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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: squirrly_seo\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-11 17:02+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-11 17:02+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Squirrly UK <contact@squirrly.co>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: d:\\pagini_net\\se_lucreaza\\squirrly\\wordpress\\wp-"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"

#: squirrly.php:45
msgid ""
"For Squirrly to work, the PHP version has to be equal or greater then 5.1"
msgstr "Versiunea PHP trebuie sa fie mai mare de 5.1"

#: classes/SQ_Error.php:20
msgid ""
"Function get_class does not exists! Is required for Squirrly to work "
msgstr ""
"Functia get_class nu exista! E necesara pentru a functiona corect pluginul "

#: classes/SQ_Error.php:23
msgid ""
"Function file_exists does not exists! Is required for Squirrly to work "
msgstr ""
"Functia file_exists nu exista! E necesara pentru a functiona corect pluginul "

#: classes/SQ_Error.php:27
msgid "The home directory is not set!"
msgstr "Directorul home nu este setat!"

#: classes/SQ_Error.php:31
msgid "The PHP version has to be greater then 4.0"
msgstr "Versiunea PHP trebuie sa fie mai mare de 4.0"

#: classes/SQ_Error.php:69
msgid "Turn off warnings!"
msgstr "Opreste avertizarile"

#: classes/SQ_Error.php:70
msgid "Notice: "
msgstr "Atentie:"

#: classes/SQ_Error.php:74
msgid "Note: "
msgstr "Atentie:"

#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:83 controllers/SQ_Menu.php:35
msgid "Getting started"
msgstr "Ajutor"

#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:425
msgid "Fix it for me!"
msgstr "Repara-l"

#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:431
msgid "Let Squirrly optimize your SEO automatically (recommended)"
msgstr "Lasa Squirrly sa optimizeze SEO automat (recomandat)"

#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:439
msgid "You're blocking google from indexing your site!"
msgstr "Blochezi accesul la google spre indexarea site-ului"

#: classes/SQ_Tools.php:445
msgid ""
"It is highly recommended that you include the %postname% variable in the "
"permalink structure. <br />Go to Settings > Permalinks and add /%postname%/ "
"in Custom Structure"
msgstr ""
"E recomandat sa incluzi %postaname% in structura link-ului permanent. <br /"
">Mergi la Setari > Legaturi permanente si adauga  /%postname%/ in campul "
"Structură personalizată"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:34
msgid " getting started"
msgstr "ajutor"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:43
msgid " dashboard"
msgstr "dashboard"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:44
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Dashboard"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:51
msgid " settings"
msgstr "setari"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:52
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Setari"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:59
msgid "Make money with "
msgstr "Castiga bani cu"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:60
msgid "Make money"
msgstr "Castiga Bani"

#: controllers/SQ_Menu.php:79
msgid "Squirrly Article Rank"
msgstr "Squirrly article rank"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:97
msgid "Squirrly"
msgstr "Squirrly"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:134
msgid "Custom description: "
msgstr "Descrierea:"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:134
msgid "Custom title: "
msgstr "Titlul"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:157
msgid "Squirrly article rank"
msgstr "Squirrly article rank"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:158 core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:21
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Update"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:159
msgid "More details"
msgstr "Mai mult"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:160
msgid "Less details"
msgstr "Mai putin"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:161
msgid "Interval: "
msgstr "Interval:"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:162 models/SQ_PostsList.php:30
msgid "Latest"
msgstr "Ultima"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:163 models/SQ_PostsList.php:31
msgid "Last 7 days"
msgstr "Ultimele 7 zile"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:164 models/SQ_PostsList.php:32
msgid "Last 30 days"
msgstr "Ultimele 30 zile"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:166
msgid "See it in 'All Posts'"
msgstr "Arata-l in 'Lista Articole'"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:167
msgid "progress"
msgstr "progres"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:168
msgid "optimized"
msgstr "optimizat"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:169
msgid "See rank"
msgstr "Vezi rang"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:170
msgid "Hide rank"
msgstr "Ascunde Rang"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:171
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimizare"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:173
msgid "Not Public"
msgstr "Ciorna"

