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package p2p

import (


    libp2p "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p"
    crypto "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/crypto"
    peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peer"
    discovery "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-discovery"
    dht "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht"
    pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
    libp2pConfig "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/config"
    ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"

const networkID = "/sprawl/"

// P2p stores all things required to converse with other peers in the Sprawl network and save data locally
type P2p struct {
    Config           interfaces.Config
    privateKey       crypto.PrivKey
    publicKey        crypto.PubKey
    ps               *pubsub.PubSub
    ctx              context.Context
    host             host.Host
    kademliaDHT      *dht.IpfsDHT
    routingDiscovery *discovery.RoutingDiscovery
    peerChan         <-chan peer.AddrInfo
    input            chan pb.WireMessage
    subscriptions    map[string]context.CancelFunc
    subLock          sync.RWMutex
    streams          map[string]*Stream
    streamLock       sync.RWMutex
    Logger           interfaces.Logger
    storage          interfaces.Storage
    Receiver         interfaces.Receiver

// NewP2p returns a P2p struct with an input channel
func NewP2p(config interfaces.Config, privateKey crypto.PrivKey, publicKey crypto.PubKey, opts ...Option) (p2p *P2p) {
    p2p = &P2p{
        ctx:           context.Background(),
        Config:        config,
        privateKey:    privateKey,
        publicKey:     publicKey,
        input:         make(chan pb.WireMessage),
        subscriptions: make(map[string]context.CancelFunc),
        streams:       make(map[string]*Stream),

    for _, opt := range opts {
        err := opt(p2p)
        if err != nil {
            return nil

    if p2p.Logger == nil {
        p2p.Logger = new(util.PlaceholderLogger)

    return p2p

// AddReceiver registers a data receiver function with p2p
func (p2p *P2p) AddReceiver(receiver interfaces.Receiver) {
    p2p.Receiver = receiver

// InitHost creates a libp2p host with given options
func (p2p *P2p) InitHost(options ...libp2pConfig.Option) {
    var err error

    // Construct the libp2p host with options
    p2p.host, err = libp2p.New(

    // Set stream handler for libp2p host
    p2p.host.SetStreamHandler(networkID, p2p.handleStream)

    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
        p2p.Logger.Error(errors.E(errors.Op("Creating host"), err))

    err = p2p.kademliaDHT.Bootstrap(p2p.ctx)

    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
        p2p.Logger.Error(errors.E(errors.Op("Constructing DHT"), err))

// GetHostIDString returns the underlying libp2p host's peer.ID as a string
func (p2p *P2p) GetHostIDString() string {
    return p2p.host.ID().String()

// GetHostID returns the underlying libp2p host's peer.ID
func (p2p *P2p) GetHostID() peer.ID {
    return p2p.host.ID()

// GetAddrInfo uses p2p.ConstructAddrInfo to get this peer's own AddrInfo
func (p2p *P2p) GetAddrInfo() peer.AddrInfo {
    return p2p.ConstructAddrInfo(p2p.GetHostID(), p2p.host.Addrs())

// ConstructAddrInfo is used to construct peer.AddrInfo especially in tests
func (p2p *P2p) ConstructAddrInfo(id peer.ID, addrs []ma.Multiaddr) peer.AddrInfo {
    return peer.AddrInfo{ID: id, Addrs: addrs}

func (p2p *P2p) initPubSub() {
    var err error
    p2p.ps, err = pubsub.NewGossipSub(p2p.ctx, p2p.host)
    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {

func (p2p *P2p) connectToNetwork() {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    p2p.Logger.Info("Connecting to bootstrap peers")
    for _, peerAddr := range p2p.defaultBootstrapPeers() {
        // Parse URLs from each bootstrap peer
        peerinfo, err := peer.AddrInfoFromP2pAddr(peerAddr)
        if err != nil {
            p2p.Logger.Errorf("Bootstrap peer multiaddress %s is invalid: %s", peerAddr, err)
        } else {
            // Connect to the peer synchronically if the URL is correct
            go func() {
                defer wg.Done()
                if err := p2p.host.Connect(p2p.ctx, *peerinfo); !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
                    p2p.Logger.Debugf("Error connecting to bootstrap peer %s", err)
                } else {
                    p2p.Logger.Debugf("Successfully connected to bootstrap peer %s", peerinfo)


func (p2p *P2p) startDiscovery() {
    // Add Kademlia routing discovery
    p2p.routingDiscovery = discovery.NewRoutingDiscovery(p2p.kademliaDHT)

