File `graphcool-ts.ts` has 273 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.import { GraphQLUnionType, GraphQLWrappingType, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInputObjectType, GraphQLInputField, GraphQLField, GraphQLInputType, GraphQLOutputType, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLNamedType, isNonNullType, isListType, isWrappingType, GraphQLFieldMap, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLType, GraphQLInterfaceType} from 'graphql' import { Generator } from '../types' export const generator: Generator = { GraphQLUnionType: renderUnionType, GraphQLObjectType: renderObjectType, GraphQLInputObjectType: renderInputObjectType, GraphQLScalarType: renderScalarType, GraphQLEnumType: renderEnumType, GraphQLInterfaceType: renderObjectType, RootType: renderRootType, SubscriptionType: renderSubscriptionType, SchemaType: renderSchemaInterface, Main: renderMainMethod, Header: renderHeader} const scalarMapping = { Int: 'number', String: 'string', ID: 'string | number', Float: 'number', Boolean: 'boolean'} function renderHeader(schema: string): string { return `import { Graphcool as BaseGraphcool, BaseGraphcoolOptions } from 'graphcool-binding'import { GraphQLResolveInfo } from 'graphql' const typeDefs = \`${schema}\``} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.function renderMainMethod( queryType: GraphQLObjectType, mutationType?: GraphQLObjectType | null, subscriptionType?: GraphQLObjectType | null) { return `export class Graphcool extends BaseGraphcool { constructor({ endpoint, secret, fragmentReplacements, debug }: BaseGraphcoolOptions) { super({ typeDefs, endpoint, secret, fragmentReplacements, debug }); } exists = {${renderExistsFields(queryType.getFields())} } query: Query = {${renderMainMethodFields('query', queryType.getFields())} }${ mutationType ? ` mutation: Mutation = {${renderMainMethodFields('mutation', mutationType.getFields())} }` : '' }${ subscriptionType ? ` subscription: Subscription = {${renderMainSubscriptionMethodFields(subscriptionType.getFields())} }` : '' }}`} export function renderExistsFields(fields: GraphQLFieldMap<any, any>) : string { return Object.keys(fields) .map(f => { const field = fields[f] let type = field.type let foundList = false // Traverse the wrapping types (if any) while (isWrappingType(type)) { type = type.ofType // One of those wrappings need to be a GraphQLList for this field to qualify foundList = foundList || isListType(type) } if (foundList) { const whereType = (field.args.find(a => === 'where')!.type as GraphQLInputObjectType).name return ` ${}: (where: ${whereType}): Promise<boolean> => super.existsDelegate('query', '${}', { where }, {}, '{ id }')` } }) .filter(f => f) .join(',\n')} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export function renderMainMethodFields(operation: string, fields: GraphQLFieldMap<any, any>): string { return Object.keys(fields) .map(f => { const field = fields[f] return ` ${}: (args, info): Promise<${renderFieldType(field.type)}${ !isNonNullType(field.type) ? ' | null' : '' }> => super.delegate('${operation}', '${}', args, {}, info)` }) .join(',\n')} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export function renderMainSubscriptionMethodFields(fields: GraphQLFieldMap<any, any>): string { return Object.keys(fields) .map(f => { const field = fields[f] return ` ${}: (args, infoOrQuery): Promise<AsyncIterator<${renderFieldType(field.type)}>> => super.delegateSubscription('${}', args, {}, infoOrQuery)` }) .join(',\n')} function renderScalarType(type: GraphQLScalarType): string { if ( === 'ID') { return renderIDType(type) } return `${ type.description ? `/*${type.description}*/` : '' }export type ${} = ${scalarMapping[] || 'string'}`} function renderIDType(type: GraphQLScalarType): string { return `${ type.description ? `/*${type.description}*/` : '' }export type ${}_Input = ${scalarMapping[] || 'string'}export type ${}_Output = string`} function renderEnumType(type: GraphQLEnumType): string { return `${renderDescription(type.description)}export type ${} = ${type .getValues() .map(e => ` '${}'`) .join(' |\n')}`} Function `renderRootType` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.function renderRootType(type: GraphQLObjectType): string { const fieldDefinition = Object.keys(type.getFields()) .map(f => { const field = type.getFields()[f] return ` ${}: (args: {${field.args.length > 0 ? ' ' : ''}${field.argsShadowed name: 'f' .map(f => `${renderFieldName(f)}: ${renderFieldType(f.type)}`) .join(', ')}${ field.args.length > 0 ? ' ' : '' }}, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string) => Promise<${renderFieldType(field.type)}${ !isNonNullType(field.type) ? ' | null' : '' }>` }) .join('\n') return renderTypeWrapper(, type.description, fieldDefinition)} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.function renderSubscriptionType(type: GraphQLObjectType): string { const fieldDefinition = Object.keys(type.getFields()) .map(f => { const field = type.getFields()[f] return ` ${}: (args: {${field.args.length > 0 ? ' ' : ''}${field.argsShadowed name: 'f' .map(f => `${renderFieldName(f)}: ${renderFieldType(f.type)}`) .join(', ')}${ field.args.length > 0 ? ' ' : '' }}, infoOrQuery?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string) => Promise<AsyncIterator<${renderFieldType(field.type)}>>` }) .join('\n') return renderTypeWrapper(, type.description, fieldDefinition)} function renderUnionType(type: GraphQLUnionType): string { return `${renderDescription(type.description)}export type ${} = ${type .getTypes() .map(t => .join(' | ')}`} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.function renderObjectType( type: GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType): string { const fieldDefinition = Object.keys(type.getFields()) .map(f => { const field = type.getFields()[f] return ` ${renderFieldName(field)}: ${renderFieldType(field.type)}` }) .join('\n') let interfaces: GraphQLInterfaceType[] = [] if (type instanceof GraphQLObjectType) { interfaces = type.getInterfaces() } return renderInterfaceWrapper(, type.description, interfaces, fieldDefinition)} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.function renderInputObjectType( type: GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType): string { const fieldDefinition = Object.keys(type.getFields()) .map(f => { const field = type.getFields()[f] return ` ${renderFieldName(field)}: ${renderInputFieldType(field.type)}` }) .join('\n') let interfaces: GraphQLInterfaceType[] = [] if (type instanceof GraphQLObjectType) { interfaces = type.getInterfaces() } return renderInterfaceWrapper(, type.description, interfaces, fieldDefinition)} export function renderFieldName(field: GraphQLInputField | GraphQLField<any, any>) { return `${}${isNonNullType(field.type) ? '' : '?'}`} export function renderFieldType(type: GraphQLInputType | GraphQLOutputType) { if (isNonNullType(type)) { return renderFieldType((type as GraphQLWrappingType).ofType) } if (isListType(type)) { return `${renderFieldType((type as GraphQLWrappingType).ofType)}[]` }Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. return `${(type as GraphQLNamedType).name}${(type as GraphQLNamedType).name === 'ID' ? '_Output' : ''}`} function renderInputFieldType(type: GraphQLInputType | GraphQLOutputType) { if (isNonNullType(type)) { return renderInputFieldType((type as GraphQLWrappingType).ofType) } if (isListType(type)) { const inputType = renderInputFieldType((type as GraphQLWrappingType).ofType) return `${inputType}[] | ${inputType}` }Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. return `${(type as GraphQLNamedType).name}${(type as GraphQLNamedType).name === 'ID' ? '_Input' : ''}`} function renderSchemaInterface( queryType: GraphQLObjectType, mutationType?: GraphQLObjectType | null, subscriptionType?: GraphQLObjectType | null) { return `export interface Schema { query: ${}${ mutationType ? ` mutation: ${}` : '' }${ subscriptionType ? ` subscription: ${}` : '' }}`} function renderInterfaceWrapper( typeName: string, typeDescription: string, interfaces: GraphQLInterfaceType[], fieldDefinition: string): string { return `${renderDescription(typeDescription)}export interface ${typeName}${ interfaces.length > 0 ? ` extends ${ =>', ')}` : '' } {${fieldDefinition}}`} export function renderTypeWrapper(typeName: string, typeDescription: string, fieldDefinition: string): string { return `${renderDescription(typeDescription)}export type ${typeName} = {${fieldDefinition}}`} function renderDescription(description?: string) { return `${ description ? `/*${description.split('\n').map(l => ` * ${l}\n`)} */` : '' }`}