#: controllers/SQ_PostsList.php:259 core/SQ_Blockrank/SQ_Blockrank.php:32
msgid "Publish the article to start Squirrly Article Rank"
msgstr "Publica articolul pentru a pornit Squirrly Rank"

#: core/SQ_BlockAffiliate/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Eroare: %s"

#: core/SQ_BlockAffiliate/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:36
#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:85
msgid "An error occured. Mabe a network error :("
msgstr "A aparut o eroare. Probabil o eroare de retea :("

#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:80
#, php-format
msgid ""
"We found your email, so it means you already have a Squirrly.co account. "
"Please login with your Squirrly Email. If you forgot your password click "
msgstr ""
"Am gasit emailul tau, inseamna ca te-ai inregistrat deja la Squirrly. "
"Conecteaza-te cu contul tau de Squirrly. Daca ai uitat parola atunci apasa "

#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:88
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Could not send your informations to squirrly. Please register %smanually%s."
msgstr ""
"Nu s-a putut trimite informatia la Squirrly. Inregistreaza-te %smanual%s."

#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:129
msgid "Wrong email or password!"
msgstr "Email sau Parola gresita!"

#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:132
msgid "You can use this account only for the URL you registered first!"
msgstr "Poti folosi acest cont doar pentru URL-ul inregistrat la inceput!"

#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:137
msgid "An error occured."
msgstr "A aparut o eroare."

#: core/SQ_Blocklogin/SQ_Blocklogin.php:139
msgid "Both fields are required."
msgstr "Ambele campuri sunt obligatorii!"

#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Recent discussions:"
msgstr "Discutii recente:"

#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Exact search:"
msgstr "Cautari exacte:"

#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Competition:"
msgstr "Competitia:"

#: core/SQ_Blockresearch/SQ_Blockresearch.php:12
msgid "Trend:"
msgstr "Trend:"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "date"
msgstr "data"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Read it!"
msgstr "Citeste!"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Insert it!"
msgstr "Adauga!"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Referinta"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Insert as box"
msgstr "Adauga"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Not relevant?"
msgstr "Nu e ce doresti?"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Insert in your article"
msgstr "Adauga paragraf in articol"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "For Squirrly to work, you have to have tinymce editor installed!"
msgstr ""
"Pentru ca Squirrly sa functioneze, trebuie sa ai editorul TinyMCE instalat"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid ":( I lost my squirrel. Please reload the page."
msgstr ":( Am pierdut veverita. Te rog sa dai refresh la pagina."

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "No results found!"
msgstr "Nu s-a gasit nimic ..."

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Switch to Visual editor!"
msgstr "Schimba in Editor Vizual!"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Use more words in one keyword"
msgstr "Am mai multe cuvinte"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Takes too long to check this keyword ..."
msgstr "Ia prea mult timp sa verifice cuvantul ..."

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Do a research!"
msgstr "Mai multe detalii!"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Do more research!"
msgstr "Mai multe detalii!"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "[ ATTRIBUTE: Please check: %s to find out how to attribute this image ]"
msgstr ""
"[ ATTRIBUTE: Verificati: %s pentru a vedea conditile de atribuire a "
"imaginii ]"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "Has creative commons attributes"
msgstr "Are conditii de atribuire"

#: core/SQ_Blocksearch/SQ_Blocksearch.php:51
msgid "No known copyright restrictions"
msgstr "Nu sunt restrictii de copyright cunoscute"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:11
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Salveaza"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:12
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Renunta"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:13
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Resetare"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:15
msgid "Customize Title"
msgstr "Modificare META"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:16
msgid "manage keywords"
msgstr "administrare cuvinte cheie"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:17 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:327
msgid "Too short"
msgstr "Prea scurt"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:18 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:328
msgid "Too long"
msgstr "Prea lung"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:20 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:214
msgid "Squirrly Snippet"
msgstr "Snipet Squirrly"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:22
msgid ""
"Click the Update button (to the right) to see the snippet from your website."
msgstr "Click pe butonul Update pentru a vedea snipetul site-ului"

#: core/SQ_Blockseo/SQ_Blockseo.php:23
msgid "Enter a title above for the snippet to get data."
msgstr "Adauga un titlu pentru a putea vedea datele in snipet"

#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:21
msgid "Plugin Feedback"
msgstr "Feedback Squirrly"

#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:57
msgid "Thank you for your feedback"
msgstr "Multumesc pentru feedback"

#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:59
#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:94
msgid "Could not send the email..."
msgstr "Nu s-a putut trimite email ..."

