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 * @package core

  * The DateTimeObj provides static functions regarding dates in Symphony.
  * Symphony will set the default timezone of the system using the value from
  * the Configuration values. Alternatively a new settings can be set using the
  * `setSettings` function. Symphony parses all input dates against the Configuration
  * date formats by default for better support with non English dates.
class DateTimeObj
     * Holds the various settings for the formats that the `DateTimeObj` should
     * use when parsing input dates.
     * @since Symphony 2.7.0 it contains default values to prevent the case where
     * no settings are set
     * @since Symphony 2.2.4
     * @var array
    private static $settings = array(
        'time_format' => 'g:i a',
        'date_format' => 'm/d/Y',

     * Mapping PHP to Moment date formats.
    protected static $date_mappings = array(
        'Y/m/d' => 'YYYY/MM/DD',    // e. g. 2014/01/02
        'd/m/Y' => 'DD/MM/YYYY',    // e. g. 01/02/2014
        'm/d/Y' => 'MM/DD/YYYY',    // e. g. 01/02/2014
        'm/d/y' => 'MM/DD/YY',      // e. g. 01/02/14
        'Y-m-d' => 'YYYY-MM-DD',    // e. g. 2014-01-02
        'm-d-Y' => 'MM-DD-YYYY',    // e. g. 01-02-2014
        'm-d-y' => 'MM-DD-YY',      // e. g. 01-02-14
        'j.n.Y' => 'D.M.YYYY',      // e. g. 2.1.2014 - no leading zeros
        'j.n.y' => 'D.M.YY',        // e. g. 2.1.14 - no leading zeros
        'd.m.Y' => 'DD.MM.YYYY',    // e. g. 02.01.2014
        'd.m.y' => 'DD.MM.YYYY',    // e. g. 02.01.14
        'd F Y' => 'DD MMMM YYYY',  // e. g. 02 January 2014
        'd. F Y' => 'DD. MMMM YYYY', // e. g. 02. January 2014
        'd M Y' => 'DD MMM YYYY',   // e. g. 02 Jan 2014
        'd. M Y' => 'DD. MMM. YYYY', // e. g. 02. Jan 2014
        'j. F Y' => 'D. MMMM YYYY', // e. g. 2. January 2014 - no leading zeros
        'j. M. Y' => 'D. MMM. YYYY', // e. g. 2. Jan. 2014 - no leading zeros

     * Mapping PHP to Moment time formats.
    protected static $time_mappings = array(
        'H:i:s' => 'HH:mm:ss',      // e. g. 20:45:32
        'H:i' => 'HH:mm',           // e. g. 20:45
        'g:i:s a' => 'h:mm:ss a',   // e. g. 8:45:32 pm
        'g:i a' => 'h:mm a',        // e. g. 8:45 pm

     * This function takes an array of settings for `DateTimeObj` to use when parsing
     * input dates. The following settings are supported, `time_format`, `date_format`,
     * `datetime_separator` and `timezone`. This equates to Symphony's default `region`
     * group set in the `Configuration` class. If any of these values are not provided
     * the class will fallback to existing `self::$settings` values
     * @since Symphony 2.2.4
     * @param array $settings
     *  An associative array of formats for this class to use to format
     *  dates
    public static function setSettings(array $settings = array())
        // Date format
        if (isset($settings['date_format'])) {
            self::$settings['date_format'] = $settings['date_format'];

        // Time format
        if (isset($settings['time_format'])) {
            self::$settings['time_format'] = $settings['time_format'];

        // Datetime separator
        if (isset($settings['datetime_separator'])) {
            self::$settings['datetime_separator'] = $settings['datetime_separator'];
        } elseif (!isset(self::$settings['datetime_separator'])) {
            self::$settings['datetime_separator'] = ' ';

        // Datetime format
        if (isset($settings['datetime_format'])) {
            self::$settings['datetime_format'] = $settings['datetime_format'];
        } elseif (!isset(self::$settings['datetime_format'])) {
            self::$settings['datetime_format'] = self::$settings['date_format'] . self::$settings['datetime_separator'] . self::$settings['time_format'];

        // Timezone
        if (isset($settings['timezone']) && !empty($settings['timezone'])) {
            self::$settings['timezone'] = $settings['timezone'];
        } elseif (!isset(self::$settings['timezone'])) {
            self::$settings['timezone'] = ini_get('date.timezone');
            if (empty(self::$settings['timezone'])) {
                self::$settings['timezone'] = 'UTC';

     * Accessor function for the settings of the DateTimeObj. Currently
     * the available settings are `time_format`, `date_format`,
     * `datetime_format` and `datetime_separator`. If `$name` is not
     * provided, the entire `$settings` array is returned.
     * @since Symphony 2.2.4
     * @param string $name
     * @return array|string|null
     *  If `$name` is omitted this function returns array.
     *  If `$name` is not set, this fucntion returns `null`
     *  If `$name` is set, this function returns string
    public static function getSetting($name = null)
        if (is_null($name)) {
            return self::$settings;

        if (isset(self::$settings[$name])) {
            return self::$settings[$name];

        return null;

