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 * @package core

  * The Session class is a handler for all Session related logic in PHP. The functions
  * map directly to all handler functions as defined by session_set_save_handler in
  * PHP. In Symphony, this function is used in conjunction with the `Cookie` class.
  * Based on:
  * by klose at openriverbed dot de which was based on
  * by
  * maria at junkies dot jp
  * @link

class Session
     * If a Session has been created, this will be true, otherwise false
     * @var boolean
    private static $_initialized = false;

     * Disallow public construction
    private function __construct()

     * Starts a Session object, only if one doesn't already exist. This function maps
     * the Session Handler functions to this classes methods by reading the default
     * information from the PHP ini file.
     * @link
     * @link
     * @param integer $lifetime
     *  How long a Session is valid for, by default this is 0, which means it
     *  never expires
     * @param string $path
     *  The path the cookie is valid for on the domain
     * @param string $domain
     *  The domain this cookie is valid for
     * @param boolean $httpOnly
     *  Whether this cookie can be read by Javascript. By default the cookie
     *  cannot be read by Javascript
     * @throws Exception
     * @return string|boolean
     *  Returns the Session ID on success, or false on error.
    public static function start($lifetime = 0, $path = '/', $domain = null, $httpOnly = true)
        if (!self::$_initialized) {
            if (!is_object(Symphony::Database()) || !Symphony::Database()->isConnected()) {
                throw new Exception('Failed to start session, no Database found.');

            // Get config
            $gcDivisor = Symphony::Configuration()->get('session_gc_divisor', 'symphony');
            $strictDomain = Symphony::Configuration()->get('session_strict_domain', 'symphony') === 'yes';

            // Set php parameters
            if (session_id() == '' && !headers_sent()) {
                ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');
                ini_set('session.use_strict_mode', '1');
                ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', '1');
                ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $lifetime);
                ini_set('session.gc_probability', '1');
                ini_set('session.gc_divisor', $gcDivisor);

            // Register handler
            $handler = new Session;
                [$handler ,'open'],
                [$handler ,'close'],
                [$handler ,'read'],
                [$handler ,'write'],
                [$handler ,'destroy'],
                [$handler ,'gc']

            // Set cookie parameters
            if ($strictDomain) {
                // setting the domain to null makes the cookie valid for the current host only
                $domain = null;
            } else {
                $domain = $domain ? : $handler->getDomain();

                defined('__SECURE__') && __SECURE__,

            if (!session_id()) {
                if (headers_sent()) {
                    throw new Exception('Headers already sent. Cannot start session.');


            self::$_initialized = true;

        return session_id();

     * Returns a properly formatted ascii string for the cookie path.
     * Browsers are notoriously bad at parsing the cookie path. They do not
     * respect the content-encoding header. So we must be careful when dealing
     * with setups with special characters in their paths.
     * @since Symphony 2.7.0
    protected function createCookieSafePath($path)
        $path = array_filter(explode('/', $path));
        if (empty($path)) {
            return '/';
        $path = array_map('rawurlencode', $path);
        return '/' . implode('/', $path);

     * Returns the current domain for the Session to be saved to, if the installation
     * is on localhost, this returns null and just allows PHP to take care of setting
     * the valid domain for the Session, otherwise it will return the non-www version
     * of the domain host.
     * @return string|null
     *  Null if on localhost, or HTTP_HOST is not set, a string of the domain name sans
     *  www otherwise
    public function getDomain()
        if (HTTP_HOST) {
            if (preg_match('/(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)/', HTTP_HOST)) {
                return null; // prevent problems on local setups

            // Remove leading www and ending :port
            return preg_replace('/(^www\.|:\d+$)/i', null, HTTP_HOST);

        return null;

     * Allows the Session to open without any further logic.
     * @return boolean
     *  Always returns true
    public function open()
        return true;

     * Allows the Session to close without any further logic. Acts as a
     * destructor function for the Session.
     * @return boolean
     *  Always returns true
    public function close()
        return true;

     * Given an ID, and some data, save it into `tbl_sessions`. This uses
     * the ID as a unique key, and will override any existing data. If the
     * `$data` is deemed to be empty, no row will be saved in the database
     * unless there is an existing row.
     * @param string $id
     *  The ID of the Session, usually a hash
     * @param string $data
     *  The Session information, usually a serialized object of
     * `$_SESSION[Cookie->_index]`
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return boolean
     *  true if the Session information was saved successfully, false otherwise
    public function write($id, $data)
        // Only prevent this record from saving if there isn't already a record
        // in the database. This prevents empty Sessions from being created, but
        // allows them to be nulled.
        $session_data = $this->read($id);
        if (!$session_data) {
            $empty = true;
            if (function_exists('session_status') && session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
                $unserialized_data = $this->unserialize($data);

                foreach ($unserialized_data as $d) {
                    if (!empty($d)) {
                        $empty = false;

                if ($empty) {
                    return true;
            // PHP 7.0 makes the session inactive in write callback,
            // so we try to detect empty sessions without decoding them
            } elseif ($data === Symphony::Configuration()->get('cookie_prefix', 'symphony') . '|a:0:{}') {
                return true;

        $fields = array(
            'session' => $id,
            'session_expires' => time(),
            'session_data' => $data

        return Symphony::Database()

     * Given raw session data return the unserialized array.
     * Used to check if the session is really empty before writing.
     * @since Symphony 2.3.3
     * @param string $data
     *  The serialized session data
     * @return array
     *  The unserialised session data
    private function unserialize($data)
        $hasBuffer = isset($_SESSION);
        $buffer = $_SESSION;
        $session = $_SESSION;

        if ($hasBuffer) {
            $_SESSION = $buffer;
        } else {

        return $session;

     * Given a session's ID, return it's row from `tbl_sessions`
     * @param string $id
     *  The identifier for the Session to fetch
     * @return string
     *  The serialised session data
    public function read($id)
        if (!$id) {
            return null;

        return Symphony::Database()
            ->where(['session' => $id])

     * Given a session's ID, remove it's row from `tbl_sessions`
     * @param string $id
     *  The identifier for the Session to destroy
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return boolean
     *  true if the Session was deleted successfully, false otherwise
    public function destroy($id)
        if (!$id) {
            return true;

        return Symphony::Database()
            ->where(['session' => $id])

     * The garbage collector, which removes all empty Sessions, or any
     * Sessions that have expired. This has a 10% chance of firing based
     * off the `gc_probability`/`gc_divisor`.
     * @param integer $max
     *  The max session lifetime.
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return boolean
     *  true on Session deletion, false if an error occurs
    public function gc($max)
        return Symphony::Database()
            ->where(['session_expires' => ['<=' => time() - $max]])