#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:62
#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:97
msgid "No message."
msgstr "Nici un mesaj."

#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:81
msgid "Plugin Support"
msgstr "Suport la plugin"

#: core/SQ_BlockSupport/SQ_BlockSupport.php:92
msgid "Message sent..."
msgstr "Mesajul a fost trimis..."

#: core/SQ_Loading/SQ_Loading.php:23
msgid ""
"For Squirrly to work properly you have to use a higher version of Internet "
"Explorer. <br /> We recommend you to use Chrome or Mozilla."
msgstr ""
"Pentru a functiona Squirrly, trebui sa folosesti o versiune mai noua de "
"Internet explorer. <br /> Recomandam sa folosesti Chrome sau Mozilla."

#: core/SQ_Loading/SQ_Loading.php:30
msgid ""
"You haven`t used Squirrly SEO to optimize your article. Do you want to "
"optimize for a keyword before publishing?"
msgstr ""
"Nu ai folosit Squirrly SEO pentru a optimiza articolul. Vrei sa il "
"optimizezi inainte de publicare?"

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:139
msgid "The code for Google Webmaster Tool is incorrect."
msgstr "Codul google pentru Webmaster Tool este gresit."

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:166
msgid "The code for Google Analytics is incorrect."
msgstr "Codul Google Analytics este incorect."

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:194
msgid "The code for Facebook is incorrect."
msgstr "Codul Facbook este gresit."

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:219
msgid "The code for Bing is incorrect."
msgstr "Codul Bing este gresit."

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:252
msgid "File type error: Only JPEG, JPG, GIF or PNG files are allowed."
msgstr "Eroare fisier: Doar fisierele JPEG,JPG,GIF sau PNG sunt permise"

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:265
msgid "GD error: The GD library must be installed on your server."
msgstr ""
"Eroare librarie GD: Trebuie sa instalezi libraria GD pe server pentru a "
"putea adauga imaginea"

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:272
msgid "Delete error: Could not delete the old favicon."
msgstr "Eroare Stergere: Nu se poate sterge icoana veche"

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:279
msgid "Upload error: Could not upload the favicon."
msgstr "Eroare Upload: Nu se poate urca pe server imaginea"

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:285
msgid "Permission error: Could not change the favicon permissions."
msgstr "Eroare Fisier: Nu se poate schimba permisiunea fisierului"

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:311
msgid ""
"ICO Error: Could not create the ICO from file. Try with another file type."
msgstr "Eroare ICO: Nu se poate transforma imaginea in fisier ICO"

#: models/SQ_Menu.php:314
msgid "The favicon has been updated."
msgstr "Icoana a fost adaugata pe server"

#: models/SQ_Post.php:71
msgid "Squirrly could not find any results for: "
msgstr "Squirrly nu a putut gasi rezultate pentru: "

