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 * @package core
 * The Log class acts a simple wrapper to write errors to a file so that it can
 * be read at a later date. There is one Log file in Symphony, stored in the main
 * `LOGS` directory.

class Log
     * A constant for if this message should add to an existing log file
     * @var integer
    const APPEND = 10;

     * A constant for if this message should overwrite the existing log
     * @var integer
    const OVERWRITE = 11;

     * The path to this log file
     * @var string
    private $_log_path = null;

     * An array of log messages to write to the log.
     * @var array
    private $_log = array();

     * The maximise size of the log can reach before it is rotated and a new
     * Log file written started. The units are bytes. Default is -1, which
     * means that the log will never be rotated.
     * @var integer
    private $_max_size = -1;

     * Whether to archive olds logs or not, by default they will not be archived.
     * @var boolean
    private $_archive = false;

     * The filter applied to logs before they are written.
     * @since Symphony 2.7.1
     * @var integer
    private $_filter = -1;

     * The date format that this Log entries will be written as.
     * @since Symphony 3.0.0, it defaults to ISO 8601.
     * @var string
    private $_datetime_format = 'c';

     * A random value used to identify which Log instance created the data.
     * @since Symphony 3.0.0
     * @var string
    private $id;

     * The log constructor takes a path to the folder where the Log should be
     * written to.
     * @param string $path
     *  The path to the folder where the Log files should be written
    public function __construct($path)
        $this->id = substr(uniqid(), 0, 6);

     * Setter for the `$_log_path`.
     * @param string $path
     *  The path to the folder where the Log files should be written
    public function setLogPath($path)
        $this->_log_path = $path;

     * Accessor for the `$_log_path`.
     * @return string
    public function getLogPath()
        return $this->_log_path;

     * Accessor for the `$_log`.
     * @return array
    public function getLog()
        return $this->_log;

     * Accessor for the `$id` variable.
     * @since Symphony 3.0.0
     * @return string
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * Setter for the `$_archive`.
     * @param boolean $archive
     *  If true, Log files will be archived using gz when they are rotated,
     *  otherwise they will just be overwritten when they are due for rotation
    public function setArchive($archive)
        $this->_archive = $archive;

     * Setter for the `$_max_size`.
     * @param integer $size
     *  The size, in bytes, that the Log can reach before it is rotated.
    public function setMaxSize($size)
        $this->_max_size = General::intval($size);

     * Setter for the `$_filter`.
     * @since Symphony 2.7.1
     * @param mixed $filter
     *  The filter used on log $type parameter.
    public function setFilter($filter)
        $this->_filter = General::intval($filter);

     * Setter for the `$_date_format`.
     * @since Symphony 2.2
     * @link
     * @param string $format
     *  Takes a valid date format using the PHP date tokens
    public function setDateTimeFormat($format)
        if (empty($format)) {
            throw new Exception('Datetime format can not be empty');
        $this->_datetime_format = $format;

     * Given a PHP error constant, return a human readable name. Uses the
     * `ErrorHandler::$errorTypeStrings` array to return
     * the name
     * @see core.ErrorHandler::$errorTypeStrings
     * @param integer $type
     *  A PHP error constant
     * @return string
     *  A human readable name of the error constant, or if the type is not
     *  found, UNKNOWN.
    private function __defineNameString($type)
        if (isset(ErrorHandler::$errorTypeStrings[$type])) {
            return ErrorHandler::$errorTypeStrings[$type];

        return is_string($type) ? $type : 'UNKNOWN';

     * Function will return the last message added to `$_log` and remove
     * it from the array.
     * @return array|boolean
     *  Returns an associative array of a log message, containing the type of the log
     *  message, the actual message and the time at the which it was added to the log.
     *  If the log is empty, this function removes false.
    public function popFromLog()
        if (!empty($this->_log)) {
            return array_pop($this->_log);

        return false;

