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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Squirrly SEO Plugin v1.0.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-26 10:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-06 14:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Squirrly <contact@squirrly.co>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: de_DE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: squirrly.php:44
msgid ""
"For Squirrly to work, the PHP version has to be equal or greater then 5.1"
msgstr ""
"Damit Squirrly funktioniert, muss die PHP-Version gleich oder größer als 5.1 "

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Error.php:17
msgid ""
"Function get_class does not exists! Is required for Squirrly to work "
msgstr ""
"Funktion Get_class ist nicht vorhanden! Ist erforderlich für Squirrly um "
"richtig zu arbeiten."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Error.php:20
msgid ""
"Function file_exists does not exists! Is required for Squirrly to work "
msgstr ""
"Funktion File_exists ist nicht vorhanden! Ist erforderlich für Squirrly um "
"richtig zu arbeiten."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Error.php:24
msgid "The home directory is not set!"
msgstr "Das Home-Verzeichnis wurde nicht gesetzt!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Error.php:28
msgid "The PHP version has to be greater then 4.0"
msgstr "Die PHP-Version muß größer als 4.0 sein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Error.php:65
msgid "Turn off warnings!"
msgstr "Warnungen ausschalten!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Error.php:66
msgid "Notice: "
msgstr "Hinweis: "

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Error.php:70
msgid "Note: "
msgstr "Notiz: "

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:198
msgid "Fix it for me!"
msgstr "Beheben Sie es für mich!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:204
msgid "Let Squirrly optimize your SEO automatically (recommended)"
msgstr "Lassen Sie Squirrly Ihr SEO automatisch optimieren (empfohlen)"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:211
msgid "You're blocking google from indexing your site!"
msgstr "Sie blockieren Google zum Indizieren Ihrer Website!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:217
msgid ""
"It is highly recommended that you include the %postname% variable in the "
"permalink structure."
msgstr ""
"Es wird stark empfohlen, dass Sie die %postname% Variable in der Permalink-"
"Struktur einschließen."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: controllers/SQ_Post.php:15
msgid "For Squirrly to work, you have to have tinymce installed!"
msgstr "Damit Squirrly arbeiten kann, müssen Sie tinymce installiert haben!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: controllers/SQ_Post.php:178
msgid "Plugin Feedback"
msgstr "Plugin Feedback"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: controllers/SQ_Post.php:214
msgid "Thank you for your feedback"
msgstr "Vielen Dank für Ihre Feedback"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: controllers/SQ_Post.php:216 controllers/SQ_Post.php:250
msgid "Could not send the email..."
msgstr "Konnte E-Mail nicht senden ..."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: controllers/SQ_Post.php:219 controllers/SQ_Post.php:253
msgid "No message."
msgstr "Keine Nachricht."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: controllers/SQ_Post.php:237
msgid "Plugin Support"
msgstr "Plugin Support"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: controllers/SQ_Post.php:248
msgid "Message sent..."
msgstr "Nachricht gesendet ..."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:59
#, php-format
msgid ""
"We found your email, so it means you already have a Squirrly.co account. "
"Please login with your Squirrly Email. If you forgot your password click "
msgstr ""
"Ihre E-Mail Adresse ist bereits bei Squirrly.co registriert. Bitte loggen "
"Sie sich mit Ihrer Squirrly-ID ein. Falls Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen haben, "
"klicken Sie %shier%s"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:63
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:104
msgid "An error occured."
msgstr "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:67
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Could not send your informations to squirrly. Please register %smanually%s."
msgstr ""
"Konnte Ihre Informationen nicht zu Squirrly senden. Bitte registrieren "

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:97
msgid "Wrong email or password!"
msgstr "Benutzername oder Passwort falsch!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:100
msgid "You can use this account only for the URL you registered first!"
msgstr ""
"Dieses Konto können Sie nur für die URL benutzen, die Sie zuerst registriert "

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:106
msgid "Both fields are required."
msgstr "Beide Felder sind Pflichtfelder."