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:29
msgid "This article"
msgstr "Acest articol"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:29
msgid "All your articles"
msgstr "Articolele mele"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:69
msgid "Optimize this article to start Squirrly Article Rank"
msgstr "Optimizeaza articolul pentru a pornit Squirrly Rank"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:111
msgid "There are no information for this post yet."
msgstr "Nu sunt suficiente informatii pentru acest post"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:129 models/SQ_PostsList.php:247
msgid "Traffic to article"
msgstr "Trafic la articol"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:130
msgid "Social impact"
msgstr "Impact Social Media"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:131
msgid "Links to article"
msgstr "Link-uri spre articol"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:193
msgid "Google Indexed"
msgstr "Indexare Google"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:198
msgid "pos"
msgstr "pos"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:198 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:21
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:40 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:57
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:74 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:91
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:108 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:125
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:152 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:169
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:237 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:248
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:259
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Da"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:198 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:23
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:42 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:59
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:76 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:93
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:110 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:127
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:154 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:171
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:239 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:250
#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:261
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nu"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:198
msgid "for:"
msgstr "pentru:"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:198
msgid "(searched with the url)"
msgstr "(cautat cu url)"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:218
msgid "This article|Average"
msgstr "Acest articole|Media"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:254
msgid "Visits"
msgstr "Vizite"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:257
msgid "Unique"
msgstr "Unici"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:369
msgid "Google result for: "
msgstr "Rezultate Google pentru:"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:402
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Modifica"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:402
msgid "since"
msgstr "de"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:403 models/SQ_PostsList.php:478
msgid "Current position"
msgstr "Pozitia curenta"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:437
msgid "Recommended by Squirrly"
msgstr "Recomandat de Squirrly"

#: models/SQ_PostsList.php:477
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Cuvant cheie:"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:4
#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:14
msgid "Join Squirrly today!"
msgstr "Alatura-te lui Squirrly!"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:21
msgid ""
"To redirect users to your site, just change \"squirrly.co\" with your domain."
msgstr ""
"Pentru a redirecta userii spre site-ul tau, schimba doar \"squirrly.co\" cu "
"domeniul tau"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:23
msgid "Generate affiliate link"
msgstr "Generare link de afiliat"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:28
msgid "Affiliate Benefits"
msgstr "Beneficii afiliere"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "- Recurring 45%s commission"
msgstr "- Comision 45%s din abonament"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:38
msgid "- No cost"
msgstr "- Fara costuri"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:43
msgid "- Monthly payments in your Paypal account"
msgstr "- Platy lunare in contul tau de Paypal"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:50
msgid ""
"Your affiliate account is set and ready to go. Above you have the affiliate "
"link. "
msgstr ""
"Linkul tau de afiliere e gata. Mai sus aveti link-ul care il puteti folosi"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "Check your affiliate page: %sAffiliate page%s"
msgstr "Verifica pagina ta de afiliat: %sAffiliate page%s"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:54
#, php-format
msgid "%sTerms of Use for our Affiliate Program%s"
msgstr "%sTermeni si conditii de afiliere%s"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:58
msgid ""
"After you connect to Squirrly you can begin to use your free Squirrly "
"affiliate link immediately!"
msgstr ""
"Dupa ce te conectezi la Squirrly vei putea incepe sa folosesti link-ul tau "
"de afiliat"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:66
msgid "Squirrly banners you can use"
msgstr "Bannere Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:87
#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:54 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:4
msgid "Optimize with Squirrly"
msgstr "Optimizeaza cu Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:88
msgid "See dashboard"
msgstr "Vezi Dashboard"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockAffiliate.php:89
#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:55
msgid "Go to settings"
msgstr "Mergi la setari"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:5
msgid "Squirrly dashboard"
msgstr "Dashboard Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:8
msgid "User level"
msgstr "Nivel Utilizator"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:12
msgid "Beginner"
msgstr "Incepator"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:14
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avansat"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:18
msgid "Select Advanced only if you have SEO knowledge."
msgstr "Alege Avansat doar daca ai cunostinte SEO"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:21
msgid "What does the Beginner option bring you:"
msgstr "Ce iti aduce modul Incepator:"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:23
msgid ""
"Squirrly <strong>finds the optimum Title and Description</strong> for each "
"page of your blog but you can still customize the home page Title and "
"Description if you want."
msgstr ""
"Squirrly <strong>gaseste Titlul si Meta Descrierea optima</strong> pentru "
"fiecare pagina din blog dar poti sa modifici Titlul si Descrierea pentru "
"prima pagina daca doresti."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:24
msgid ""
"Squirrly <strong>manages the sitemap</strong> for your blog and pings it to "
"Google and Bing every time you add a new article. This ensures that your "
"articles get indexed much faster."
msgstr ""
"Squirrly <strong>intretine sitemap-ul</strong> din blog si il trimite spre "
"Google si Bing de fiecare data cand adaugi un nou articol. Asta asigura ca "
"articolele sunt indexate mai rapid."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:25
msgid ""
"Squirrly <strong>adds the Facebook required meta</strong>, so that when your "
"readers share your page or article, it looks really good."
msgstr ""
"Squirrly <strong>adauga meta pentru Facebook</strong> ca atunci cand "
"cititorii dau Share la articol sa apara informatii relevante in Facebook."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:26
msgid ""
"You can connect your site with your <strong>Google Plus</strong> and "
"<strong>Google Analytics</strong> accounts."
msgstr ""
"Iti poti conecta contul cu <strong>Google Plus</strong> si <strong>Google "

