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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// +build baristadebuglog

package logging

import (

func trimSuffix(s, suffix string) (result string, trimmed bool) {
    return strings.TrimSuffix(s, suffix), strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix)

func trimPrefix(s, prefix string) (result string, trimmed bool) {
    return strings.TrimPrefix(s, prefix), strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix)

func construct() {
    pc, file, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
    if !ok {
    fnName := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
    if pkg, ok := trimSuffix(fnName, "/logging.construct"); ok {
        baristaPkg = pkg
        goSrcRoot, _ = trimSuffix(file, pkg+"/logging/logging.go")
    logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
    SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile)
    for _, arg := range os.Args {
        if mods, ok := trimPrefix(arg, "--finelog="); ok {
            fineLogModules = append(fineLogModules, strings.Split(mods, ",")...)
        if mods, ok := trimPrefix(arg, "-finelog="); ok {
            fineLogModules = append(fineLogModules, strings.Split(mods, ",")...)

func init() {
    // Cannot call construct init because runtime.Caller(0) behaves differently
    // in init functions than it does in other named functions.

var baristaPkg = "#unknown#"
var goSrcRoot = os.Getenv("GOPATH")

// shorten shortens a package/function/type for logging. It removes the full path
// to barista packages, and simplifies functions that have a receiver.
func shorten(path string) string {
    // If path is a function, it can be something like some/package.(*Type).fn,
    // but we'll simplify it to some/package.Type.fn for logging.
    path = strings.Replace(path, "*", "", -1)
    path = strings.Replace(path, "(", "", -1)
    path = strings.Replace(path, ")", "", -1)

    if module, ok := trimPrefix(path, baristaPkg+"/modules/"); ok {
        return fmt.Sprintf("mod:%s", module)
    if core, ok := trimPrefix(path, baristaPkg+"/core."); ok {
        return fmt.Sprintf("core:%s", core)
    if bar, ok := trimPrefix(path, baristaPkg+"/"); ok {
        return fmt.Sprintf("bar:%s", bar)
    if main, ok := trimPrefix(path, baristaPkg+"."); ok {
        return fmt.Sprintf("barista:%s", main)
    return path

var fineLogModules = []string{}
var fineLogModulesCache sync.Map

// fineLogEnabled returns true if finelog is enabled for the module.
// It caches results in a sync.Map so subsequent lookups can be faster.
func fineLogEnabled(mod string) bool {
    cache, ok := fineLogModulesCache.Load(mod)
    if ok {
        return cache.(bool)
    for _, fineMod := range fineLogModules {
        if strings.HasPrefix(mod, fineMod) {
            fineLogModulesCache.Store(mod, true)
            return true
    fineLogModulesCache.Store(mod, false)
    return false

// callingModule returns the calling module's name and source location.
// The name is prefixed based on origin:
//     - mod:$module for modules included with barista (e.g. mod:cpuinfo)
//     - bar:$core for core barista code (e.g. bar:notifier, bar:base)
//     - $package for all other code (e.g.
// The source location is empty if neither shortfile nor longfile flags are set,
// otherwise it is the appropriately formatted file name, ":", and line number.
func callingModule() (mod string, loc string) {
    pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
    fFlags := int(atomic.LoadInt64(&fileFlags))
    if fFlags != 0 {
        file, _ = trimPrefix(file, goSrcRoot)
        if fFlags&log.Lshortfile != 0 {
            file = filepath.Base(file)
        loc = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)
    if !ok {
        return "unknown", loc
    fnName := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
    return shorten(fnName), loc

var fileFlags int64
var logger *log.Logger

// doLog actually logs the given statement, with appropriate file information
// depending on the currently set flags.
func doLog(mod, loc string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
    out := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
    fFlags := int(atomic.LoadInt64(&fileFlags))
    if fFlags != 0 {
        out = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) %s", loc, mod, out)
    logger.Output(3, out)

// SetOutput sets the output stream for logging.
func SetOutput(output io.Writer) {

// SetFlags sets flags to control logging output.
func SetFlags(flags int) {
    fFlags := flags & (log.Llongfile | log.Lshortfile)
    atomic.StoreInt64(&fileFlags, int64(fFlags))
    logger.SetFlags(flags &^ fFlags)

// Log logs a formatted message.
func Log(format string, args ...interface{}) {
    mod, loc := callingModule()
    doLog(mod, loc, format, args...)

// Fine logs a formatted message if fine logging is enabled for the
// calling module. Enable fine logging using the commandline flag,
// `--finelog=$module1,$module2`. [Requires debug logging].
func Fine(format string, args ...interface{}) {
    mod, loc := callingModule()
    if fineLogEnabled(mod) {
        doLog(mod, loc, format, args...)