     * Uses PHP's date_default_timezone_set function to set the system
     * timezone. If the timezone provided is invalid, an exception is thrown.
     * @link
     * @link
     * @param string $timezone
     *  A valid timezone identifier, such as UTC or Europe/Lisbon
     * @throws Exception
     *  If the timezone is not valid.
    public static function setDefaultTimezone($timezone)
        if (!@date_default_timezone_set($timezone)) {
            throw new Exception(__('Invalid timezone %s', array($timezone)));

     * Validate a given date and time string
     * @param string $string
     *  A date and time string or timestamp to validate
     * @return boolean
     *  Returns true for valid dates, otherwise false
    public static function validate($string)
        try {
            if (is_numeric($string) && (int)$string == $string) {
                $date = new DateTime('@' . $string);
            } else {
                $date = self::parse($string);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            return false;

        // String is empty or not a valid date
        if (empty($string) || $date === false) {
            return false;

            // String is a valid date
        } else {
            return true;

     * Given a `$format`, and a `$timestamp`,
     * return the date in the format provided. This function is a basic
     * wrapper for PHP's DateTime object. If the `$timestamp` is omitted,
     * the current timestamp will be used. Optionally, you pass a
     * timezone identifier with this function to localise the output
     * If you like to display a date in the backend, please make use
     * of `DateTimeObj::format()` which allows date and time localization
     * @see class.datetimeobj.php#format()
     * @link
     * @param string $format
     *  A valid PHP date format
     * @param null|string $timestamp (optional)
     *  A unix timestamp to format. 'now' or omitting this parameter will
     *  result in the current time being used
     * @param string $timezone (optional)
     *  The timezone associated with the timestamp
     * @return string|boolean
     *  The formatted date, of if the date could not be parsed, false.
    public static function get($format, $timestamp = 'now', $timezone = null)
        return self::format($timestamp, $format, false, $timezone);

     * Formats the given date and time `$string` based on the given `$format`.
     * Optionally the result will be localized and respect a timezone differing
     * from the system default. The default output is ISO 8601.
     * @since Symphony 2.2.1
     * @param string $string (optional)
     *  A string containing date and time, defaults to the current date and time
     * @param string $format (optional)
     *  A valid PHP date format, defaults to ISO 8601
     * @param boolean $localize (optional)
     *  Localizes the output, if true, defaults to true
     * @param string $timezone (optional)
     *  The timezone associated with the timestamp
     * @return string|boolean
     *  The formatted date, or if the date could not be parsed, false.
    public static function format($string = 'now', $format = DateTime::ISO8601, $localize = true, $timezone = null)
        // Parse date
        $date = self::parse($string);

        if ($date === false) {
            return false;

        // Timezone
        // If a timezone was given, apply it
        if (!is_null($timezone)) {
            $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));

            // No timezone given, apply the default timezone
        } elseif (isset(self::$settings['timezone'])) {
            $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(self::$settings['timezone']));

        // Format date
        $date = $date->format($format);

        // Localize date
        // Convert date string from English back to the activated Language
        if ($localize === true) {
            $date = Lang::localizeDate($date);

        // Return custom formatted date, use ISO 8601 date by default
        return $date;

     * Parses the given string and returns a DateTime object.
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @param string $string (optional)
     *  A string containing date and time, defaults to the current date and time
     * @return DateTime|boolean
     *  The DateTime object, or if the date could not be parsed, false.
    public static function parse($string)

        // Current date and time
        if ($string == 'now' || empty($string)) {
            $date = new DateTime();

            // Timestamp
        } elseif (is_numeric($string)) {
            $date = new DateTime('@' . $string);

            // Attempt to parse the date provided against the Symphony configuration setting
            // in an effort to better support multilingual date formats. Should this fail
            // this block will fallback to just passing the date to DateTime constructor,
            // which will parse the date assuming it's in an American format.
        } else {
            // Standardize date
            // Convert date string to English
            $string = Lang::standardizeDate($string);

            // PHP 5.3: Apply Symphony date format using `createFromFormat`
            $date = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::$settings['datetime_format'], $string);

            if ($date === false) {
                $date = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::$settings['date_format'], $string);

            // Handle dates that are in a different format to Symphony's config
            // DateTime is much the same as `strtotime` and will handle relative
            // dates.
            if ($date === false) {
                try {
                    $date = new DateTime($string);
                } catch (Exception $ex) {
                    // Invalid date, it can't be parsed
                    return false;

            // If the date is still invalid, just return false.
            if ($date === false || $date->format('Y') < 0) {
                return false;

        // Return custom formatted date, use ISO 8601 date by default
        return $date;

     * A wrapper for get, this function will force the GMT timezone.
     * @param string $format
     *  A valid PHP date format
     * @param null|string $timestamp (optional)
     *  A unix timestamp to format. Omitting this parameter will
     *  result in the current time being used
     * @return string
     *  The formatted date in GMT
    public static function getGMT($format, $timestamp = 'now')
        return self::format($timestamp, $format, false, 'GMT');