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:27
msgid ""
"You can add the site icon (also known as favicon) and Squirrly will set it "
"up to look good for <strong>Apple devices</strong>."
msgstr ""
"Poti adauga icoana in site (favicon) si Squirrly va seta meta pentru a se "
"vedea pe dispozitivele Apple mobile."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:32
msgid "What does the Advanced option bring you:"
msgstr "Ce iti aduce modul Avansat:"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:34
msgid "More <strong>SEO options</strong> are available on the Settings page."
msgstr "Mai multe <strong>optiuni SEO</strong> disponibile in pagina Settings."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:35
msgid ""
"You can connect your site with <strong>Google Webmaster Tools</strong>, "
"<strong>Bing Webmaster Tools</strong> and <strong>Facebook Insights</strong>."
msgstr ""
"Poti conecta site-ul cu <strong>Google Webmaster Tools</strong>, "
"<strong>Bing Webmaster Tools</strong> si <strong>Facebook Insights</strong>"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:36
msgid ""
"You can see the <strong>Snippet</strong> when you edit your Post or Page."
msgstr ""
"Poti vedea <strong>Snippet-ul</strong> cand editezi o pagina sau un articol."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockDashboard.php:37
msgid ""
"You can <strong>customize the Title and Description</strong> of each Post/"
"Page from within the snippet."
msgstr ""
"Poti <strong>modifica Titlul si Meta Descrierea</strong> in fiecare Pagina/"
"Post din interiorul snippet-ului."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockHelp.php:10
msgid ""
"With Squirrly SEO, your Wordpress will get Excellent SEO on each article you "
msgstr ""
"Cu Squirrly SEO, articolele tale vor avea un SEO excelent la fiecare articol "

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockHelp.php:12
msgid "SEO Software"
msgstr "Software SEO"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockHelp.php:12
msgid ""
"delivered as a plugin for Wordpress. <br /><br />We connect your wordpress "
"with Squirrly, so that we can find the best SEO opportunities, give you "
"reports and analyse your competitors."
msgstr ""
"livrat ca un plugin de Wordpress.  <br /><br />Conectam wordpress cu "
"Squirrly pentru a gasi solutiile SEO cele mai bune, pentru a va oferi "
"rapoarte si pentru a analiza competitia."

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockHelp.php:20
msgid "Don't show this page"
msgstr "Nu afisa aceasta pagina"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockHelp.php:21
msgid "<< START HERE >>"
msgstr "<< PASUL URMATOR >>"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:2
msgid "Squirrly.co Login"
msgstr "Conectare la Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:9
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:10
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:11
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Logare"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:12
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Cont nou"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:12
msgid "Register to Squirrly.co"
msgstr "Inregistreaza-te la Squirrly.co"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:13
msgid "Lost password?"
msgstr "Ai uitat parola?"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:13
msgid "Lost password"
msgstr "Am uitat parola"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:17
msgid "Enter your email"
msgstr "Adauga adresa email"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:18
msgid "Your E-mail:"
msgstr "Emailul tau:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:19
msgid "Sign Up"
msgstr "Sign Up"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:20
msgid "I already have an account"
msgstr "Am deja un cont"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:21
msgid "This email connects you to Squirrly.co"
msgstr "Acest email te conecteaza la Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:30
msgid "The email address is invalid!"
msgstr "Adresa de email este invalida!"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:31
msgid "Click on Sign Up button and try again ..."
msgstr "Apasa butonul Sign Up pentru a incerca din nou ..."

