader)
// Consume opening '['
_, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
return err
for decoder.More() {
var event i3Event
err = decoder.Decode(&event)
if err != nil {
return err
} <- event
return errors.New("stdin exhausted")
// pause instructs all pausable modules to suspend processing.
func (b *i3Bar) pause() {
l.Log("Bar paused")
defer b.Unlock()
if b.paused {
b.paused = true
b.emitDebugEvent(dEvtPaused, "")
// resume instructs all pausable modules to continue processing.
func (b *i3Bar) resume() {
l.Log("Bar resumed")
defer b.Unlock()
if !b.paused {
b.paused = false
if b.refreshOnResume {
b.refreshOnResume = false
b.emitDebugEvent(dEvtResumed, "")
// refresh requests an update of the bar's output.
func (b *i3Bar) refresh() {
defer b.Unlock()
// If paused, defer the refresh until the bar resumes.
if b.paused {
l.Fine("Refresh on next resume")
b.refreshOnResume = true
// maybeUpdate signals the update channel unless already signalled.
func (b *i3Bar) maybeUpdate() {
select {
case b.update <- struct{}{}:
// Since b.update has a buffer of 1, a failure to send to it
// implies that an update is already queued. Since refresh
// is only be called after individual modules' lastOutput is
// set, when the previous update is consumed, each module will
// already have the latest output.
// emitDebugEvent emits a debug event if the channel is not nil
// and events of the kind have been requested.
func (b *i3Bar) emitDebugEvent(kind debugEventKind, data string) {
if b.debugMask&int(kind) != 0 {
b.debugChan <- debugEvent{kind, data}
// TestMode creates a new instance of the bar for testing purposes,
// and runs it on the provided streams instead of stdin/stdout.
func TestMode(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) {
instanceInit = sync.Once{}
defer instance.Unlock()
instance.reader = reader
instance.writer = writer
instance.includeErrorsInOutput = true