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Package metar provides weather using the METAR API from
the NOAA Aviation Digital Data Service,
available at
package metar

import (



// Config represents NOAA ADDS configuration
// from which a weather.Provider can be built.
type Config struct {
    station          string
    stripRemarks     bool
    includeFlightCat bool

// Station creates a configuration for the given airport code (e.g. KSEA).
func Station(station string) *Config {
    return &Config{station: station}

// StripRemarks strips remarks from the description.
func (c *Config) StripRemarks() *Config {
    c.stripRemarks = true
    return c

// IncludeFlightCat adds flight category to the description.
func (c *Config) IncludeFlightCat() *Config {
    c.includeFlightCat = true
    return c

// provider wraps an ADDS XML url and configuration
// so that it can be used as a weather.Provider.
type provider struct {
    url              string
    stripRemarks     bool
    includeFlightCat bool
    lastWeather      weather.Weather

// Build builds a weather provider from the configuration.
func (c *Config) Build() weather.Provider {
    u := url.URL{
        Scheme: "https",
        Host:   "",
        Path:   "/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam",
    q := u.Query()
    q.Set("dataSource", "metars")
    q.Set("requestType", "retrieve")
    q.Set("format", "xml")
    q.Set("stationString", c.station)
    q.Set("hoursBeforeNow", "3")
    q.Set("mostRecent", "true")
    u.RawQuery = q.Encode()

    return &provider{
        url:              u.String(),
        stripRemarks:     c.stripRemarks,
        includeFlightCat: c.includeFlightCat,

type skyCondition struct {
    SkyCover  string `xml:"sky_cover,attr"`
    CloudBase int    `xml:"cloud_base_ft_agl,attr"`

type metar struct {
    RawText            string         `xml:"raw_text"`
    StationID          string         `xml:"station_id"`
    ObservationTime    string         `xml:"observation_time"`
    Latitude           float64        `xml:"latitude"`
    Longitude          float64        `xml:"longitude"`
    Temperature        float64        `xml:"temp_c"`
    Dewpoint           float64        `xml:"dewpoint_c"`
    WindDirection      int            `xml:"wind_dir_degrees"`
    WindSpeed          int            `xml:"wind_speed_kt"`
    WindGust           int            `xml:"wind_gust_kt"`
    Visibility         float64        `xml:"visibility_statute_mi"`
    Altimeter          float64        `xml:"altim_in_hg"`
    SeaLevelPressure   float64        `xml:"sea_level_pressure_mb"`
    WxString           string         `xml:"wx_string"`
    SkyConditions      []skyCondition `xml:"sky_condition"`
    FlightCategory     string         `xml:"flight_category"`
    VerticalVisibility int            `xml:"vert_vis_ft"`
    StationElevation   float64        `xml:"elevation_m"`

func (m metar) getBarometricPressure() unit.Pressure {
    if m.SeaLevelPressure == 0.0 {
        return unit.Pressure(m.Altimeter*3386.39) * unit.Pascal
    return unit.Pressure(m.SeaLevelPressure) * unit.Millibar

type addsResponse struct {
    Metars []metar `xml:"data>METAR"`

// The August-Roche-Magnus approximation to the saturation vapor pressure.
func satVaporPressure(temp float64) float64 {
    return 6.1094 * math.Exp((17.625*temp)/(temp+243.04))

// See also:
func relativeHumidity(temp float64, dewpoint float64) float64 {
    return satVaporPressure(dewpoint) / satVaporPressure(temp)

var remarksPattern = regexp.MustCompile(` RMK (.*)$`)
var tempPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\b(\d+)/(\d+)\b`)
var preciseTempPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\bT\d{8}\b`) // T01320072

func encodeMetarTemp(temp float64) string {
    minus := ""
    if temp < 0 {
        minus = "M"
        temp = -temp

    return fmt.Sprintf("%s%04.1f", minus, temp)

func (m metar) encodeMetar(stripRemarks bool, includeFlightCat bool) string {
    mt := strings.TrimSpace(m.RawText)
    if stripRemarks {
        mt = remarksPattern.ReplaceAllString(mt, "")