#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Recent discussions:"
msgstr "Bisherige Diskussionen:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Exact search:"
msgstr "Exakte Suche:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Competition:"
msgstr "Wettbewerb:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Trend:"
msgstr "Trend:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "date"
msgstr "Datum"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Read it!"
msgstr "Lesen!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Insert it!"
msgstr "Einfügen!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referenz"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Insert as box"
msgstr "Als Box einfügen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Not relevant?"
msgstr "Nicht relevant?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Insert in your article"
msgstr "In Artikel einfügen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "For Squirrly to work, you have to have tinymce editor installed!"
msgstr "Damit Squirrly arbeitet, muss tinymce installiert sein!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid ":( I lost my squirrel. Please reload the page."
msgstr ":( Ich verlor meine Eichhörnchen. Laden Sie die Seite erneut."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "No results found!"
msgstr "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Switch to Visual editor!"
msgstr "Zum Visual Editor wechseln !"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Use more words in one keyword"
msgstr "Verwenden Sie mehrere Wörter in einem Schlüsselwort"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Takes too long to check this keyword ..."
msgstr "Dauert zu lange, um dieses Schlüsselwort zu überprüfen ..."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Do a research!"
msgstr "Erweiterte Suche!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:50
msgid "Do more research!"
msgstr "Erweiterte Suche!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Loading/SQ_Loading.php:25
msgid ""
"For Squirrly to work properly you have to use a higher version of Internet "
"Explorer. <br /> We recommend you to use Chrome or Mozilla."
msgstr ""
"Damit Squirrly ordnungsgemäß funktioniert, müssen Sie eine höhere Version "
"von Internet Explorer verwenden. <br /> Wir empfehlen, Chrome oder Mozilla."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: core/SQ_Loading/SQ_Loading.php:27
msgid "The system is acting Squirrly. I can not find the link to the server."
msgstr "Kann den Link auf den Server nicht finden."

#: core/SQ_Loading/SQ_Loading.php:35
msgid ""
"You haven`t used Squirrly SEO to optimize your article. Do you want to "
"optimize for a keyword before publishing?"
msgstr ""
"You haven`t used Squirrly SEO to optimize your article. Do you want to "
"optimize for a keyword before publishing?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:108
msgid "The code for Google Webmaster Tool is incorrect."
msgstr "Der Code für Google Webmaster Tool ist falsch."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:135
msgid "The code for Google Analytics is incorrect."
msgstr "Der Code für Google Analytics ist falsch."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:163
msgid "The code for Facebook is incorrect."
msgstr "Der Code für Facebook ist falsch."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:188
msgid "The code for Bing is incorrect."
msgstr "Der Code für Bing ist falsch."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:221
msgid "File type error: Only JPEG, JPG, GIF or PNG files are allowed."
msgstr "Dateityp Fehler: Nur JPEG, JPG, GIF oder PNG-Dateien sind erlaubt."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:234
msgid "GD error: The GD library must be installed on your server."
msgstr "GD Fehler: Die GD-Bibliothek muss auf dem Server installiert werden."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:241
msgid "Delete error: Could not delete the old favicon."
msgstr "Lösch Fehler: Konnte das alte Favicon nicht löschen."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:248
msgid "Upload error: Could not upload the favicon."
msgstr "Upload Fehler: Konnte das Favicon nicht hochladen."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:254
msgid "Permission error: Could not change the favicon permissions."
msgstr "Permission Fehler: Konnte Favicon-Berechtigungen nicht ändern."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:280
msgid ""
"ICO Error: Could not create the ICO from file. Try with another file type."
msgstr ""
"ICO Fehler: konnte ICO aus der Datei nicht erstellen. Versuchen Sie es mit "
"einem anderen Dateityp."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: models/SQ_Menu.php:283
msgid "The favicon has been updated."
msgstr "Das Favicon wurde aktualisiert."

