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namespace Squirrel\Entities;

use Squirrel\Debug\Debug;
use Squirrel\Queries\Builder\BuilderInterface;
use Squirrel\Queries\DBException;
use Squirrel\Queries\DBInterface;
use Squirrel\Queries\Exception\DBInvalidOptionException;
use Squirrel\Queries\LargeObject;
use Squirrel\Types\Coerce;

 * Repository functionality: Get data from one table
class RepositoryReadOnly implements RepositoryReadOnlyInterface
    protected array $tableToObjectFields = [];
    protected array $objectToTableFields = [];
    protected array $objectTypes = [];
    protected array $objectTypesNullable = [];

     * Reflection on our object class, so we can set private/protected class properties and
     * circumvent the object constructor
     * @var \ReflectionClass<object>|null
    protected ?\ReflectionClass $reflectionClass;

     * @var \ReflectionProperty[]
    protected array $reflectionProperties = [];

    public function __construct(
        protected DBInterface $db,
        protected RepositoryConfigInterface $config,
    ) {
        $this->tableToObjectFields = $config->getTableToObjectFields();
        $this->objectToTableFields = $config->getObjectToTableFields();
        $this->objectTypes = $config->getObjectTypes();
        $this->objectTypesNullable = $config->getObjectTypesNullable();

    public function count(array $query): int
        // Basic query counting the rows
        $sanitizedQuery = [
            'table' => $this->config->getTableName(),
            'fields' => [
                'num' => 'COUNT(*)',

        // Make sure lock is valid and only added if set to true
        if ($this->booleanSettingValidation($query['lock'] ?? false, 'lock') === true) {
            $sanitizedQuery['lock'] = true;

        // Add WHERE restrictions
        if (isset($query['where']) && \count($query['where']) > 0) {
            $sanitizedQuery['where'] = $this->preprocessWhere($query['where']);

        try {
            $count = $this->db->fetchOne($sanitizedQuery);
        } catch (DBException $e) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
                previousException: $e->getPrevious(),

        // Return count as int
        return \intval($count['num'] ?? 0);

    public function select(array $query): RepositorySelectQueryInterface
        // Process options and make sure all values are valid
        $sanitizedQuery = $this->prepareSelectQueryForLowerLayer($this->validateQueryOptions([
            'where' => [],
            'order' => [],
            'limit' => 0,
            'offset' => 0,
            'fields' => [],
            'lock' => false,
        ], $query));

        try {
            return new RepositorySelectQuery($this->db->select($sanitizedQuery), $this->config);
        } catch (DBException $e) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
                previousException: $e->getPrevious(),

    public function fetch(RepositorySelectQueryInterface $selectQuery): ?object
        // Make sure the same repository configuration is used

        try {
            $result = $this->db->fetch($selectQuery->getQuery());
            return ( $result === null ? null : $this->convertResultToObject($result) );
        } catch (DBException $e) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
                previousException: $e->getPrevious(),

    public function clear(RepositorySelectQueryInterface $selectQuery): void
        // Make sure the same repository configuration is used

        try {
        } catch (DBException $e) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
                previousException: $e->getPrevious(),

    public function fetchOne(array $query): ?object
        if (isset($query['limit']) && $query['limit'] !== 1) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                'Row limit cannot be set for fetchOne query: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($query),
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

        $query['limit'] = 1;

        // Use our internal functions to not repeat ourselves
        $selectQuery = $this->select($query);
        $result = $this->fetch($selectQuery);

        // Return the result object
        return $result;

    public function fetchAll(array $query): array
        // Process options and make sure all values are valid
        $sanitizedQuery = $this->prepareSelectQueryForLowerLayer($this->validateQueryOptions([
            'where' => [],
            'order' => [],
            'limit' => 0,
            'offset' => 0,
            'fields' => [],
            'lock' => false,
        ], $query));

        try {
            // Get all the data from the database
            $tableResults = $this->db->fetchAll($sanitizedQuery);
        } catch (DBException $e) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
                previousException: $e->getPrevious(),

        return \array_map([$this, 'convertResultToObject'], $tableResults);

    public function fetchAllAndFlatten(array $query): array
        // Process options and make sure all values are valid
        $sanitizedQuery = $this->prepareSelectQueryForLowerLayer($this->validateQueryOptions([
            'where' => [],
            'order' => [],
            'limit' => 0,
            'offset' => 0,
            'fields' => [],
            'lock' => false,
        ], $query));

        try {
            // Get all the data from the database
            $tableResults = $this->db->fetchAll($sanitizedQuery);
        } catch (DBException $e) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
                previousException: $e->getPrevious(),

        return $this->convertResultsToFlattenedResults($tableResults);

