// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Package systemd provides modules for watching the status of a systemd unit.
package systemd
import (
systemdbus ""
// State represents possible states of a systemd unit.
type State string
const (
// StateUnknown indicates an unknown unit state.
StateUnknown = State("")
// StateActive indicates that unit is active.
StateActive = State("active")
// StateReloading indicates that the unit is active and currently reloading
// its configuration.
StateReloading = State("reloading")
// StateInactive indicates that it is inactive and the previous run was
// successful or no previous run has taken place yet.
StateInactive = State("inactive")
// StateFailed indicates that it is inactive and the previous run was not
// successful.
StateFailed = State("failed")
// StateActivating indicates that the unit has previously been inactive but
// is currently in the process of entering an active state.
StateActivating = State("activating")
// StateDeactivating indicates that the unit is currently in the process of
// deactivation.
StateDeactivating = State("deactivating")
// UnitInfo includes common information present in both services and timers.
type UnitInfo struct {
ID string
Description string
State State
SubState string
Since time.Time
// DBus 'call' method to control the unit.
call func(string, ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
// Start enqueues a start job, and possibly dependant jobs.
func (u UnitInfo) Start() {"Start", "fail")
// Stop stops the specified unit rather than starting it.
func (u UnitInfo) Stop() {"Stop", "fail")
// Restart restarts a unit. If a service is restarted that isn't running it will
// be started.
func (u UnitInfo) Restart() {"Restart", "fail")
// Reload reloads a unit. Reloading is done only if the unit is already running
// and fails otherwise.
func (u UnitInfo) Reload() {"Reload", "fail")
func watchUnit(name string, busType ...dbus.BusType) *dbus.PropertiesWatcher {
escapedName := systemdbus.PathBusEscape(name)
unitPath := "/org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/" + escapedName
return dbus.WatchProperties(getBusType(busType...),
"org.freedesktop.systemd1", unitPath, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit").
Add("ActiveState", "SubState", "Id", "Description").
// ServiceInfo represents the state of a systemd service.
type ServiceInfo struct {
Type string
ExecPID uint32
MainPID uint32
// ServiceModule watches a systemd service and updates on status change
type ServiceModule struct {
name string
busType dbus.BusType
outputFunc value.Value
// UserService create a module that watches the status of a systemd user service.
func UserService(name string) *ServiceModule {
return service(name, dbus.Session)
// Service creates a module that watches the status of a systemd service.
func Service(name string) *ServiceModule {
return service(name, dbus.System)
func service(name string, dbusType dbus.BusType) *ServiceModule {
s := &ServiceModule{name: name, busType: dbusType}
s.Output(func(i ServiceInfo) bar.Output {
if i.Since.IsZero() {
return outputs.Textf("%s (%s)", i.State, i.SubState)
since := i.Since.Format("15:04")
if timing.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour).After(i.Since) {
since = i.Since.Format("Jan 2")
return outputs.Textf("%s (%s) since %s", i.State, i.SubState, since)
return s
// Output configures a module to display the output of a user-defined function.
func (s *ServiceModule) Output(outputFunc func(ServiceInfo) bar.Output) *ServiceModule {
return s
const serviceIface = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service"
// Stream starts the module.
func (s *ServiceModule) Stream(sink bar.Sink) {
w := watchUnit(".service", s.busType)
defer w.Unsubscribe()
outputFunc := s.outputFunc.Get().(func(ServiceInfo) bar.Output)
nextOutputFunc, done := s.outputFunc.Subscribe()
defer done()
info := getServiceInfo(w)
for {
select {
case <-w.Updates:
info = getServiceInfo(w)
case <-nextOutputFunc:
outputFunc = s.outputFunc.Get().(func(ServiceInfo) bar.Output)
const usecInSec = 1000 * 1000
func timeFromUsec(usecValue interface{}) time.Time {
usec, _ := usecValue.(uint64)
if usec == 0 {
return time.Time{}
sec := int64(usec / usecInSec)
usecOnly := int64(usec % usecInSec)
return time.Unix(sec, usecOnly*1000 /* nsec */).In(localtz.Get())
func getUnitInfo(w *dbus.PropertiesWatcher) (UnitInfo, map[string]interface{}) {
u := UnitInfo{call: w.Call}
props := w.Get()
if s, ok := props["ActiveState"].(string); ok {
u.State = State(s)
u.ID, _ = props["Id"].(string)
u.Description, _ = props["Description"].(string)
u.SubState, _ = props["SubState"].(string)
u.Since = timeFromUsec(props["StateChangeTimestamp"])
return u, props
func getServiceInfo(w *dbus.PropertiesWatcher) ServiceInfo {
i := ServiceInfo{}
var props map[string]interface{}
i.UnitInfo, props = getUnitInfo(w)
i.ID = strings.TrimSuffix(i.ID, ".service")
if mPid, ok := props[serviceIface+".MainPID"].(uint32); ok {
i.MainPID = mPid
if ePid, ok := props[serviceIface+".ExecMainPID"].(uint32); ok {
i.ExecPID = ePid
i.Type, _ = props[serviceIface+".Type"].(string)
return i
func getBusType(busType ...dbus.BusType) dbus.BusType {
if len(busType) == 0 {
return dbus.System
return busType[0]
// TimerInfo represents the state of a systemd timer.
type TimerInfo struct {
Unit string
LastTrigger time.Time
NextTrigger time.Time
// TimerModule watches a systemd timer and updates on status change
type TimerModule struct {
name string
busType dbus.BusType
outputFunc value.Value
// UserTimer creates a module that watches the status of a systemd user timer.
func UserTimer(name string) *TimerModule {
return timer(name, dbus.Session)
// Timer creates a module that watches the status of a systemd timer.
func Timer(name string) *TimerModule {
return timer(name, dbus.System)
func timer(name string, dbusType dbus.BusType) *TimerModule {
t := &TimerModule{name: name, busType: dbusType}
t.Output(func(i TimerInfo) bar.Output {
last := "never"
if !i.LastTrigger.IsZero() {
last = i.LastTrigger.Format("Jan 2, 15:04")
next := "never"
if !i.NextTrigger.IsZero() {
next = i.NextTrigger.Format("Jan 2, 15:04")
return outputs.Textf("%s@%s (last:%s)", i.Unit, next, last)
return t
// Output configures a module to display the output of a user-defined function.
func (t *TimerModule) Output(outputFunc func(TimerInfo) bar.Output) *TimerModule {
return t
const timerIface = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Timer"
// Stream starts the module.
func (t *TimerModule) Stream(sink bar.Sink) {
w := watchUnit(".timer", t.busType)
defer w.Unsubscribe()
outputFunc := t.outputFunc.Get().(func(TimerInfo) bar.Output)
nextOutputFunc, done := t.outputFunc.Subscribe()
defer done()
info := getTimerInfo(w)
for {
select {
case <-w.Updates:
info = getTimerInfo(w)
case <-nextOutputFunc:
outputFunc = t.outputFunc.Get().(func(TimerInfo) bar.Output)
func getTimerInfo(w *dbus.PropertiesWatcher) TimerInfo {
i := TimerInfo{}
var props map[string]interface{}
i.UnitInfo, props = getUnitInfo(w)
i.ID = strings.TrimSuffix(i.ID, ".timer")
i.LastTrigger = timeFromUsec(props[timerIface+".LastTriggerUSec"])
i.NextTrigger = timeFromUsec(props[timerIface+".NextElapseUSecRealtime"])
i.Unit, _ = props[timerIface+".Unit"].(string)
return i