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:32
msgid "An error occured while logging in!"
msgstr "A aparut o eroare la logare."

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:33
msgid "Connecting ..."
msgstr "Conectare ..."

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:40
msgid "Congratulations! Now write a new article with:"
msgstr "Felicitari! Acum scrie un nou articol cu:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:43
msgid ""
"<strong>Keyword Research and Analysis</strong>: find the keywords that are "
"easier to rank for."
msgstr ""
"<strong>Keyword Research and Analysis</strong>: iti gaseste cuvintele cheie "
"pe care sa mergi."

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:44
msgid ""
"<strong>SEO Live Assistant</strong>: Your Wordpress gives you SEO adivce as "
"you type your article."
msgstr ""
"<strong>SEO Live Assistant</strong>: Wordpress iti va da instructiuni SEO in "
"timp ce scrii articolul."

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:45
msgid ""
"<strong>Inspiration box</strong>: get images you can use for free, tweets "
"you can quote and get up to date with latest news about your subject."
msgstr ""
"<strong>Inspiration box</strong>: iti preia imagini gratuite, tweet-uri pe "
"care le poti adauga rapid in articol si ultimele noutati de pe internet "
"legate de cuvantul cheie."

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocklogin.php:46
msgid ""
"<strong>Article Rank</strong>: Measure and Monitor the impact of SEO and "
"Social Signals for each of your articles."
msgstr ""
"<strong>Article Rank</strong>: Masoara si Monitorizeaza impactul SEO si "
"Social pe fiecare articol/pagina."

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:2
msgid "Squirrly Keyword Research"
msgstr " Cercetare cuvinte cheie"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:3
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Alta cautare"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:9
msgid "Keyword:"
msgstr "Cuvant cheie:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:11 themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:23
msgid "Use this keyword"
msgstr "Foloseste acest cuvant"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:20
msgid "+ Add keyword"
msgstr "Adauga cuvant cheie"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:21
msgid "Do the research"
msgstr "Trimite >>"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:24
msgid "Enter even more keywords."
msgstr "Adauga mai multe cuvinte"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockresearch.php:25
msgid "Let some keywords for the next time as well!"
msgstr "Mai lasa cuvinte si pentru viitor!"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:3
msgid "Optimize for Keyword"
msgstr "Optimizare dupa cuvant cheie"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:10
msgid "Enter a keyword"
msgstr "Adauga cuvant"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:10
msgid "for Squirrly Live SEO optimization"
msgstr "Pentru optimizare cu  Squirrly SEO"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:22
msgid "Do a research"
msgstr "Mai multe detalii"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:27
msgid "Enter a keyword above!"
msgstr "Adauga cuvinte cheie mai sus!"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:28
msgid "I have more then one keyword!"
msgstr "Am mai multe cuvinte!"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:34
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imagini"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:35
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr "Twitter"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:36
msgid "Wiki"
msgstr "Wiki"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:37
msgid "News"
msgstr "News"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:38
msgid "Blogs"
msgstr "Bloguri"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:39
msgid "My articles"
msgstr "Articolele mele"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blocksearch.php:44
msgid "Show only Copyright Free images"
msgstr "Arata doar imagini fara copyright"

#: themes/default/SQ_Blockseo.php:3
msgid "Squirrly LIVE SEO assistant"
msgstr "Asistent SEO Live"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:6
msgid "Go to Profile"
msgstr "Profilul tau din Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:6
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:10
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Suport"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:13
msgid "Need Help with Squirrly SEO?"
msgstr "Ai nevoie de ajutor cu Squirrly SEO?"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:17
msgid "Send Question"
msgstr "Trimite"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:20 themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:52
msgid "Go to:"
msgstr "Mergi la:"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:20 themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:52
msgid "support page"
msgstr "pagina suport"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:25
msgid "How was your Squirrly experience today?"
msgstr "Cum a fost experienta de azi cu Squirrly?"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:32
msgid "How was Squirrly today?"
msgstr "Cum a fost Squirrly azi?"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:45
msgid "Please tell us why?"
msgstr "De ce?"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:48
msgid "Send feedback"
msgstr "Trimite"

#: themes/default/SQ_BlockSupport.php:57
msgid "Thank you! You can send us a happy face tomorow too."
msgstr "Multumim! Ne poti trimite o fata vesela si maine."