    // Start the advertiser service
    discovery.Advertise(p2p.ctx, p2p.routingDiscovery, networkID)

    var err error
    // Ingest newly found peers into p2p.peerChan
    p2p.peerChan, err = p2p.routingDiscovery.FindPeers(p2p.ctx, networkID)

    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
        p2p.Logger.Error(errors.E(errors.Op("Find peers"), err))

func (p2p *P2p) listenForPeers() {
    p2p.Logger.Infof("This node's ID: %s\n", p2p.host.ID())
    p2p.Logger.Infof("Listening to the following addresses: %s\n", p2p.host.Addrs())
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    go func(ctx context.Context) {
        for peer := range p2p.peerChan {
            if peer.ID == p2p.host.ID() {
                p2p.Logger.Debug("Found yourself!")
            p2p.Logger.Infof("Found a new peer: %s\n", peer.ID)

            // Waits on each peerInfo until they are connected or the connection failed
            go func(ctx context.Context) {
                defer wg.Done()
                if err := p2p.host.Connect(ctx, peer); !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
                    p2p.Logger.Error(errors.E(errors.Op("Connect"), err))
                } else {
                    p2p.Logger.Infof("Connected to: %s\n", peer)

// handleInput takes in any local input, marshals it to Protobuf bytes and publishes it
func (p2p *P2p) handleInput(message *pb.WireMessage) {
    buf, err := proto.Marshal(message)
    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
        p2p.Logger.Error(errors.E(errors.Op("Marshal proto"), err))
    p2p.Logger.Debugf("Publishing to topic %s!", string(message.GetChannelID()))
    err = p2p.ps.Publish(string(message.GetChannelID()), buf)
    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
        p2p.Logger.Error(errors.E(errors.Op("Marshal proto"), fmt.Sprintf("%v, message data: %s", err.Error(), message.Data)))

// listenForInput pushes new items in channel p2p.input to p2p.handleInput
func (p2p *P2p) listenForInput() {
    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case message := <-p2p.input:

// Send queues a message for sending to other peers
func (p2p *P2p) Send(message *pb.WireMessage) {
    go func(ctx context.Context) {
        p2p.input <- *message

// GetAllPeers returns all peers that we are currently connected to
func (p2p *P2p) GetAllPeers() []peer.ID {
    return p2p.host.Network().Peers()

// BlacklistPeer blacklists a peer from connecting to this node
func (p2p *P2p) BlacklistPeer(pbPeer *pb.Peer) {
    peer, _ := peer.IDFromString(pbPeer.GetId())

// Subscribe subscribes to a libp2p pubsub channel defined with "channel"
func (p2p *P2p) Subscribe(channel *pb.Channel) (context.Context, error) {
    var sub *pubsub.Subscription

    p2p.Logger.Infof("Subscribing to channel %s with options: %s", channel.GetId(), channel.GetOptions())

    topic, err := p2p.ps.Join(string(channel.GetId()))
    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
        return nil, errors.E(errors.Op("Join libp2p Topic"), err)

    sub, err = topic.Subscribe()
    if !errors.IsEmpty(err) {
        return nil, errors.E(errors.Op("Subscribe to libp2p Topic"), err)

    subCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    p2p.subscriptions[string(channel.GetId())] = cancel

    // Listen for new data
    p2p.listenToChannel(subCtx, sub, channel)

    p2p.requestSync(subCtx, sub.Topic(), topic)

    go func(ctx context.Context) {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():

            delete(p2p.subscriptions, string(channel.GetId()))

            p2p.Logger.Debugf("Left channel %s, remaining channels %s", string(channel.GetId()), p2p.subscriptions)


    return subCtx, nil

// Unsubscribe sends a quit signal to a channel goroutine
func (p2p *P2p) Unsubscribe(channel *pb.Channel) {

// Run runs the p2p network
func (p2p *P2p) Run() {
    // Initialize the p2p host with options

    // Connect to Sprawl & IPFS main nodes for peer discovery

    // Start finding peers on the network

    // Start PubSub

    // Listen for local and network input

    // Continuously connect to other Sprawl peers

// Close closes the underlying libp2p host
func (p2p *P2p) Close() {
    p2p.Logger.Debug("P2P shutting down")