     * Given a message, this function will add it to the internal `$_log`
     * so that it can be written to the Log. Optional parameters all the message to
     * be immediately written, insert line breaks or add to the last log message
     * @param string $message
     *  The message to add to the Log
     * @param integer $type
     *  A PHP error constant for this message, defaults to E_NOTICE.
     *  If null or 0, will be converted to E_ERROR.
     * @param boolean $writeToLog
     *  If set to true, this message will be immediately written to the log. By default
     *  this is set to false, which means that it will only be added to the array ready
     *  for writing
     * @param boolean $addbreak
     *  To be used in conjunction with `$writeToLog`, this will add a line break
     *  before writing this message in the log file. Defaults to true.
     * @param boolean $append
     *  If set to true, the given `$message` will be append to the previous log
     *  message found in the `$_log` array
     * @return boolean|null
     *  If `$writeToLog` is passed, this function will return boolean, otherwise
     *  void
    public function pushToLog($message, $type = E_NOTICE, $writeToLog = false, $addbreak = true, $append = false)
        if (!$type) {
            $type = E_ERROR;

        if ($append) {
            $this->_log[count($this->_log) - 1]['message'] =  $this->_log[count($this->_log) - 1]['message'] . $message;
        } else {
            array_push($this->_log, array('type' => $type, 'time' => time(), 'message' => $message));
            $message = DateTimeObj::get($this->_datetime_format) .
                ' ' . $this->id .
                ' > ' . $this->__defineNameString($type) .
                ': ' . $message;

        if (!is_numeric($type)) {
            $type = E_ERROR;

        if ($writeToLog && ($this->_filter === -1 || ($this->_filter & $type))) {
            return $this->writeToLog($message, $addbreak);

     * This function will write the given message to the log file. Messages will be appended
     * the existing log file.
     * @param string $message
     *  The message to add to the Log
     * @param boolean $addbreak
     *  To be used in conjunction with `$writeToLog`, this will add a line break
     *  before writing this message in the log file. Defaults to true.
     * @return boolean
     *  Returns true if the message was written successfully, false otherwise
    public function writeToLog($message, $addbreak = true)
        if (file_exists($this->_log_path) && !is_writable($this->_log_path)) {
            $this->pushToLog('Could not write to Log. It is not readable.');
            return false;

        $permissions = Symphony::Configuration() ? Symphony::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file') : '0664';

        return General::writeFile($this->_log_path, $message . ($addbreak ? PHP_EOL : ''), $permissions, 'a+');

     * Given an Throwable, this function will add it to the internal `$_log`
     * so that it can be written to the Log.
     * @since Symphony 2.3.2
     * @since Symphony 2.7.0
     *  This function works with both Exceptions and Throwable
     *  Supporting both PHP 5.6 and 7 forces use to not qualify the $e parameter
     * @param Throwable $exception
     * @param boolean $writeToLog
     *  If set to true, this message will be immediately written to the log. By default
     *  this is set to false, which means that it will only be added to the array ready
     *  for writing
     * @param boolean $addbreak
     *  To be used in conjunction with `$writeToLog`, this will add a line break
     *  before writing this message in the log file. Defaults to true.
     * @param boolean $append
     *  If set to true, the given `$message` will be append to the previous log
     *  message found in the `$_log` array
     * @return boolean|null
     *  If `$writeToLog` is passed, this function will return boolean, otherwise
     *  void
    public function pushExceptionToLog($exception, $writeToLog = false, $addbreak = true, $append = false)
        $message = sprintf(
            '%s %s - %s on line %d of %s',

        return $this->pushToLog($message, $exception->getCode(), $writeToLog, $addbreak, $append);

     * Given an method name, this function will properly format a message
     * and pass it down to `pushToLog()`
     * @see Log::pushToLog()
     * @since Symphony 2.7.0
     * @param string $method
     *  The name of the deprecated call
     * @param string $alternative
     *  The name of the new method to use
     * @param array $opts (optional)
     * @param string $opts.message-format
     *  The sprintf format to apply to $method
     * @param string $opts.alternative-format
     *  The sprintf format to apply to $alternative
     * @param string $opts.removal-format
     *  The sprintf format to apply to $opts.removal-version
     * @param string $opts.removal-version
     *  The Symphony version at which the removal is planned
     * @param boolean $opts.write-to-log
     *  If set to true, this message will be immediately written to the log. By default
     *  this is set to false, which means that it will only be added to the array ready
     *  for writing
     * @param boolean $opts.addbreak
     *  To be used in conjunction with `$opts.write-to-log`, this will add a line break
     *  before writing this message in the log file. Defaults to true.
     * @param boolean $opts.append
     *  If set to true, the given `$message` will be append to the previous log
     *  message found in the `$_log` array
     * @param boolean $opts.addtrace
     *  If set to true, the caller of the function will be added. Defaults to true.
     * @return boolean|null
     *  If `$writeToLog` is passed, this function will return boolean, otherwise
     *  void
    public function pushDeprecateWarningToLog($method, $alternative = null, array $opts = array())
        $defaults = array(
            'message-format' => __('The method `%s` is deprecated.'),
            'alternative-format' => __('Please use `%s` instead.'),
            'removal-format' => __('It will be removed in Symphony %s.'),
            'removal-version' => '3.0.0',
            'write-to-log' => true,
            'addbreak' => true,
            'append' => false,
            'addtrace' => true,
        $opts = array_replace($defaults, $opts);

