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Test Coverage
 * @package email-gateways

 * The basic gateway sending emails using Sendmail, php's mail function.
 * @author Michael Eichelsdoerfer, Huib Keemink
class SendmailGateway extends EmailGateway
     * Returns the name, used in the dropdown menu in the preferences pane.
     * @return array
    public static function about()
        return array(
            'name' => __('Sendmail (default)'),

     * Constructor. Sets basic default values based on preferences.
     * @throws EmailValidationException
    public function __construct()

     * Send an email using the PHP mail() function
     * Please note that 'encoded-words' should be used according to
     * RFC2047. Basically this means that the subject should be
     * encoded if necessary, as well as (real) names in 'From', 'To'
     * or 'Reply-To' header field bodies. For details see RFC2047.
     * The parts of a message body should be encoded (quoted-printable
     * or base64) to make non-US-ASCII text work with the widest range
     * of email transports and clients.
     * @throws EmailGatewayException
     * @throws EmailValidationException
     * @return bool
    public function send()

        try {
            // Encode recipient names (but not any numeric array indexes)
            $recipients = array();
            foreach ($this->_recipients as $name => $email) {
                // Support Bcc header
                if (isset($this->_header_fields['Bcc']) && $this->_header_fields['Bcc'] == $email) {

                // if the key is not numeric, qEncode the key.
                $name = General::intval($name) > -1 ? General::intval($name) : EmailHelper::qEncode($name);
                $recipients[$name] = $email;

            // Combine keys and values into a recipient list (name <email>, name <email>).
            $recipient_list = EmailHelper::arrayToList($recipients);

            // Encode the subject
            $subject = EmailHelper::qEncode((string)$this->_subject);

            // Build the 'From' header field body
            $from = empty($this->_sender_name)
                    ? $this->_sender_email_address
                    : EmailHelper::qEncode($this->_sender_name) . ' <' . $this->_sender_email_address . '>';

            // Build the 'Reply-To' header field body
            if (!empty($this->_reply_to_email_address)) {
                $reply_to = empty($this->_reply_to_name)
                            ? $this->_reply_to_email_address
                            : EmailHelper::qEncode($this->_reply_to_name) . ' <'.$this->_reply_to_email_address.'>';

            if (!empty($reply_to)) {
                $this->_header_fields = array_merge(
                        'Reply-To' => $reply_to,

            // Build the message from the attachments, the html-text and the plain-text.

            // Build the header fields
            $this->_header_fields = array_merge(
                    'Message-ID'   => sprintf('<%s@%s>', md5(uniqid()), HTTP_HOST),
                    'Date'         => date('r'),
                    'From'         => $from,
                    'MIME-Version' => '1.0',

            // Format header fields
            $header_fields = array();
            foreach ($this->_header_fields as $name => $body) {
                $header_fields[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $body);

             * Make things nice for mail().
             * - Replace CRLF in the message body by LF as required by mail().
             * - Implode the header fields as required by mail().
            $this->_body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->_body);
            $header_fields = implode("\r\n", $header_fields);

            // Send the email
            mail($recipient_list, $subject, $this->_body, $header_fields, "-f{$this->_sender_email_address}");
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new EmailGatewayException($e->getMessage());

        return true;

     * Sets all configuration entries from an array.
     * @throws EmailValidationException
     * @param array $config
     * @since 2.3.1
     *  All configuration entries stored in a single array. The array should have the format of the $_POST array created by the preferences HTML.
     * @return void
    public function setConfiguration($config)
        $this->setFrom($config['from_address'], $config['from_name']);

     * Builds the preferences pane, shown in the symphony backend.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @return XMLElement
    public function getPreferencesPane()
        $group = new XMLElement('fieldset');
        $group->setAttribute('class', 'settings condensed pickable');
        $group->setAttribute('id', 'sendmail');
        $group->appendChild(new XMLElement('legend', __('Email: Sendmail')));

        $div = new XMLElement('div');
        $div->setAttribute('class', 'two columns');

        $readonly = array('readonly' => 'readonly');

        $label = Widget::Label(__('From Name'));
        $label->setAttribute('class', 'column');
        $label->appendChild(Widget::Input('settings[email_sendmail][from_name]', General::sanitize($this->_sender_name), 'text', $readonly));

        $label = Widget::Label(__('From Email Address'));
        $label->setAttribute('class', 'column');
        $label->appendChild(Widget::Input('settings[email_sendmail][from_address]', General::sanitize($this->_sender_email_address), 'text', $readonly));


        return $group;