// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package calendar provides a Google Calendar barista module.
package calendar
import (
calendar ""
// Status represents the response/status for an event.
type Status string
// Possible values for status per the calendar API.
const (
StatusUnknown = Status("")
StatusConfirmed = Status("confirmed")
StatusTentative = Status("tentative")
StatusCancelled = Status("cancelled")
StatusDeclined = Status("declined")
StatusUnresponded = Status("needsAction")
// Event represents a calendar event.
type Event struct {
Start time.Time
End time.Time
Alert time.Time
EventStatus Status
Response Status
Location string
Summary string
// UntilStart returns the time remaining until the event starts.
func (e Event) UntilStart() time.Duration {
return e.Start.Sub(timing.Now())
// UntilEnd returns the time remaining until the event ends.
func (e Event) UntilEnd() time.Duration {
return e.End.Sub(timing.Now())
// UntilAlert returns the time remaining until a notification should be
// displayed for this event.
func (e Event) UntilAlert() time.Duration {
return e.Alert.Sub(timing.Now())
// EventList represents the list of events split by the temporal state of each
// event: in progress, alerting (upcoming but within notification duration), or
// upcoming beyond the notification duration.
type EventList struct {
// All events currently in progress
InProgress []Event
// Events where the time until start is less than the notification duration
Alerting []Event
// All other future events
Upcoming []Event
type config struct {
calendarID string
lookahead time.Duration
showDeclined bool
// Module represents a Google Calendar barista module.
type Module struct {
oauthConfig *oauth.Config
config value.Value // of config
scheduler *timing.Scheduler
outputFunc value.Value // of func(EventList) bar.Output
// New creates a calendar module from the given oauth config.
func New(clientConfig []byte) *Module {
conf, err := google.ConfigFromJSON(clientConfig, calendar.CalendarReadonlyScope)
if err != nil {
panic("Bad client config: " + err.Error())
m := &Module{
oauthConfig: oauth.Register(conf),
scheduler: timing.NewScheduler(),
m.config.Set(config{calendarID: "primary"})
m.RefreshInterval(10 * time.Minute)
m.TimeWindow(18 * time.Hour)
m.Output(func(evts EventList) bar.Output {
hasEvent := false
out := outputs.Group()
for _, e := range evts.InProgress {
out.Append(outputs.Textf("ends %s: %s",
e.End.Format("15:04"), e.Summary))
hasEvent = true
for _, e := range evts.Alerting {
out.Append(outputs.Textf("%s: %s",
e.Start.Format("15:04"), e.Summary))
hasEvent = true
if !hasEvent {
for _, e := range evts.Upcoming {
// If no other events have been displayed, show next upcoming.
out.Append(outputs.Textf("%s: %s",
e.Start.Format("15:04"), e.Summary))
return out
return m
// for tests, to wrap the client in a transport that redirects requests.
var wrapForTest func(*http.Client)
// Stream starts the module.
func (m *Module) Stream(sink bar.Sink) {
client, _ := m.oauthConfig.Client()
if wrapForTest != nil {
srv, _ := calendar.New(client)
outf := m.outputFunc.Get().(func(EventList) bar.Output)
nextOutputFunc, done := m.outputFunc.Subscribe()
defer done()
conf := m.getConfig()
nextConfig, done := m.config.Subscribe()
defer done()
renderer := timing.NewScheduler()
evts, err := fetch(srv, conf)
for {
if sink.Error(err) {
list, refresh := makeEventList(evts)
if !refresh.IsZero() {
select {
case <-nextOutputFunc:
outf = m.outputFunc.Get().(func(EventList) bar.Output)
case <-nextConfig:
conf = m.getConfig()
evts, err = fetch(srv, conf)
case <-m.scheduler.C:
evts, err = fetch(srv, conf)
case <-renderer.C:
func fetch(srv *calendar.Service, conf config) ([]Event, error) {
timeMin := timing.Now()
timeMax := timeMin.Add(conf.lookahead)
req := srv.Events.List(conf.calendarID)
// Simplify recurring events by converting them to single events.
res, err := req.Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defaultAlert := getEarliestPopupReminder(res.DefaultReminders)
events := []Event{}
for _, e := range res.Items {
if e.Start.DateTime == "" || e.End.DateTime == "" {
// All day events only have .Date, not .DateTime.
start, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e.Start.DateTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
end, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e.End.DateTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if end.Before(timeMin) {
selfStatus := StatusUnknown
for _, at := range e.Attendees {
if at.Self {
selfStatus = Status(at.ResponseStatus)
if !conf.showDeclined && selfStatus == StatusDeclined {
alert := defaultAlert
if e.Reminders != nil && !e.Reminders.UseDefault {
alert = getEarliestPopupReminder(e.Reminders.Overrides)
eventStatus := Status(e.Status)
if eventStatus == StatusCancelled {
events = append(events, Event{
Start: start,
End: end,
Alert: start.Add(-alert),
EventStatus: eventStatus,
Response: selfStatus,
Location: e.Location,
Summary: e.Summary,
return events, nil
func getEarliestPopupReminder(rs []*calendar.EventReminder) time.Duration {
duration := time.Duration(0)
for _, r := range rs {
if r.Method != "popup" {
rDuration := time.Duration(r.Minutes) * time.Minute
if rDuration > duration {
duration = rDuration
return duration
func makeEventList(events []Event) (EventList, time.Time) {
now := timing.Now()
var refresh time.Time
list := EventList{}
for _, e := range events {
switch {
case now.After(e.End):
case now.After(e.Start) && e.End.After(now):
setIfEarlier(&refresh, e.End)
list.InProgress = append(list.InProgress, e)
case now.After(e.Alert) && e.Start.After(now):
setIfEarlier(&refresh, e.Start)
list.Alerting = append(list.Alerting, e)
setIfEarlier(&refresh, e.Alert)
list.Upcoming = append(list.Upcoming, e)
return list, refresh
func setIfEarlier(target *time.Time, source time.Time) {
if target.IsZero() || source.Before(*target) {
*target = source
// Output sets the output format for the module.
func (m *Module) Output(outputFunc func(EventList) bar.Output) *Module {
return m
// RefreshInterval sets the interval for fetching new events. Note that this is
// distinct from the rendering interval, which is returned by the output func
// on each new output.
func (m *Module) RefreshInterval(interval time.Duration) *Module {
return m
func (m *Module) getConfig() config {
return m.config.Get().(config)
// CalendarID sets the ID of the calendar to fetch events for.
func (m *Module) CalendarID(id string) *Module {
c := m.getConfig()
c.calendarID = id
return m
// TimeWindow controls the search window for future events.
func (m *Module) TimeWindow(window time.Duration) *Module {
c := m.getConfig()
c.lookahead = window
return m
// ShowDeclined controls whether declined events are shown or ignored.
func (m *Module) ShowDeclined(show bool) *Module {
c := m.getConfig()
c.showDeclined = show
return m