        $message = sprintf($opts['message-format'], $method);
        if (!empty($opts['removal-version'])) {
            $message .= ' ' . sprintf($opts['removal-format'], $opts['removal-version']);
        if (!empty($alternative)) {
            $message .= ' ' . sprintf($opts['alternative-format'], $alternative);
        if ($opts['addtrace'] === true) {
            $trace = debug_backtrace(0, 3);
            $index = isset($trace[2]['class']) ? 2 : 1;
            $caller = $trace[$index]['class'] . '::' . $trace[$index]['function'] . '()';
            $file = basename($trace[$index - 1]['file']);
            $line = $trace[$index - 1]['line'];
            $message .= " Called from `$caller` in $file at line $line";

        return $this->pushToLog($message, E_DEPRECATED, $opts['write-to-log'], $opts['addbreak'], $opts['append']);

     * The function handles the rotation of the log files. By default it will open
     * the current log file, 'main', which is written to `$_log_path` and
     * check it's file size doesn't exceed `$_max_size`. If it does, the log
     * is appended with a date stamp and if `$_archive` has been set, it will
     * be archived and stored. If a log file has exceeded it's size, or `Log::OVERWRITE`
     * flag is set, the existing log file is removed and a new one created. Essentially,
     * if a log file has not reached it's `$_max_size` and the the flag is not
     * set to `Log::OVERWRITE`, this function does nothing.
     * @link
     * @param integer $flag
     *  One of the Log constants, either `Log::APPEND` or `Log::OVERWRITE`
     *  By default this is `Log::APPEND`
     * @param integer $mode
     *  The file mode used to apply to the archived log, by default this is 0777. Note that this
     *  parameter is modified using PHP's intval function with base 8.
     * @throws Exception
     * @return integer
     *  Returns 1 if the log was overwritten, or 2 otherwise.
    public function open($flag = self::APPEND, $mode = 0777)
        if (!file_exists($this->_log_path)) {
            $flag = self::OVERWRITE;

        if ($flag == self::APPEND && file_exists($this->_log_path) && is_readable($this->_log_path)) {
            if ($this->_max_size > 0 && filesize($this->_log_path) > $this->_max_size) {
                $flag = self::OVERWRITE;

                if ($this->_archive) {
                    $file = $this->_log_path . DateTimeObj::get('Ymdh').'.gz';
                    if (function_exists('gzopen64')) {
                        $handle = gzopen64($file, 'w9');
                    } else {
                        $handle = gzopen($file, 'w9');
                    gzwrite($handle, file_get_contents($this->_log_path));
                    chmod($file, intval($mode, 8));

        if ($flag == self::OVERWRITE) {

            $this->writeToLog('============================================', true);
            $this->writeToLog('Log Created: ' . DateTimeObj::get('c'), true);
            $this->writeToLog('============================================', true);

            chmod($this->_log_path, intval($mode, 8));

            return 1;

        return 2;

     * Writes a end of file block at the end of the log file with a datetime
     * stamp of when the log file was closed.
    public function close()
        $this->writeToLog('============================================', true);
        $this->writeToLog('Log Closed: ' . DateTimeObj::get('c'), true);
        $this->writeToLog("============================================" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, true);

    /* Initialises the log file by writing into it the log name, the date of
     * creation, the current Symphony version and the current domain.
     * @param string $name
     *  The name of the log being initialised
    public function initialise($name)
        $version = (is_null(Symphony::Configuration())) ? VERSION : Symphony::Configuration()->get('version', 'symphony');

        $this->writeToLog($name, true);
        $this->writeToLog('Opened:  '. DateTimeObj::get('c'), true);
        $this->writeToLog('Version: '. $version, true);
        $this->writeToLog('Domain:  '. DOMAIN, true);
        $this->writeToLog('--------------------------------------------', true);