     * @param array<string,mixed> $validOptions
     * @param array<string,mixed> $options
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    protected function validateQueryOptions(array $validOptions, array $options): array
        // One field shortcut - convert to fields array
        if (isset($validOptions['fields']) && isset($options['field']) && !isset($options['fields'])) {
            $options['fields'] = [$options['field']];

        // Copy over the default valid options as a starting point for our options
        $sanitizedOptions = $validOptions;

        // Go through the defined options
        foreach ($options as $optKey => $optVal) {
            // Defined option is not in the list of valid options
            if (!isset($validOptions[$optKey])) {
                throw Debug::createException(
                    'Unknown option key ' . Debug::sanitizeData($optKey),
                    ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

            // Make sure the variable type for the defined option is valid
            switch ($optKey) {
                // These are checked & converted by SQL component
                case 'limit':
                case 'offset':
                case 'lock':
                    if (!\is_array($optVal)) {
                        throw Debug::createException(
                            'Option key ' . Debug::sanitizeData($optKey) .
                            ' had a non-array value: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($optVal),
                            ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

            $sanitizedOptions[$optKey] = $optVal;

        // Return all processed options and object-to-table information
        return $sanitizedOptions;

     * @param array<string,mixed> $query
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    private function prepareSelectQueryForLowerLayer(array $query): array
        // Set the table variable for SQL component
        $query['table'] = $this->config->getTableName();

        // Field names were restricted
        if (\count($query['fields']) > 0) {
            // Go through all provided field names
            foreach ($query['fields'] as $key => $fieldName) {
                // If we do not know a field name this is super bad
                if (!\is_string($fieldName)) {
                    throw Debug::createException(
                        'Field name is not a string: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($fieldName),
                        ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

                // Convert the name
                $query['fields'][$key] = $this->convertNameToTable($fieldName);

            $query['fields'] = \array_values($query['fields']);
        } else { // Remove fields if none were defined

        // There are WHERE restrictions
        if (\count($query['where']) > 0) {
            $query['where'] = $this->preprocessWhere($query['where']);
        } else {

        // Order part of the query was defined
        if (\count($query['order']) > 0) {
            $query['order'] = $this->preprocessOrder($query['order']);
        } else {

        // No limit - remove it from options
        if ($query['limit'] === 0) {

        // No offset - remove it from options
        if ($query['offset'] === 0) {

        // No lock - remove it from options
        if ($query['lock'] === false) {

        return $query;

    private function booleanSettingValidation(mixed $shouldBeBoolean, string $settingName): bool
        // Make sure the setting is a boolean or at least an integer which can be clearly interpreted as boolean
        if (
            && $shouldBeBoolean !== 1
            && $shouldBeBoolean !== 0
        ) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                $settingName . ' set to a non-boolean value: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($shouldBeBoolean),
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

        return \boolval($shouldBeBoolean);

    private function compareRepositoryConfigMustBeEqual(RepositoryConfigInterface $config): void
        if ($config !== $this->config) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                'Different repository used to fetch result than to do the query!',
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

     * @param array<string,mixed> $tableResult
    private function convertResultToObject(array $tableResult): object
        // Only create reflection class once we need it, to be resource efficient
        if (!isset($this->reflectionClass)) {
             * @psalm-var class-string $objectClass
            $objectClass = $this->config->getObjectClass();

            $this->reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($objectClass);

        // Initialize object without constructor
        $useableObject = $this->reflectionClass->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();

        // Go through all table
        foreach ($tableResult as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
            // We ignore unknown table fields
            if (!isset($this->tableToObjectFields[$fieldName])) {

            // Get object key
            $objKey = $this->tableToObjectFields[$fieldName];

            // Get reflection property, make is accessible to reflection and cache it
            if (!isset($this->reflectionProperties[$objKey])) {
                $this->reflectionProperties[$objKey] = $this->reflectionClass->getProperty($objKey);

            // Set the property via reflection
                // Set new value for our current object
                    // Cast the new value to the correct type (string, int, float, bool)
                    $this->castObjVariable($fieldValue, $this->tableToObjectFields[$fieldName]),

        return $useableObject;

