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 * @package toolkit
 * HTMLPage extends the Page class to provide an object representation
 * of a Symphony backend page.

class HTMLPage extends Page
     * An XMLElement object for the `<html>` element. This is the parent
     * DOM element for all other elements on the output page.
     * @var XMLElement
    public $Html = null;

     * An XMLElement object for the `<head>`
     * @var XMLElement
    public $Head = null;

     * An XMLElement object for the `<body>`
     * @var XMLElement
    public $Body = null;

     * An XMLElement object for the `<form>`. Most Symphony backend pages
     * are contained within a main form
     * @var XMLElement
    public $Form = null;

     * This holds all the elements that will eventually be in the `$Head`.
     * This allows extensions to add elements at certain indexes so
     * resource dependancies can be met, and duplicates can be removed.
     * Defaults to an empty array.
     * @var array
    protected $_head = array();

     * Accessor function for `$this->_head`. Returns all the XMLElements that are
     * about to be added to `$this->Head`.
     * @since Symphony 2.3.3
     * @return array
    public function Head()
        return $this->_head;

     * Constructor for the HTMLPage. Intialises the class variables with
     * empty instances of XMLElement
    public function __construct()

        $this->Html = (new XMLDocument('html'))->setIncludeHeader(false);
        $this->Head = new XMLElement('head');
        $this->Body = new XMLElement('body');

     * Setter function for the `<title>` of a backend page. Uses the
     * `addElementToHead()` function to place into the `$this->_head` array.
     * Makes sure that only one title can be set.
     * @see addElementToHead()
     * @param string $title
     * @return int
     *  Returns the position that the title has been set in the $_head
    public function setTitle($title)
        return $this->addElementToHead(
            new XMLElement('title', $title),

     * The generate function calls the `__build()` function before appending
     * all the current page's headers and then finally calling the `$Html's`
     * generate function which generates a HTML DOM from all the
     * XMLElement children.
     * @param null $page
     * @return string
    public function generate($page = null)
        return $this->Html->generate(true);

     * Called when page is generated, this function appends the `$Head`,
     * `$Form` and `$Body` elements to the `$Html`.
     * @see __generateHead()
    protected function __build()

     * Sorts the `$this->_head` elements by key, then appends them to the
     * `$Head` XMLElement in order.
    protected function __generateHead()

        foreach ($this->_head as $position => $obj) {
            if (is_object($obj)) {

     * Adds an XMLElement to the `$this->_head` array at a desired position.
     * If no position is given, the object will be added to the end
     * of the `$this->_head` array. If that position is already taken, it will
     * add the object at the next available position.
     * @see toolkit.General#array_find_available_index()
     * @param XMLElement $object
     * @param integer $position
     *  Defaults to null which will put the `$object` at the end of the
     *  `$this->_head`.
     * @param boolean $allowDuplicate
     *  If set to false, make this function check if there is already an XMLElement that as the same name in the head.
     *  Defaults to true. @since Symphony 2.3.2
     * @return integer
     *  Returns the position that the `$object` has been set in the `$this->_head`
    public function addElementToHead(XMLElement $object, $position = null, $allowDuplicate = true)
        // find the right position
        if (($position && isset($this->_head[$position]))) {
            $position = General::array_find_available_index($this->_head, $position);
        } elseif (is_null($position)) {
            if (count($this->_head) > 0) {
                $position = max(array_keys($this->_head))+1;
            } else {
                $position = 0;

        // check if we allow duplicate
        if (!$allowDuplicate && !empty($this->_head)) {

        // append new element
        $this->_head[$position] = $object;

        return $position;

     * Given an elementName, this function will remove the corresponding
     * XMLElement from the `$this->_head`
     * @param string $elementName
    public function removeFromHead($elementName)
        foreach ($this->_head as $position => $element) {
            if ($element->getName() !== $elementName) {


     * Removes an item from `$this->_head` by it's index.
     * @since Symphony 2.3.3
     * @param integer $position
    public function removeFromHeadByPosition($position)
        if (isset($position, $this->_head[$position])) {

     * Determines if two elements are duplicates based on an attribute and value
     * @param string $path
     *  The value of the attribute
     * @param string $attribute
     *  The attribute to check
     * @return boolean
    public function checkElementsInHead($path, $attribute)
        foreach ($this->_head as $element) {
            if (basename($element->getAttribute($attribute)) == basename($path)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Convenience function to add a `<script>` element to the `$this->_head`. By default
     * the function will allow duplicates to be added to the `$this->_head`. A duplicate
     * is determined by if the `$path` is unique.
     * @param string $path
     *  The path to the script file
     * @param integer $position
     *  The desired position that the resulting XMLElement will be placed
     *  in the `$this->_head`. Defaults to null which will append to the end.
     * @param boolean $duplicate
     *  When set to false the function will only add the script if it doesn't
     *  already exist. Defaults to true which allows duplicates.
     * @return integer
     *  Returns the position that the script has been set in the `$this->_head`
    public function addScriptToHead($path, $position = null, $duplicate = true)
        if ($duplicate === true || ($duplicate === false && $this->checkElementsInHead($path, 'src') === false)) {
            $script = new XMLElement('script');
            $script->setAttributeArray(array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => $path));

            return $this->addElementToHead($script, $position);

     * Convenience function to add a stylesheet to the `$this->_head` in a `<link>` element.
     * By default the function will allow duplicates to be added to the `$this->_head`.
     * A duplicate is determined by if the `$path` is unique.
     * @param string $path
     *  The path to the stylesheet file
     * @param string $type
     *  The media attribute for this stylesheet, defaults to 'screen'
     * @param integer $position
     *  The desired position that the resulting XMLElement will be placed
     *  in the `$this->_head`. Defaults to null which will append to the end.
     * @param boolean $duplicate
     *  When set to false the function will only add the script if it doesn't
     *  already exist. Defaults to true which allows duplicates.
     * @return integer
     *  Returns the position that the stylesheet has been set in the `$this->_head`
    public function addStylesheetToHead($path, $type = 'screen', $position = null, $duplicate = true)
        if ($duplicate === true || ($duplicate === false && $this->checkElementsInHead($path, 'href') === false)) {
            $link = new XMLElement('link');
            $link->setAttributeArray(array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'media' => $type, 'href' => $path));

            return $this->addElementToHead($link, $position);

     * This function builds a HTTP query string from `$_GET` parameters with
     * the option to remove parameters with an `$exclude` array. Since Symphony 2.6.0
     * it is also possible to override the default filters on the resulting string.
     * @link
     * @param array $exclude
     *  A simple array with the keys that should be omitted in the resulting
     *  query string.
     * @param integer $filters
     *  The resulting query string is parsed through `filter_var`. By default
     *  FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, but these can be overridden as desired.
     * @return string
    public function __buildQueryString(array $exclude = array(), $filters = null)
        $exclude[] = 'page';
        if (is_null($filters)) {

        // Generate the full query string and then parse it back to an array
        $pre_exclusion = http_build_query($_GET, null, '&');
        parse_str($pre_exclusion, $query);

        // Remove the excluded keys from query string and then build
        // the query string again
        $post_exclusion = array_diff_key($query, array_fill_keys($exclude, true));

        $query = http_build_query($post_exclusion, null, '&');

        return filter_var(urldecode($query), $filters);