package txdb
import (
errorHelper ""
// NewTXStore creates a new transaction store.
func NewTXStore(db *gorm.DB, metrics metrics.Handler) *Store {
return &Store{
db: db,
metrics: metrics,
// Store is the sqlite store. It extends the base store for sqlite specific queries.
type Store struct {
db *gorm.DB
metrics metrics.Handler
// DBTransaction is a function that can be used to execute a transaction on the database.
func (s *Store) DBTransaction(parentCtx context.Context, f db.TransactionFunc) (err error) {
ctx, span := s.metrics.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "db_transaction")
defer func() {
metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)
//nolint: wrapcheck
return s.db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
txDB := NewTXStore(tx, s.metrics)
return f(ctx, txDB)
// MarkAllBeforeNonceReplacedOrConfirmed marks all transactions before or at the given nonce as replaced or confirmed.
func (s *Store) MarkAllBeforeNonceReplacedOrConfirmed(ctx context.Context, signer common.Address, chainID *big.Int, nonce uint64) error {
dbTX := s.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(ÐTX{}).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", chainIDFieldName), chainID.Uint64()).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s < ?", nonceFieldName), nonce).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s < ?", statusFieldName), db.ReplacedOrConfirmed).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("`%s` = ?", fromFieldName), signer.String()).
// just in case we're updating a tx already marked as confirmed
Updates(map[string]interface{}{statusFieldName: db.ReplacedOrConfirmed.Int()})
if dbTX.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not mark all txs before nonce %d as replaced: %w", nonce, dbTX.Error)
return nil
func statusToArgs(matchStatuses ...db.Status) []int {
inArgs := make([]int, len(matchStatuses))
for i := range matchStatuses {
inArgs[i] = int(matchStatuses[i].Int())
return inArgs
// convertTXS converts a slice of ETHTXes to a slice of db.TXes.
func convertTXS(ethTxes []ETHTX) (txs []db.TX, err error) {
for _, dbTX := range ethTxes {
var marshalledTx types.Transaction
err = marshalledTx.UnmarshalBinary(dbTX.RawTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal tx: %w", err)
retTX := db.TX{
Transaction: &marshalledTx,
Status: dbTX.Status,
// this is fine since we're an implementing db package
txs = append(txs, retTX)
return txs, nil
// GetDistinctChainIDs gets a list of all chains that have been used.
func (s *Store) GetDistinctChainIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]*big.Int, error) {
var chainIDs []string
err := s.db.WithContext(ctx).
Pluck(chainIDFieldName, &chainIDs).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result []*big.Int
for _, chainIDStr := range chainIDs {
chainID := new(big.Int)
chainID.SetString(chainIDStr, 10)
result = append(result, chainID)
return result, nil
// GetTXS returns all transactions for a given address on a given (or any) chain id that match a given status.
// there is a limit of 50 transactions per chain id. The limit does not make any guarantees about the number of nonces per chain.
// the submitter will get only the most recent tx submitted for each chain so this can be used for gas pricing.
func (s *Store) GetTXS(ctx context.Context, fromAddress common.Address, chainID *big.Int, options ...db.Option) (txs []db.TX, err error) {
var dbTXs []ETHTX
madeOptions := db.ParseOptions(options...)
inArgs := statusToArgs(madeOptions.Statuses()...)
query := ETHTX{
From: fromAddress.String(),
if chainID != nil {
query.ChainID = chainID.Uint64()
tableName, err := dbcommon.GetModelName(s.db, ÐTX{})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get table name: %w", err)
subQuery := s.DB().Model(ÐTX{}).
Select(fmt.Sprintf("MAX(%s) as %s, %s, %s", idFieldName, idFieldName, nonceFieldName, chainIDFieldName)).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s IN ?", statusFieldName), inArgs).
Group(fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", nonceFieldName, chainIDFieldName)).
Order(fmt.Sprintf("%s asc", nonceFieldName)).
joinQuery, err := interpol.WithMap(
"INNER JOIN (?) as subquery on `{table}`.`{id}` = `subquery`.`{id}` AND `{table}`.`{chainID}` = `subquery`.`{chainID}`", map[string]string{
"table": tableName,
"id": idFieldName,
"chainID": chainIDFieldName,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not build join query: %w", err)
tx := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).
Joins(joinQuery, subQuery).
Order(fmt.Sprintf("subquery.%s, subquery.%s, %s desc", chainIDFieldName, nonceFieldName, createdAtFieldName)).
if tx.Error != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get txs: %w", tx.Error)
txs, err = convertTXS(dbTXs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert txes: %w", err)
return txs, nil
// GetAllTXAttemptByStatus returns all transactions for a given address on a given (or any) chain id that match a given status.
func (s *Store) GetAllTXAttemptByStatus(ctx context.Context, fromAddress common.Address, chainID *big.Int, options ...db.Option) (txs []db.TX, err error) {
var dbTXs []ETHTX
madeOptions := db.ParseOptions(options...)
inArgs := statusToArgs(madeOptions.Statuses()...)
query := ETHTX{
From: fromAddress.String(),
if chainID != nil {
query.ChainID = chainID.Uint64()
tableName, err := dbcommon.GetModelName(s.db, ÐTX{})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get table name: %w", err)
subQuery := s.DB().Model(ÐTX{}).
Select(fmt.Sprintf("MAX(%s) as %s, %s, %s", idFieldName, idFieldName, nonceFieldName, chainIDFieldName)).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s IN ?", statusFieldName), inArgs).
Group(fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", nonceFieldName, chainIDFieldName)).
Order(fmt.Sprintf("%s asc", nonceFieldName)).