        // Include the temperature to 0.1C, if it's included in the
        // base METAR. If it is, the METAR will have a T block, and the
        // value will already be parsed in the Temperature and Dewpoint
        // fields of the XML response.
        if preciseTempPattern.MatchString(m.RawText) {
            preciseTemp := fmt.Sprintf(
            mt = tempPattern.ReplaceAllString(mt, preciseTemp)

    if includeFlightCat {
        mt = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", m.FlightCategory, mt)

    return mt

// Cloudiness, in oktas (eighths of the sky covered)
type cloudiness int

const (
    cloudsNone      cloudiness = 0
    cloudsFew                  = 2
    cloudsScattered            = 4
    cloudsBroken               = 7
    cloudsOvercast             = 8

var cloudinessMap = map[string]cloudiness{
    "CLR":   cloudsNone,
    "SKC":   cloudsNone,
    "CAVOK": cloudsNone,
    "FEW":   cloudsFew,
    "SCT":   cloudsScattered,
    "BKN":   cloudsBroken,
    "OVC":   cloudsOvercast,
    "OVX":   cloudsOvercast,

func (m metar) getCloudiness() cloudiness {
    c := cloudsNone
    for _, skyCond := range m.SkyConditions {
        coverage := cloudinessMap[skyCond.SkyCover]
        if coverage > c {
            c = coverage
    return c

func (m metar) getCloudCover() float64 {
    return float64(m.getCloudiness()) / 8.0

var thunderstormPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\b[+-]?TS(..)?\b`) // +TSRA, -TSSN, TS
var precipPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\b([+-]?)(..)?(..)\b`)

// see
var precipMapping = map[string]weather.Condition{
    "DZ": weather.Drizzle,
    "RA": weather.Rain,
    "SN": weather.Snow,
    "SG": weather.Snow,
    "IC": weather.Sleet,
    "PL": weather.Sleet,
    "GR": weather.Hail,
    "GS": weather.Hail,
    "UP": weather.ConditionUnknown,
    "BR": weather.Mist,
    "FG": weather.Fog,
    "FU": weather.Smoke,
    "VA": weather.Smoke,
    "DU": weather.Whirls,
    "SA": weather.Whirls,
    "HZ": weather.Haze,
    "PY": weather.Haze,
    "FC": weather.Tornado,
    "PO": weather.Whirls,
    "SQ": weather.Windy,
    "SS": weather.Whirls,

var precipOrder = []weather.Condition{

func (m metar) getCondition() weather.Condition {
    // Check for thunderstorms first, since that's considered a modifier,
    // rather than a weather condition in and of itself.
    if thunderstormPattern.MatchString(m.WxString) {
        return weather.Thunderstorm

    // Find all of the weather conditions present in the METAR.
    hasCondition := map[weather.Condition]bool{}
    for _, wx := range precipPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(m.WxString, 0) {
        precip := wx[3]
        hasCondition[precipMapping[precip]] = true

    for _, condition := range precipOrder {
        if hasCondition[condition] {
            return condition

    // No precipitation, look at clouds.
    switch m.getCloudiness() {
    case cloudsOvercast:
        return weather.Overcast
    case cloudsBroken:
        return weather.Cloudy
    case cloudsScattered:
    case cloudsFew:
        return weather.PartlyCloudy
    case cloudsNone:
        return weather.Clear

    return weather.Clear

// GetWeather gets weather information from NOAA ADDS.
func (p *provider) GetWeather() (weather.Weather, error) {
    response, err := http.Get(p.url)
    if err != nil {
        return weather.Weather{}, err
    defer response.Body.Close()

    if response.StatusCode >= 500 {
        // The METAR server occasionally times out and throws 5xx
        // errors. Don't treat these as an error - just keep using
        // the last weather report, and try again later.
        return p.lastWeather, nil
    } else if response.StatusCode != 200 {
        err = fmt.Errorf("Could not fetch METAR: %s", response.Status)
        return weather.Weather{}, err

    var resp addsResponse
    err = xml.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&resp)
    if err != nil {
        return weather.Weather{}, err

    if len(resp.Metars) != 1 {
        err = fmt.Errorf("Expected one METAR in response body, got %d", len(resp.Metars))
        return weather.Weather{}, err

    m := resp.Metars[0]

    updated, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, m.ObservationTime)
    if err != nil {
        return weather.Weather{}, err

    w := weather.Weather{
        Location:    m.StationID,
        Condition:   m.getCondition(),
        Description: m.encodeMetar(p.stripRemarks, p.includeFlightCat),
        Temperature: unit.FromCelsius(m.Temperature),
        Humidity:    relativeHumidity(m.Temperature, m.Dewpoint),
        Pressure:    m.getBarometricPressure(),
        Wind: weather.Wind{
            Speed:     unit.Speed(float64(m.WindSpeed)) * unit.Knot,
            Direction: weather.Direction(m.WindDirection),
        CloudCover:  m.getCloudCover(),
        Updated:     updated,
        Attribution: "NWS",
    p.lastWeather = w
    return w, nil