# @ default
#: models/SQ_Post.php:71
msgid "Squirrly could not find any results for: "
msgstr "Squirly hat keine Suchergebnisse gefunden für:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:2
msgid "Squirrly.co Login"
msgstr "Squirrly.co Login"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:9
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Ihre E-Mail Adresse:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:10
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:11
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:12
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrieren"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:12
msgid "Register to Squirrly.co"
msgstr "Bei Squirrly.co registrieren"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:13
msgid "Lost password?"
msgstr "Passwort vergessen?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:13
msgid "Lost password"
msgstr "Passwort vergessen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:17
msgid "Enter your email"
msgstr "In Artikel einfügen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:18
msgid "Your E-mail:"
msgstr "Ihre E-Mail Adresse:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:19
msgid "Sign Up"
msgstr "Anmelden"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:20
msgid "This email connects you to Squirrly.co"
msgstr "This email connects you to Squirrly.co"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:29
msgid "The email address is invalid!"
msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:30
msgid "Click on Sign Up button and try again ..."
msgstr "Klicken Sie auf das Bild und versuchen Sie es erneut ..."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:31
msgid "An error occured while logging in!"
msgstr "Bei der Anmeldung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:32
msgid "Connecting ..."
msgstr "Verbinden ..."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:2
msgid "Squirrly Keyword Research"
msgstr "Squirrly Erweiterte Suche!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:3
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Löschen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:9
msgid "Keyword:"
msgstr "Schlüsselwort:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:11 themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:23
msgid "Use this keyword"
msgstr "Dieses Schlüsselwort verwenden"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:20
msgid "+ Add keyword"
msgstr "Fügen Sie ein anderes Schlüsselwort ein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:21
msgid "Do the research"
msgstr "Recherchieren"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:24
msgid "Enter even more keywords."
msgstr "Geben Sie noch mehrere Schlüsselwörter ein."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:25
msgid "Let some keywords for the next time as well!"
msgstr "Lassen Sie ein paar Schlüsselwörter auch für das nächste Mal!"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:3
msgid "Optimize for Keyword"
msgstr "Schlüsselwort optimieren"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:10
msgid "Enter a keyword"
msgstr "Ein Schlüsselwort eingeben"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:10
msgid "for Squirrly Live SEO optimization"
msgstr "Live-SEO-Optimierung für Squirrly"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:22
msgid "Do a research"
msgstr "Recherchieren"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:27
msgid "Enter a keyword above!"
msgstr "Geben Sie oben ein Schlüsselwort ein!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:28
msgid "I have more then one keyword!"
msgstr "Ich habe mehr als ein Schlüsselwort!"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:34
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:35
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr "Twitter"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:36
msgid "Wiki"
msgstr "Wiki"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:37
msgid "News"
msgstr "News"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:38
msgid "Blogs"
msgstr "Blogs"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:39
msgid "My articles"
msgstr "Meine Artikel"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:44
msgid "Show only Copyright Free images"
msgstr "Nur urheberrechtfreie Bilder zeigen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Blockseo.php:3
msgid "Squirrly LIVE SEO assistant"
msgstr "Squirrly LIVE SEO-Assistent"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:5
msgid ""
"With Squirrly SEO, your Wordpress will get Perfect SEO on each article you "
msgstr ""
"Mit Squirrly SEO wird jeder Ihrer Wordpress Artikel eine perfekte "
"Suchmaschinenoptimierung erhalten. "

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:7
msgid "SEO Software"
msgstr "SEO Software"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:7
msgid ""
"delivered as a plugin for Wordpress. <br /><br />We connect your wordpress "
"with Squirrly, so that we can find the best SEO opportunities, give you "
"reports and analyse your competitors."
msgstr ""
"geliefert als Plugin für Wordpress. <br /> <br /> Wir verbinden Ihr "
"Wordpress mit Squirrly, so dass wir die besten SEO-Möglichkeiten finden, "
"erstatten Ihnen Bericht und analysieren Ihre Konkurrenz."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:9
msgid "Write a new post with Squirrly"
msgstr "Schreiben Sie einen neuen Beitrag mit Squirrly"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:23
msgid "Squirrly settings"
msgstr "Squirrly Einstellungen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:23 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:170
msgid "Save settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen speichern"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:29
msgid " API"
msgstr " API"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:32
msgid "API Key:"
msgstr "API Key:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:38
msgid "Let Squirrly automatically optimize my blog"
msgstr "Lassen Sie Squirrly automatisch Ihren Blog optimieren"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:41 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:63
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:76 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:85
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:42 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:64
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:77 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:86
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:46
msgid "What does Squirrly automatically do for SEO?"
msgstr "Was tut Squirrly automatisch für SEO?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:47
msgid "adds the correct <strong>title</strong> in the home page"
msgstr "fügt den richtigen <strong>Titel</strong> in die Startseite ein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:48
msgid ""
"adds the correct <strong>description</strong> and <strong>keywords</strong> "
"in all pages"
msgstr ""
"fügt die richtige <strong>Beschreibung</strong> und <strong>Schlüsselwörter</"
"strong> auf allen Seiten ein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:49
msgid "adds <strong>canonical</strong> link in home page"
msgstr "fügt den richtigen <strong>canonical</strong> in die Startseite ein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:50
msgid "adds the <strong>XML Sitemap</strong> for search engines"
msgstr "fügt die <strong>XML Sitemap</strong> für Suchmaschinen ein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:51
msgid ""
"adds the required METAs for home page (<strong>icon, author, language, dc "
"publisher</strong>, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"fügt die erforderlichen METAs für die Startseite (<strong> icon, Autor, "
"Sprache, dc Verlag </strong>, etc.) ein"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:52
msgid ""
"adds the <strong>favicon</strong> and the <strong>icon for Apple devices</"
msgstr ""
"fügt das <strong>favicon</strong> und die <strong>icon für Apple-Geräte</"
"strong> ein."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:60
msgid "Let Squirrly warn me if there are errors related to SEO settings"
msgstr ""
"Squirrly warnen lassen, wenn es Fehler im Zusammenhang mit den SEO-"
"Einstellungen gibt"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:70
msgid "Squirrly Options"
msgstr "Squirrly Optionen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:73
msgid ""
"Show <strong>\"Enter a keyword\"</strong> bubble when posting a new article."
msgstr ""
"Zeige <strong>\"Enter a keyword\"</ strong> Bubble, bei einem neuen Artikel."

