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import { Dictionary, JsonPath } from '@stoplight/types';
import { cloneDeep, get, has, omit, set, setWith } from 'lodash';

import { hasRef } from './hasRef';
import { isLocalRef } from './isLocalRef';
import { pathToPointer } from './pathToPointer';
import { pointerToPath } from './pointerToPath';
import { remapRefs } from './remapRefs';
import { resolveInlineRef } from './resolvers/resolveInlineRef';
import { traverse } from './traverse';

export const BUNDLE_ROOT = '#/__bundled__';
export const ERRORS_ROOT = '#/__errors__';

type KeyProviderFn = (props: { document: unknown; path: JsonPath }) => string | void | undefined | null;

export const bundleTarget = <T = unknown>(
    bundleRoot = BUNDLE_ROOT,
    errorsRoot = ERRORS_ROOT,
    cloneDocument = true,
  }: {
    document: T;
    path: string;
    bundleRoot?: string;
    errorsRoot?: string;
    cloneDocument?: boolean;
    keyProvider?: KeyProviderFn;
  cur?: unknown,
) => {
  if (path === bundleRoot || path === errorsRoot) {
    throw new Error(`Roots do not make any sense`);

  const workingDocument = cloneDocument ? cloneDeep(document) : document;
  return bundle(
  )(path, { [path]: true }, cur);

const defaultKeyProvider = ({ document, path }: { document: unknown; path: JsonPath }) => {
  if (path.length === 0) {
    return 'root';

  if (Array.isArray(get(document, path.slice(0, -1)))) {
    const inventoryKeyRoot = path[path.length - 2];
    return `${inventoryKeyRoot}_${path[path.length - 1]}`;
  } else {
    return String(path[path.length - 1]);

const bundle = (
  document: unknown,
  bundleRoot: JsonPath,
  errorsRoot: JsonPath,
  rootPath: string,
  keyProvider?: KeyProviderFn,
) => {
  const takenKeys = new Set<string | number>();

  const _bundle = (
    path: string,
    stack: Dictionary<boolean>,
    cur?: unknown,
    bundledRefInventory: any = {},
    bundledObj: any = {},
    errorsObj: any = {},
  ) => {
    const $refTarget = pointerToPath(path);
    const objectToBundle = get(document, $refTarget);

    traverse(cur ? cur : objectToBundle, {
      onEnter: ({ value: parent }) => {
        if (hasRef(parent) && isLocalRef(parent.$ref)) {
          const $ref = parent.$ref;
          if (errorsObj[$ref]) return;

          if ($ref === path) {
            bundledRefInventory[$ref] = '#';

          if (bundledRefInventory[$ref]) {
            parent.$ref = bundledRefInventory[$ref];

            // no need to continue, this $ref has already been bundled

          let _path;
          let inventoryPath;
          let inventoryKey;
          let inventoryRef;

          try {
            _path = pointerToPath($ref);

            let _inventoryKey;
            if (keyProvider) {
              _inventoryKey = keyProvider({ document, path: _path });

            if (!_inventoryKey) {
              _inventoryKey = defaultKeyProvider({ document, path: _path });

            inventoryKey = _inventoryKey;

            let i = 1;
            while (takenKeys.has(inventoryKey)) {
              inventoryKey = `${_inventoryKey}_${i}`;

              if (i > 20) {
                throw new Error(`Keys ${_inventoryKey}_2 through ${_inventoryKey}_${20} already taken.`);


            inventoryPath = [...bundleRoot, inventoryKey];

            inventoryRef = pathToPointer(inventoryPath);
          } catch (error) {
            errorsObj[$ref] = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);

          // Ignore invalid $refs and carry on
          if (!_path || !inventoryPath || !inventoryRef) return;

          let bundled$Ref: unknown;
          if (typeof document === 'object' && document !== null) {
            // check the simple way first, to preserve these relationships when possible
            bundled$Ref = get(document, _path);

            if (!bundled$Ref) {
              try {
                // if we could not find it with a simple lookup, check for deep refs etc via resolveInlineRef
                bundled$Ref = resolveInlineRef(Object(document), $ref);
              } catch {}

          if (bundled$Ref !== void 0) {
            bundledRefInventory[$ref] = inventoryRef;
            parent.$ref = inventoryRef;

            if (!has(bundledObj, inventoryPath)) {
              if (Array.isArray(bundled$Ref)) {
                set(bundledObj, inventoryPath, new Array(bundled$Ref.length).fill(null));
              } else if (typeof bundled$Ref === 'object') {
                setWith(bundledObj, inventoryPath, {}, Object);

              set(bundledObj, inventoryPath, bundled$Ref);

              if ($ref === '#') {
                bundleRootDocument(document, bundledObj, pointerToPath(rootPath), inventoryPath);
              } else if (!stack[$ref]) {
                stack[$ref] = true;
                _bundle(path, stack, bundled$Ref, bundledRefInventory, bundledObj, errorsObj);
                stack[$ref] = false;

    const finalObjectToBundle = get(bundledObj, bundleRoot);

    if (finalObjectToBundle && Object.keys(finalObjectToBundle).length) {
      set(objectToBundle, bundleRoot, finalObjectToBundle);

    if (Object.keys(errorsObj).length || has(document, errorsRoot)) {
      set(objectToBundle, errorsRoot, has(document, errorsRoot) ? get(document, errorsRoot) : errorsObj);

    return objectToBundle;

  return _bundle;

 * This function safely bundles the document.
 * @param document - the source document we passed to bundleTarget function
 * @param bundledObj - the object that bundleTarget function returns
 * @param bundleRoot - the path argument was initially provided to bundleTarget
 * @param inventoryPath - the path to the inventory in the bundled object. It's usually bundleRoot + a key generated by the key provider
function bundleRootDocument(
  document: unknown,
  bundledObj: Record<string, unknown>,
  bundleRoot: JsonPath,
  inventoryPath: JsonPath,
) {
  const propertyPath = => `[${JSON.stringify(segment)}]`).join('');
  // we want to omit the values that could have been potentially bundled into the document (we mutate the document by default)
  const clonedDocument = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(omit(Object(document), propertyPath)));
  // We need to create a new object that will hold the $ref. We don't set a $ref yet because we don't want it to be remapped by remapRefs.
  // the $ref will be set to "#" since we to point at the root of the bundled document
  const fragment: { $ref?: string } = {};
  // we set the clone document in the bundled object so that we can later set the $ref in the bundled document
  set(bundledObj, inventoryPath, clonedDocument);
  // now, we replace the bundleRoot of the cloned document with a reference to the bundled document
  // this is to avoid excessive data duplication - we can safely point at root here
  // Example. Say, we had a document like this:
  // {
  //   "openapi": "3.1.0"
  //   "components": {
  //     "schemas": {
  //       "User": {
  //         "$ref": "#",
  //       }
  //     }
  //   }
  // what we replace in the cloned document is the "components" object (the path we provided to bundleTarget equals "#/components") with a reference to the bundled document
  // so that the data we insert looks as follows
  // {
  //   "openapi": "3.1.0"
  //   "components": { // fragment const from above
  //     "$ref": "#" // note the $ref is actually set at the very end of this function
  //   }
  // }
  set(clonedDocument, bundleRoot, fragment);
  // we remap all the refs in the cloned document because we resected it and the $refs are now pointing to the wrong place
  remapRefs(clonedDocument, '#', pathToPointer(inventoryPath));
  // we finally set the $ref
  fragment.$ref = '#';