import { BaseOptions, Logger } from 'noicejs';
import { ChangeRecord, ErrorRecord } from '../resolve.js';
export interface ProjectQuery {
project: string;
export interface LabelQuery extends ProjectQuery {
name: string;
export interface IssueQuery extends ProjectQuery {
issue: string;
* Changes to be recorded in a project comment. This takes an abstract set of change/error
* records and allows the remote implementation to handle formatting and localization.
export interface CommentUpdate extends IssueQuery {
changes: Array<ChangeRecord>;
errors: Array<ErrorRecord>;
export interface IssueUpdate extends IssueQuery {
labels: Array<string>;
name: string;
export interface LabelUpdate extends LabelQuery {
color: string;
desc: string;
* Options for a new remote instance.
* @public
export interface RemoteOptions extends BaseOptions {
* Arbitrary key-value data for this remote, usually credentials and base URLs.
data: Record<string, string>;
* If set, do not make any real changes.
dryrun: boolean;
logger: Logger;
* Remote class/type name.
type: string;
* Basic functions which every remote API must provide.
* @public
export interface Remote {
connect(): Promise<boolean>;
* Add a comment to an issue (for attribution and auditing).
createComment(options: CommentUpdate): Promise<CommentUpdate>;
* Create a new label.
createLabel(options: LabelUpdate): Promise<LabelUpdate>;
* Delete an existing label.
deleteLabel(options: LabelQuery): Promise<LabelQuery>;
* List all issues.
listIssues(options: ProjectQuery): Promise<Array<IssueUpdate>>;
* List all labels.
listLabels(options: ProjectQuery): Promise<Array<LabelUpdate>>;
* Update an issue.
* Only labels will be modified.
updateIssue(options: IssueUpdate): Promise<IssueUpdate>;
* Update a label.
updateLabel(options: LabelUpdate): Promise<LabelUpdate>;