     * @param array<int,mixed> $tableResults
     * @return array<int,bool|int|float|string|null>
    private function convertResultsToFlattenedResults(array $tableResults): array
        $list = [];

        // Go through table results
        foreach ($tableResults as $objIndex => $tableObject) {
            // Go through all table fields
            foreach ($tableObject as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                $list[] = $this->castObjVariable($fieldValue, $this->tableToObjectFields[$fieldName]);

        return $list;

     * Prepare the WHERE clauses for SQL component
     * @param array<int|string,mixed> $where
     * @return array<int|string,mixed>
     * @throws DBInvalidOptionException
    protected function preprocessWhere(array $where): array
        // SQL restrictions as an array
        $whereProcessed = [];

        // Go through all where clauses
        foreach ($where as $whereName => $whereValue) {
            // Switch name and values if necessary
            if (\is_int($whereName)) {
                $whereName = $whereValue;
                $whereValue = [];

            // Make sure we have a valid field name
            if (!\is_string($whereName)) {
                throw Debug::createException(
                    'Invalid "where" definition, expression is not a string: ' .
                    ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

            // Key contains a colon, meaning this is a string query part
            if (\strpos($whereName, ':') !== false) {
                // Cast variable values
                $whereValue = $this->castTableVariable($whereValue);

                // Convert all :variable values from object to table notation
                $whereName = $this->convertNamesToTableInString($whereName);

                // Variables still exist which were not resolved
                if (\strpos($whereName, ':') !== false) {
                    throw Debug::createException(
                        'Unresolved colons in "where" clause: ' .
                        ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
            } else { // Key is a string, meaning normal field - value entry
                // Cast variable values
                $whereValue = $this->castTableVariable($whereValue, $whereName);

                // Convert where field name
                $whereName = $this->convertNameToTable($whereName);

            // Add the where definition to the processed list
            if (\is_array($whereValue) && \count($whereValue) === 0) {
                $whereProcessed[] = $whereName;
            } else {
                $whereProcessed[$whereName] = $whereValue;

        // Returned generated SQL and the new where values
        return $whereProcessed;

     * Cast an object variable (array or scalar) to the correct type for a SQL query
     * @return int|float|string|LargeObject|array<int|string,mixed>|null
     * @throws DBInvalidOptionException
    protected function castTableVariable(mixed $value, ?string $fieldName = null): int|float|string|LargeObject|array|null
        // Array - go through elements and cast them
        if (\is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $key => $valueSub) {
                $value[$key] = $this->castOneTableVariable($valueSub, $fieldName);
        } else { // Single scalar value - cast it
            $value = $this->castOneTableVariable($value, $fieldName);

        return $value;

     * Cast an object variable (only single scalar) to the correct type for a SQL query
     * @throws DBInvalidOptionException
    protected function castOneTableVariable(mixed $value, ?string $fieldName = null, bool $isChange = false): int|float|string|LargeObject|null
        // Only scalar values and null are allowed
        if (!\is_null($value) && !\is_scalar($value)) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                'Invalid value for field name: ' .
                Debug::sanitizeData($fieldName) . ' => ' . Debug::sanitizeData($value),
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

        // If we are "blind" to the exact field name we just make sure boolean
        // values are converted to int
        // This case only occurs with "freeform" query parts where there can be multiple variables
        // involved and we do not really know which, so we cannot help the user by type casting, the
        // user is on his own
        if (!isset($fieldName)) {
            if (\is_bool($value)) {
                $value = $value === true ? 1 : 0;

             * @var int|float|string|null $value No boolean is possible because we just typecast it above
            return $value;

        // Make sure we know the used field name
        if (!isset($this->objectTypes[$fieldName])) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                'Unknown field name: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($fieldName),
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

        // Check for null value and if it is allowed for this field name
        if (\is_null($value)) {
            // Not allowed
            if ($this->objectTypesNullable[$fieldName] !== true) {
                throw Debug::createException(
                    'NULL value for non-nullable field name: ' .
                    ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

            return $value;

        try {
            // We know the field type - only basic types allowed
            switch ($this->objectTypes[$fieldName]) {
                case 'int':
                    return Coerce::toInt($value);
                case 'bool':
                    return Coerce::toBool($value) === true ? 1 : 0;
                case 'float':
                    return Coerce::toFloat($value);
                case 'string':
                    return Coerce::toString($value);
        } catch (\TypeError $e) {
            \trigger_error('Wrong type for ' . $fieldName . ' in query for table ' . $this->config->getTableName() . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_DEPRECATED);

            switch ($this->objectTypes[$fieldName]) {
                case 'int':
                    return \intval($value);
                case 'bool':
                    return \boolval($value) === true ? 1 : 0;
                case 'float':
                    return \floatval($value);
                case 'string':
                    return \strval($value);

