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# Symphony CMS

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- Version: 3.0.0
- Date: 27th March 2020
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Github repository](
- [MIT Licence](

## Contents

* [Overview](#overview)
* [Server requirements](#server-requirements)
* [Responsible Security Disclosure](#responsible-security-disclosure)

## Quick links

* [Installing](.docs/dev/
* [Updating from LTS](.docs/dev/
* [Contributing](.docs/dev/
* [Documentation TOC](.docs/

## Overview

Symphony is a `PHP` & `MySQL` based CMS that utilises `XML` and `XSLT` as its core technologies. This repository represents version `3.0.0` and is considered stable.

Useful places:

- [The Symphony website](
- [The Symphony forum](
- [Symphony Extensions](
- [DEV chat room](
- [HELP chat room](

## Server requirements

- PHP 5.6 or 7.0-7.3
- PHP’s LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (`--with-xsl`)
- MySQL 5.7 or above is recommended
- A webserver (known to be used with Apache, Litespeed, Nginx and Hiawatha)
- Apache’s `mod_rewrite` module or equivalent
- PHP’s built in `json` functions, which are enabled by default in PHP 5.2 and above; if they are missing, ensure PHP wasn’t compiled with `--disable-json`
- PHP’s `zlib` module
- PHP’s `pdo_mysql` module

## Responsible Security Disclosure

Please follow [the guideline for security bug disclosure](