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Test Coverage
 * @package toolkit
 * A SMTP client class, for sending text/plain emails.
 * This class only supports the very basic SMTP functions.
 * Inspired by the SMTP class in the Zend library
 * @author Huib Keemink <>
 * @version 0.1 - 20 okt 2010
class SMTP
    const TIMEOUT = 30;

    protected $_host;
    protected $_port;
    protected $_user = null;
    protected $_pass = null;
    protected $_transport = 'tcp';
    protected $_secure = false;

    protected $_header_fields = array();

    protected $_from = null;

    protected $_helo_host = null;
    protected $_connection = false;

    protected $_helo = false;
    protected $_mail = false;
    protected $_data = false;
    protected $_rcpt = false;
    protected $_auth = false;

     * Constructor.
     * @param string $host
     *  Host to connect to. Defaults to localhost (
     * @param integer $port
     *  When ssl is used, defaults to 465
     *  When no ssl is used, and ini_get returns no value, defaults to 25.
     * @param array $options
     *  Currently supports 3 values:
     *    $options['secure'] can be ssl, tls or null.
     *    $options['username'] the username used to login to the server. Leave empty for no authentication.
     *    $options['password'] the password used to login to the server. Leave empty for no authentication.
     *    $options['helo_hostname'] the hostname address used in the EHLO/HELO commands. Ideally an FQDN.
     *    $options['local_ip'] the ip address used in the EHLO/HELO commands if no helo_hostname is given.
     * @throws SMTPException
    public function __construct($host = '', $port = null, $options = array())
        if ($options['secure'] !== null) {
            switch (strtolower($options['secure'])) {
                case 'tls':
                    $this->_secure = 'tls';
                case 'ssl':
                    $this->_transport = 'ssl';
                    $this->_secure = 'ssl';
                    if ($port === null) {
                        $port = 465;
                case 'no':
                    throw new SMTPException(__('Unsupported SSL type'));

        if (!empty($options['helo_hostname'])) {
            $this->_helo_host = $options['helo_hostname'];
        } elseif (!empty($options['local_ip'])) {
            $this->_helo_host = '[' . $options['local_ip'] . ']';
        } else {
            $this->_helo_host = '[' . gethostbyname(php_uname('n')) . ']';

        if ($port === null) {
            $port = 25;

        if (($options['username'] !== null) && ($options['password'] !== null)) {
            $this->_user = $options['username'];
            $this->_pass = $options['password'];

        $this->_host = $host;
        $this->_port = $port;

     * Checks to see if `$this->_connection` is a valid resource. Throws an
     * exception if there is no connection, otherwise returns true.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return boolean
    public function checkConnection()
        if (!is_resource($this->_connection)) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('No connection has been established to %s', array($this->_host)));

        return true;

     * The actual email sending.
     * The connection to the server (connecting, EHLO, AUTH, etc) is done here,
     * right before the actual email is sent. This is to make sure the connection does not time out.
     * @param string $from
     *  The from string. Should have the following format: email@domain.tld
     * @param string $to
     *  The email address to send the email to.
     * @param string $subject
     *  The subject to send the email to.
     * @param string $message
     *  The message to send as an email
     * @param array $options (optional)
     *  An array of options that will be pass down to stream_context_create
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @throws Exception
     * @return boolean
    public function sendMail($from, $to, $message, $options = [])
        $this->_connect($this->_host, $this->_port, $options);

        if (!is_array($to)) {
            $to = array($to);

        foreach ($to as $recipient) {

     * Sets a header to be sent in the email.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @param string $header
     * @param string $value
     * @return void
    public function setHeader($header, $value)
        if (is_array($value)) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Header fields can only contain strings'));

        $this->_header_fields[$header] = $value;

     * Initiates the ehlo/helo requests.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @throws Exception
     * @return void
    public function helo()
        if ($this->_mail !== false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Can not call HELO on existing session'));

        //wait for the server to be ready
        $this->_expect(220, 300);

        //send ehlo or ehlo request.
        try {
        } catch (SMTPException $e) {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw $e;

        $this->_helo = true;

     * Calls the MAIL command on the server.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @param string $from
     *  The email address to send the email from.
     * @return void
    public function mail($from)
        if ($this->_helo == false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Must call EHLO (or HELO) before calling MAIL'));
        } elseif ($this->_mail !== false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Only one call to MAIL may be made at a time.'));

        $this->_send('MAIL FROM:<' . $from . '>');
        $this->_expect(250, 300);

        $this->_from = $from;
        $this->_mail = true;
        $this->_rcpt = false;
        $this->_data = false;

     * Calls the RCPT command on the server. May be called multiple times for more than one recipient.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @param string $to
     *  The address to send the email to.
     * @return void
    public function rcpt($to)
        if ($this->_mail == false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Must call MAIL before calling RCPT'));

        $this->_send('RCPT TO:<' . $to . '>');
        $this->_expect(array(250, 251), 300);

        $this->_rcpt = true;

     * Calls the data command on the server.
     * Also includes header fields in the command.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @param string $data
     * @return void
    public function data($data)
        if ($this->_rcpt == false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Must call RCPT before calling DATA'));