        // Blob = binary large object
        if ($this->objectTypes[$fieldName] === 'blob') {
            // Large object are used for update and insert
            if ($isChange === true) {
                return new LargeObject(\strval($value));

            // We let this escalate to an exception because blobs should not be used in WHERE clauses
            // or similar expressions - they are considered something to access and write, but not query,
            // except for NULL if a blob is nullable

        // Always throw an exception we if hit unchartered territory
        throw Debug::createException(
            'Unknown casting for object variable: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($fieldName),
            ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

     * Convert :name: notations in strings from object to table notation
     * @param string $expression
     * @return string
    protected function convertNamesToTableInString(string $expression): string
        // Convert all :variable: values from object to table notation
        foreach ($this->objectToTableFields as $objectName => $tableName) {
            $expression = \str_replace(':' . $objectName . ':', $this->db->quoteIdentifier($tableName), $expression);

        return $expression;

     * Convert field name to the table name
     * @param string $fieldName
     * @return string
     * @throws DBInvalidOptionException
    protected function convertNameToTable(string $fieldName): string
        // If we do not know a field name this is super bad
        if (!isset($this->objectToTableFields[$fieldName])) {
            throw Debug::createException(
                'Unknown field name: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($fieldName),
                ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

        return $this->objectToTableFields[$fieldName];

     * Prepare the ORDER BY clauses for SQL component
     * @param array<int|string,mixed> $orderOptions
     * @return array<int|string,mixed>
     * @throws DBInvalidOptionException
    protected function preprocessOrder(array $orderOptions): array
        // Order SQL parts
        $orderProcessed = [];

        // Go through all order contraints and apply them
        foreach ($orderOptions as $expression => $direction) {
            // Key is a number, so we need to switch fieldName and set a default direction
            if (\is_int($expression)) {
                $expression = $direction;
                $direction = null;

            // Make sure we have a valid fieldname
            if (!\is_string($expression)) {
                throw Debug::createException(
                    'Invalid "order" / order by definition, expression is not a string: ' .
                    ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],

            // Wether variable was found or not
            $variableFound = (\strpos($expression, ':') !== false);

            // Expression contains not just the field name
            if (
                $variableFound === true
                || \strpos($expression, ' ') !== false
                || \strpos($expression, '(') !== false
                || \strpos($expression, ')') !== false
            ) {
                if ($variableFound === true) {
                    // Convert all :variable: values from object to table notation
                    $expression = $this->convertNamesToTableInString($expression);

                    // Variables still exist which were not resolved
                    if (\strpos($expression, ':') !== false) {
                        throw Debug::createException(
                            'Unresolved colons in "order" / order by clause: ' .
                            ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
            } else { // Expression is just a field name
                $expression = $this->convertNameToTable($expression);

            // Add order entry to processed list
            if ($direction === null) {
                $orderProcessed[] = $expression;
            } else {
                $orderProcessed[$expression] = $direction;

        return $orderProcessed;

     * Cast an object variable to the correct type for use in an object
     * @throws DBInvalidOptionException
    protected function castObjVariable(mixed $value, string $fieldName): bool|int|float|string|null
        // Field is null and can be null according to config
        if (\is_null($value) && $this->objectTypesNullable[$fieldName] === true) {
            return $value;

        try {
            return match ($this->objectTypes[$fieldName]) {
                'int' => Coerce::toInt($value),
                'bool' => Coerce::toBool($value),
                'float' => Coerce::toFloat($value),
                'string', 'blob' => Coerce::toString($value),
                default => throw Debug::createException(
                    'Unknown casting for object variable: ' . Debug::sanitizeData($fieldName),
                    ignoreClasses: [RepositoryReadOnlyInterface::class, BuilderInterface::class],
        } catch (\TypeError $e) {
            \trigger_error('Wrong type for ' . $fieldName . ' in result for table ' . $this->config->getTableName() . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_DEPRECATED);

            return match ($this->objectTypes[$fieldName]) {
                'int' => \intval($value),
                'bool' => \boolval($value),
                'float' => \floatval($value),
                'string', 'blob' => \strval($value),