     * This functions acts as a standard way to get the zones
     * available on the system.
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @link
     * @return array
    public static function getZones()
        $ref = new ReflectionClass('DateTimeZone');
        return $ref->getConstants();

     * This functions acts as a standard way to get the timezones
     * regardless of PHP version. It accepts a single parameter,
     * zone, which returns the timezones associated with that 'zone'
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @link
     * @link
     * @param string $zone
     *  The zone for the timezones the field wants. This maps to the
     *  DateTimeZone constants
     * @return array
    public static function getTimezones($zone = null)
        return DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(constant('DateTimeZone::' . $zone));

     * Loads all available timezones using `getTimezones()` and builds an
     * array where timezones are grouped by their region (Europe/America etc.)
     * The options array that is returned is designed to be used with
     * `Widget::Select`
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @see core.DateTimeObj#getTimezones()
     * @see core.Widget#Select()
     * @param string $selected
     *  A preselected timezone, defaults to null
     * @return array
     *  An associative array, for use with `Widget::Select`
    public static function getTimezonesSelectOptions($selected = null)
        $zones = self::getZones();
        $groups = array();

        foreach ($zones as $zone => $value) {
            if ($value >= 1024) {

            $timezones = self::getTimezones($zone);
            $options = array();

            foreach ($timezones as $timezone) {
                $tz = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($timezone));

                $options[] = array($timezone, ($timezone == $selected), sprintf(
                    "%s %s",
                    str_replace('_', ' ', substr(strrchr($timezone, '/'), 1)),

            $groups[] = array('label' => ucwords(strtolower($zone)), 'options' => $options);

        return $groups;

     * Returns an array of PHP date formats Symphony supports mapped to 
     * their Moment equivalent.
     * @since Symphony 2.6
     * @return array
    public static function getDateFormatMappings()
        return self::$date_mappings;

     * Returns an array of the date formats Symphony supports. These
     * formats are a combination of valid PHP format tokens.
     * @link
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @return array
    public static function getDateFormats()
        return array_keys(self::$date_mappings);

     * Returns an array of the date formats Symphony supports. These
     * formats are a combination of valid Moment format tokens.
     * @link
     * @since Symphony 2.6
     * @return array
    public static function getMomentDateFormats()
        return array_values(self::$date_mappings);

     * Returns the Moment representation of a given PHP format token.
     * @since Symphony 2.6
     * @param string $format
     *  A valid PHP date token
     * @return string
    public static function convertDateToMoment($format)
        return self::$date_mappings[$format];

     * Returns the PHP representation of a given Moment format token.
     * @since Symphony 2.6
     * @param string $format
     *  A valid Moment date token
     * @return string
    public static function convertMomentToDate($format)
        $formats = array_flip(self::$date_mappings);
        return $formats[$format];

     * Returns an array of the date formats Symphony supports by applying
     * the format to the current datetime. The array returned is for use with
     * `Widget::Select()`
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @see core.Widget#Select()
     * @param string $selected
     *  A preselected date format, defaults to null
     * @return array
     *  An associative array, for use with `Widget::Select`
    public static function getDateFormatsSelectOptions($selected = null)
        $formats = self::getDateFormats();
        $options = array();

        foreach ($formats as $option) {
            $leadingZero = '';

            if (strpos($option, 'j') !== false || strpos($option, 'n') !== false) {
                $leadingZero = ' (' . __('no leading zeros') . ')';

            $options[] = array($option, $option == $selected, self::format('now', $option) . $leadingZero);

        return $options;

     * Returns an array of the time formats Symphony supports. These
     * formats are a combination of valid PHP format tokens.
     * @link
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @return array
    public static function getTimeFormats()
        return array_keys(self::$time_mappings);

     * Returns an array of the time formats Symphony supports. These
     * formats are a combination of valid Moment format tokens.
     * @link
     * @since Symphony 2.6
     * @return array
    public static function getMomentTimeFormats()
        return array_keys(self::$time_mappings);

     * Returns the Moment time representation of a given PHP format token.
     * @since Symphony 2.6
     * @param string $format
     *  A valid PHP time token
     * @return string
    public static function convertTimeToMoment($format)
        return self::$time_mappings[$format];

     * Returns the PHP time representation of a given Moment format token.
     * @since Symphony 2.6
     * @param string $format
     *  A valid Moment time token
     * @return string
    public static function convertMomentToTime($format)
        $formats = array_flip(self::$time_mappings);
        return $formats[$format];
     * Returns an array of the time formats Symphony supports by applying
     * the format to the current datetime. The array returned is for use with
     * `Widget::Select()`
     * @since Symphony 2.3
     * @see core.Widget#Select()
     * @param string $selected
     *  A preselected time format, defaults to null
     * @return array
     *  An associative array, for use with `Widget::Select`
    public static function getTimeFormatsSelectOptions($selected = null)
        $formats = self::getTimeFormats();
        $options = array();

        foreach ($formats as $option) {
            $options[] = array($option, $option == $selected, self::get($option));

        return $options;