        $this->_expect(354, 120);

        foreach ($this->_header_fields as $name => $body) {
            // Every header can contain an array. Will insert multiple header fields of that type with the contents of array.
            // Useful for multiple recipients, for instance.
            if (!is_array($body)) {
                $body = array($body);

            foreach ($body as $val) {
                $this->_send($name . ': ' . $val);
        // Send an empty newline. Solves bugs with Apple Mail

        // Because the message can contain \n as a newline, replace all \r\n with \n and explode on \n.
        // The send() function will use the proper line ending (\r\n).
        $data = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data);
        $data_arr = explode("\n", $data);

        foreach ($data_arr as $line) {
            // Escape line if first character is a period (dot).
            if (strpos($line, '.') === 0) {
                $line = '.' . $line;

        $this->_expect(250, 600);
        $this->_data = true;

     * Resets the current session. This 'undoes' all rcpt, mail, etc calls.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return void
    public function rset()
        // MS ESMTP doesn't follow RFC, see [ZF-1377]
        $this->_expect(array(250, 220));

        $this->_mail = false;
        $this->_rcpt = false;
        $this->_data = false;

     * Disconnects to the server.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return void
    public function quit()
        $this->_expect(221, 300);
        $this->_connection = null;

     * Authenticates to the server.
     * Currently supports the AUTH LOGIN command.
     * May be extended if more methods are needed.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return void
    protected function _auth()
        if ($this->_helo == false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Must call EHLO (or HELO) before calling AUTH'));
        } elseif ($this->_auth !== false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Can not call AUTH again.'));

        $this->_send('AUTH LOGIN');
        $this->_auth = true;

     * Calls the EHLO function.
     * This is the HELO function for more modern servers.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return void
    protected function _ehlo()
        $this->_send('EHLO ' . $this->_helo_host);
        $this->_expect(array(250, 220), 300);

     * Initiates the connection by calling the HELO function.
     * This function should only be used if the server does not support the HELO function.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return void
    protected function _helo()
        $this->_send('HELO ' . $this->_helo_host);
        $this->_expect(array(250, 220), 300);

     * Encrypts the current session with TLS.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return void
    protected function _tls()
        if ($this->_secure == 'tls') {
            $this->_expect(220, 180);
            if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->_connection, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT)) {
                throw new SMTPException(__('Unable to connect via TLS'));

     * Send a request to the host, appends the request with a line break.
     * @param string $request
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return boolean|integer number of characters written.
    protected function _send($request)

        $result = fwrite($this->_connection, $request . "\r\n");

        if ($result === false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Could not send request: %s', array($request)));
        return $result;

     * Get a line from the stream.
     * @param integer $timeout
     *  Per-request timeout value if applicable. Defaults to null which
     *  will not set a timeout.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @return string
    protected function _receive($timeout = null)

        if ($timeout !== null) {
            stream_set_timeout($this->_connection, $timeout);

        $response = fgets($this->_connection, 1024);
        $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->_connection);

        if (!empty($info['timed_out'])) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('%s has timed out', array($this->_host)));
        } elseif ($response === false) {
            throw new SMTPException(__('Could not read from %s', array($this->_host)));

        return $response;

     * Parse server response for successful codes
     * Read the response from the stream and check for expected return code.
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @param  string|array $code
     *  One or more codes that indicate a successful response
     * @param integer $timeout
     *  Per-request timeout value if applicable. Defaults to null which
     *  will not set a timeout.
     * @return string
     *  Last line of response string
    protected function _expect($code, $timeout = null)
        $cmd  = '';
        $more = '';
        $msg  = '';
        $errMsg = '';

        if (!is_array($code)) {
            $code = array($code);

        // Borrowed from the Zend Email Library
        do {
            $result = $this->_receive($timeout);
            list($cmd, $more, $msg) = preg_split('/([\s-]+)/', $result, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

            if ($errMsg !== '') {
                $errMsg .= ' ' . $msg;
            } elseif ($cmd === null || !in_array($cmd, $code)) {
                $errMsg = $msg;
        } while (strpos($more, '-') === 0); // The '-' message prefix indicates an information string instead of a response string.

        if ($errMsg !== '') {
            throw new SMTPException($errMsg);

        return $msg;

     * Connect to the host, and perform basic functions like helo and auth.
     * @param string $host
     *  Host to connect to
     * @param integer $port
     *  The port to connect to
     * @param array $options (optional)
     *  An array of options that will be pass down to stream_context_create
     * @throws SMTPException
     * @throws Exception
     * @return void
    protected function _connect($host, $port, $options = [])
        $errorNum = 0;
        $errorStr = '';

        $remoteAddr = $this->_transport . '://' . $host . ':' . $port;

        if (!is_resource($this->_connection)) {
            $context = stream_context_create($options);
            $this->_connection = stream_socket_client($remoteAddr, $errorNum, $errorStr, self::TIMEOUT, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);

            if ($this->_connection === false) {
                if ($errorNum == 0) {
                    throw new SMTPException(__('Unable to open socket. Unknown error'));
                } else {
                    throw new SMTPException(__('Unable to open socket. %s', array($errorStr)));

            if (@stream_set_timeout($this->_connection, self::TIMEOUT) === false) {
                throw new SMTPException(__('Unable to set timeout.'));


            if ($this->_secure == 'tls') {

            if (($this->_user !== null) && ($this->_pass !== null)) {