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:82
msgid ""
"Always show <strong>Keyword Informations</strong> about the selected keyword."
msgstr ""
"Always show <strong>Keyword Informations</strong> about the selected keyword."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:92
msgid "First page optimization (Title, Description, Keywords)"
msgstr " Optimierung der ersten Seite (Titel, Beschreibung, Schlüsselwörter)"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:93
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Status:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:93
msgid "automatically"
msgstr "automatisch"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:94
msgid "Change it >>"
msgstr "Ändern >>"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:97
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Titel:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:98
msgid "Tips: Length 10-70 chars"
msgstr "Tipp: Länge 10-70 Charaktere"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:101
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Beschreibung:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:102
msgid "Tips: Length 70-255 chars"
msgstr "Tipp: Länge 70-255 Charaktere"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:105
msgid "Keywords:"
msgstr "Schlüsselwörter:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:106
msgid "Tips: 2-4 keywords"
msgstr "Tipp: Länge 2-4 Schlüsselwörter"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:110
msgid "<< Leave it automatically"
msgstr "<< Lass es automatisch"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:122
msgid "Change the Website Icon"
msgstr "Ändern Sie das Website-Symbol"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:125
msgid "File types: JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG."
msgstr "Dateitypen: JPG, JPEG, GIF und PNG."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:128
msgid "Upload file:"
msgstr "Datei hochladen:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:133
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Hochladen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:137
msgid ""
"If you don't see the new icon in your browser, empty the browser cache and "
"refresh the page."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie das neue Icon nicht in Ihrem Browser sehen, leeren Sie den Browser-"
"Cache und aktualisieren Sie die Seite."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:141
msgid "Tool for Search Engines"
msgstr "Tool für Suchmaschinen"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:145
msgid "Google Plus URL:"
msgstr "Google Plus URL:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:149
#, php-format
msgid "Google META verification code for %sWebmaster Tool%s`:"
msgstr "Google META Bestätigungs-Code für %sWebmaster Tool%s`:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:153
#, php-format
msgid "Google  %sAnalytics ID%s`:"
msgstr "Google  %sAnalytics ID%s`:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:157
#, php-format
msgid "Facebook META code (for %sInsights%s )`:"
msgstr "Facebook META Code (für %sInsights%s )`:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:161
#, php-format
msgid "Bing META code (for %sWebmaster Tool%s )`:"
msgstr "Bing META Code (für %sWebmaster Tool%s )`:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:5
msgid "How was your Squirrly experience today?"
msgstr "Wie war Ihre Squirrly Erfahrung heute?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:12
msgid "How was Squirrly today?"
msgstr "Wie war Squirrly heute?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:25
msgid "Please tell us why?"
msgstr "Bitte sagen Sie uns, warum?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:28
msgid "Send feedback"
msgstr "Feedback senden"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:32 themes/default/SQ_Post.php:53
msgid "Go to:"
msgstr "Gehe zu:"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:32 themes/default/SQ_Post.php:53
msgid "support page"
msgstr "Support Page"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:37
msgid "Thank you! You can send us a happy face tomorow too."
msgstr "Danke! Sie können uns auch morgen ein fröhliches Gesicht senden."

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:43
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Support"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:46
msgid "Need Help with Squirrly SEO?"
msgstr "Brauchen Sie Hilfe mit Squirrly SEO?"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:50
msgid "Send Question"
msgstr "Senden Sie Ihre Frage"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:58
msgid "Go to Profile"
msgstr "Zum Profil"

# @ squirrly-seo
#: themes/default/SQ_Post.php:58
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"