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:4
msgid "Squirrly settings"
msgstr "Setari Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:4 themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:321
msgid "Save settings"
msgstr "Salveaza setari"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:15
msgid "Let Squirrly automatically optimize my blog"
msgstr "Lasa Squirrly sa imi optimizeze blogul automat"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:29
msgid "What does Squirrly automatically do for SEO?"
msgstr "Ce face Squirrly in mod automat pentru SEO?"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:45
msgid "Add <strong>canonical</strong> link in home page"
msgstr "Adauga <strong>link canonic</strong> in pagina acasa"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:62
msgid "Add the <strong>XML Sitemap</strong> for search engines"
msgstr "Adauga <strong>Harta XML</strong> pentru motoarele de cautare"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:79
msgid ""
"Add the required METAs for home page (<strong>icon, author, language, dc "
"publisher</strong>, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"Adauga cerintele META in pagina acasa (<strong>icon, author, language, dc "
"publisher</strong>, etc.)"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:96
msgid ""
"Add the <strong>favicon</strong> and the <strong>icon for Apple devices</"
msgstr ""
"Adauga <strong>favicon</strong> si <strong>icoana pentru dispozitivele "

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:113
msgid ""
"Add the <strong>Facebook meta objects</strong> for a good looking share. "
msgstr ""
"Adauga <strong>Facebook meta objects</strong> pentru o afisare mai frumoasa "
"in Facebook"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:130
msgid "Add the <strong>Twitter card</strong> in your tweets. "
msgstr "Adauga <strong>titlul</strong> corect in pagina acasa"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:131
msgid "Your twitter account: "
msgstr "Contul tau de twitter:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:141
msgid "First page optimization (Title, Description, Keywords)"
msgstr "Optimizare prima pagina (Titlu, Descriere, Cuvinte cheie)"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:157
msgid "Add the correct <strong>title</strong> in the home page"
msgstr "Adauga <strong>titlul</strong> corect in pagina acasa"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:174
msgid ""
"Add the correct <strong>description</strong> and <strong>keywords</strong> "
"in home page"
msgstr ""
"Aadauga <strong>descrierea</strong> si <strong>cuvintele cheie</strong> "
"corecte in prima pagina"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:190
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:192
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Manual"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:195
msgid "Home page SEO optimization"
msgstr "Optimizare cu Squirrly SEO"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:200
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Titlu:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:201
msgid "Tips: Length 10-75 chars"
msgstr "Atentie: Lungimea 10-75 caractere"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:204
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Descrierea:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:205
msgid "Tips: Length 70-165 chars"
msgstr "Atentie: Lungimea 70-165 caractere"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:208
msgid "Keywords:"
msgstr "Cuvinte cheie:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:209
msgid "Tips: 2-4 keywords"
msgstr "Atentie: 2-4 cuvinte cheie"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:220
msgid "Check with google ..."
msgstr "Verificat cu google ..."

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:223
msgid ""
"If you don't see any changes in custom optimization, check if another SEO "
"plugin affects Squirrly SEO"
msgstr ""
"Daca nu sunt modificari in titlu prin aceasta optimizate, verifica daca nu e "
"afectat de alte pluginuri instalate."

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:233
msgid "Squirrly Options"
msgstr "Optiuni Squirrly"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:242
msgid "Let Squirrly warn me if there are errors related to SEO settings"
msgstr "Lasa Squirrly sa ma anunte daca sunt erori SEO in setari"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:253
msgid ""
"Show <strong>\"Enter a keyword\"</strong> bubble when posting a new article."
msgstr ""
"Afiseaza balonul <strong>\"Adauga un keyword\"</strong>cand se posteaza un "
"nou articol."

