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'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');

 * HTML Purifier HTML Parser PCDATA Validator Component
 * @impl filter

 * Returns a tag with square brackets replaced.
 * @param tag
 * @return string
function _escapeSquareBrackets(tag) {
  // escape left square brackets
  var leftEscaped = tag.replace(new RegExp('\\[', 'gi'), '\\[');
  // escape right square brackets
  var escaped = leftEscaped.replace(new RegExp('\\]', 'gi'), '\\]');

  return escaped;

 * Removes all blacklisted pcdata (parsed character data) from the provided HTML
 * string.
 * @cb err, string
 * @param html string The HTML string to process
function filter(html, cb) {
  _getBlacklist(function(err, blacklist) {
    for (var i = 0; i < blacklist.length; i++) {
      var escaped = _escapeSquareBrackets(blacklist[i]);
      html = html.replace(new RegExp(escaped, 'gi'), '');

    cb(null, html);

 * Reads in the tag blacklist from the configuration file.
 * @cb err, [ string ]
function _getBlacklist(cb) {
  fs.readFile(__dirname + '/config/blacklist.json', {
    encoding: 'utf8'
  }, function(err, data) {
    if (err)
      return cb(err);

    var parsed = JSON.parse(data);

    cb(null, parsed.blacklist);

exports._escapeSquareBrackets = _escapeSquareBrackets; // @test
exports._getBlacklist = _getBlacklist; // @test
exports.filter = filter;