// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Package format provides utility methods for formatting units.
package format
import (
var suffixesSI = []string{
"y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "µ", "m",
"k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y",
// Value represents a formatted Unit value.
type Value struct {
number string
Unit string
// Number returns a representation that occupies at least `width` characters,
// increasing precision to fill the available space.
func (v Value) Number(width int) string {
minWidth := strings.IndexRune(v.number, '.')
if minWidth == 0 {
minWidth = strings.IndexFunc(v.number, func(r rune) bool {
return r != '.' && r != '0'
if minWidth >= 0 {
if minWidth < 0 {
minWidth = len(v.number)
if width < minWidth {
width = minWidth
if width > len(v.number) {
return strings.Repeat(" ", width-len(v.number)) + v.number
out := v.number[:width]
if out[width-1] == '.' {
out = " " + out[:width-1]
return out
// String formats the value as a string
func (v Value) String() string {
return v.StringW(1)
// StringW formats the value as a string, using the given width for the numeric
// portion.
func (v Value) StringW(w int) string {
return v.Number(w) + v.Unit
// Values represents an ordered list of values, e.g. hours/minutes/seconds.
type Values []Value
// String formats the values as a string
func (v Values) String() string {
r := ""
w := 1
if len(v) == 1 {
w += 3
for _, val := range v {
r += val.StringW(w)
return r
func pow1000(n int) float64 {
return math.Pow10(n * 3)
func val(n float64, unit string) Value {
if n < 0 {
v := val(-n, unit)
v.number = "-" + v.number
return v
epsilon := math.Nextafter(0.0, n)
if n <= epsilon {
return Value{"0", unit}
valStr := fmt.Sprintf("%.7f", n)
valStr = strings.TrimLeft(valStr, "0")
return Value{valStr, unit}
// SI formats an SI unit value by scaling it to a sensible multiplier, and
// returns a three-character value (four if negative) and a suffix that's either
// empty or a single character.
// e.g. format.SI((20480*unit.Megabyte).Bytes(), "B") == {"20.48000", "GB"}
// or format.SI((0.001234*unit.Foot).Meter(), "m") == {"376.1232", "µm"}
func SI(v float64, unit string) Value {
if v < 0 {
inv := SI(-v, unit)
inv.number = "-" + inv.number
return inv
epsilon := math.Nextafter(0.0, v)
if v <= epsilon {
return Value{"0", unit}
f := pow1000(-8)
if v < f {
return val(v/f, suffixesSI[0]+unit)
for i, s := range suffixesSI {
next := pow1000(i - 7)
if v < next {
return val(v/f, s+unit)
f = next
f = pow1000(len(suffixesSI) - 8 - 1)
return val(v/f, suffixesSI[len(suffixesSI)-1]+unit)
type temperatureUnit int
// Pass in these constants to SetTemperatureUnit to control the default format.
const (
Celsius temperatureUnit = iota
var defaultTempUnit value.Value
// SetTemperatureUnit sets the default unit used when formatting temperatures.
func SetTemperatureUnit(f temperatureUnit) {
//go:generate ruby siunit.rb
// Unit formats a unit.Unit value to the most appropriately scaled base unit.
// For example, Unit(length) is equivalent to SI(length.Meters(), "m").
// For non-base units (e.g. feet), use SI(length.Feet(), "ft").
func Unit(value interface{}) (Values, bool) {
if fVal, ok := SIUnit(value); ok {
return Values{fVal}, ok
switch v := value.(type) {
case unit.Unit:
return Values{SI(float64(v), "")}, true
case unit.Duration:
return Duration(
time.Duration(v.Nanoseconds()) * time.Nanosecond), true
case time.Duration:
return Duration(v), true
case unit.Temperature:
u, _ := defaultTempUnit.Get().(temperatureUnit)
switch u {
case Fahrenheit:
return Values{val(v.Fahrenheit(), "℉")}, true
case Kelvin:
return Values{val(v.Kelvin(), "K")}, true
return Values{val(v.Celsius(), "℃")}, true
return nil, false
// Duration formats a time.Duration by providing the two most significant units.
func Duration(d time.Duration) Values {
if d.Hours() >= 24 {
return Values{
val(float64(int(d.Hours()))/24.0, "d"),
val(float64(int(d.Hours())%24), "h"),
if d.Minutes() >= 60 {
return Values{
val(d.Truncate(time.Hour).Hours(), "h"),
val(float64(int(d.Minutes())%60), "m"),
if d.Seconds() >= 60 {
return Values{
val(d.Truncate(time.Minute).Minutes(), "m"),
val(float64(int(d.Seconds())%60), "s"),
return Values{SI(d.Seconds(), "s")}