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:264
msgid ""
"Always show <strong>Keyword Informations</strong> about the selected keyword."
msgstr ""
"Afiseaza <strong>Informatii de cuvint cheie</strong> dupa alegerea "
"cuvantului la postare."

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:272
msgid "Change the Website Icon"
msgstr "Schimba icoana site-ului"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:275
msgid "File types: JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG."
msgstr "Tip fisiere JPEG,JPG,GIF sau PNG "

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:278
msgid "Upload file:"
msgstr "Urca fisier:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:283
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Upload"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:287
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can use %shttp://convertico.com/%s to convert your photo to icon and "
"upload it here after that."
msgstr ""
"Poti folosi %shttp://convertico.com/%s pentru a converti imaginea in icoana "
"si poti incarca icoana aici"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:288
msgid ""
"If you don't see the new icon in your browser, empty the browser cache and "
"refresh the page."
msgstr ""
"Daca nu vezi noua icoana in browser, goleste cache-ul din browser si da "
"refresh la pagina."

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:292
msgid "Tool for Search Engines"
msgstr "Pentru motoare de cautare"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:296
msgid "Google Plus URL:"
msgstr "URL Google Plus:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:300
#, php-format
msgid "Google META verification code for %sWebmaster Tool%s`:"
msgstr "Cod META pentru %sGoogle Webmaster Tool%s"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:304
#, php-format
msgid "Google  %sAnalytics ID%s`:"
msgstr "Google %sAnalytics ID%s:"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:308
#, php-format
msgid "Facebook META code (for %sInsights%s )`:"
msgstr "Facebook META code (pentru %sInsights%s):"

#: themes/default/SQ_Menu.php:312
#, php-format
msgid "Bing META code (for %sWebmaster Tool%s )`:"
msgstr "Bing META code (pentru %sWebmaster Tool%s):"

#~ msgid "See Squirrly in action"
#~ msgstr "Vezi Squirrly in actiune"

#~ msgid "Can not connect to Squirrly. Error: "
#~ msgstr "Nu se poate conecta la Squirrly. Eroare: "

#~ msgid "Today"
#~ msgstr "Azi"

#~ msgid " API"
#~ msgstr " API"

#~ msgid "API Key:"
#~ msgstr "Cheie API"

#~ msgid "See it in post list"
#~ msgstr "Vezi in "

#~ msgid "For Squirrly to work, you have to have tinymce installed!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pentru ca Squirrly sa functioneze, trebuie sa ai editorul TinyMCE instalat"

#~ msgid "Talk about it:"
#~ msgstr "Vorbesc despre:"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The system is acting Squirrly. I can not find the link to the server."
#~ msgstr "Sistemul functioneaza ciudat. Nu gasesc calea spre server."

#~ msgid "Status:"
#~ msgstr "Stare:"

#~ msgid "automatically"
#~ msgstr "Automat"

#~ msgid "<< Leave it automatically"
#~ msgstr "<< Sa se adauge automat"

#~ msgid "Having trouble logging in? Please click the Support button above."
#~ msgstr "Ai probleme cu logarea? Apasa pe butonul de Suport de mai sus."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your Squirrly account has expired. Please Upgrade your plan and use "
#~ "Squirrly to optimize your articles."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Contul tau de Squirrly a expirat. Te rog sa faci un Upgrade de plan  "
#~ "pentru a putea folosi Squirrly in continuare."

#~ msgid "Search it:"
#~ msgstr "Se cauta:"

#~ msgid "User:"
#~ msgstr "User:"

#~ msgid "See"
#~ msgstr "Vezi"

#~ msgid "in action"
#~ msgstr "in actiune!"

#~ msgid "Turn on automatic optimization from Squirrly!"
#~ msgstr "Lasa Squirrly sa optimizeze SEO in mod automat!"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "It is highly recommended that you set to receive notifications for new "
#~ "comments."
#~ msgstr "Este recomandat sa primesti notificari cand vin comenzi noi"

#~ msgid "XML sitemap: "
#~ msgstr "XML sitemap: "

#~ msgid "Let "
#~ msgstr "Lasa"