// one consequence of innerjoining on nonce is we can't cap the max results for the whole query. This is a known limitation
joinQuery, err := interpol.WithMap(
"INNER JOIN (?) as subquery on `{table}`.`{nonce}` = `subquery`.`{nonce}` AND `{table}`.`{chainID}` = `subquery`.`{chainID}`", map[string]string{
"table": tableName,
"nonce": nonceFieldName,
"chainID": chainIDFieldName,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not build join query: %w", err)
tx := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).
Joins(joinQuery, subQuery).
Order(fmt.Sprintf("subquery.%s, subquery.%s, %s desc", chainIDFieldName, nonceFieldName, createdAtFieldName)).
if tx.Error != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get txes: %w", err)
txs, err = convertTXS(dbTXs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert txes: %w", err)
return txs, nil
// GetNonceForChainID gets the nonce for the given chain id.
func (s *Store) GetNonceForChainID(ctx context.Context, fromAddress common.Address, chainID *big.Int) (nonce uint64, err error) {
var newNonce sql.NullInt64
selectMaxNonce := fmt.Sprintf("max(`%s`)", nonceFieldName)
dbTx := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).Model(ÐTX{}).Select(selectMaxNonce).Where(ETHTX{
From: fromAddress.String(),
ChainID: chainID.Uint64(),
if dbTx.Error != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce for chain id: %w", dbTx.Error)
// if no nonces, return the corresponding error.
if newNonce.Int64 == 0 {
// we need to check if any nonces exist first
var count int64
dbTx = s.DB().WithContext(ctx).Model(ÐTX{}).Where(ETHTX{ChainID: chainID.Uint64(), From: fromAddress.String()}).Count(&count)
if dbTx.Error != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("error getting count on %T: %w", ÐTX{}, dbTx.Error)
// TODO: we can use valid instead of count == 0 and save a sql query!
if count == 0 {
return 0, db.ErrNoNonceForChain
return uint64(newNonce.Int64), nil
// PutTXS puts a transaction in the database.
func (s Store) PutTXS(ctx context.Context, txs ...db.TX) error {
// TODO: consider warning.
if len(txs) == 0 {
return nil
var toInsert []*ETHTX
for _, tx := range txs {
marshalledTX, err := tx.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not marshall tx to json: %w", err)
newTX := new(types.Transaction)
err = newTX.UnmarshalBinary(marshalledTX)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal tx: %w", err)
msg, err := util.TxToCall(newTX)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not recover signer from tx: %w", err)
if tx.To() == nil {
return errors.New("tx has no to address")
if !tx.ChainId().IsUint64() {
return errors.New("chainid is not uint64")
toInsert = append(toInsert, ÐTX{
From: msg.From.String(),
ChainID: tx.ChainId().Uint64(),
Nonce: tx.Nonce(),
RawTx: marshalledTX,
TXHash: tx.Hash().String(),
Status: tx.Status,
dbTX := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).
Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: txHashFieldName}},
DoUpdates: clause.AssignmentColumns([]string{
if dbTX.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not store tx: %w", dbTX.Error)
return nil
// GetNonceStatus gets the max nonce for the given address and chain id.
func (s *Store) GetNonceStatus(ctx context.Context, fromAddress common.Address, chainID *big.Int, nonce uint64) (status db.Status, err error) {
var maxStatus sql.NullInt32
selectMaxStatus := fmt.Sprintf("max(`%s`)", statusFieldName)
dbTx := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).Model(ÐTX{}).Select(selectMaxStatus).Where(ETHTX{
From: fromAddress.String(),
ChainID: chainID.Uint64(),
Nonce: nonce,
if dbTx.Error != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce for chain id: %w", dbTx.Error)
// if no nonces, return the corresponding error.
if !maxStatus.Valid {
return db.Status(0), errorHelper.Wrapf(db.ErrNonceNotExist, "nonce %d does not exist for chain %d", nonce, chainID.Uint64())
return db.Status(maxStatus.Int32), nil
// GetNonceAttemptsByStatus gets the nonce attempts by status.
func (s *Store) GetNonceAttemptsByStatus(ctx context.Context, fromAddress common.Address, chainID *big.Int, nonce uint64, matchStatuses ...db.Status) (txs []db.TX, err error) {
var dbTXs []ETHTX
dbTx := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).Model(ÐTX{}).
From: fromAddress.String(),
ChainID: chainID.Uint64(),
Nonce: nonce,
}).Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s IN ?", statusFieldName), statusToArgs(matchStatuses...)).
if dbTx.Error != nil {
return txs, fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce for chain id: %w", dbTx.Error)
txs, err = convertTXS(dbTXs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert txes: %w", err)
return txs, nil
// GetChainIDsByStatus returns the distinct chain ids for a given address and status.
func (s *Store) GetChainIDsByStatus(ctx context.Context, fromAddress common.Address, matchStatuses ...db.Status) (chainIDs []*big.Int, err error) {
chainIDs64 := []uint64{}
inArgs := statusToArgs(matchStatuses...)
query := ETHTX{
From: fromAddress.String(),
tx := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s IN ?", statusFieldName), inArgs).
if tx.Error != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get chain ids: %w", tx.Error)
for _, chainID64 := range chainIDs64 {
chainIDs = append(chainIDs, new(big.Int).SetUint64(chainID64))
return chainIDs, nil
// DeleteTXS deletes txs that are older than a given duration.
func (s *Store) DeleteTXS(ctx context.Context, maxAge time.Duration, matchStatuses ...db.Status) (err error) {
threshold := time.Now().UTC().Add(-maxAge)
inArgs := statusToArgs(matchStatuses...)
tx := s.DB().WithContext(ctx).
Where("created_at < ?", threshold).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s IN ?", statusFieldName), inArgs).
if tx.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not delete txs: %w", tx.Error)
return nil
// DB gets the database.
func (s Store) DB() *gorm.DB {
return s.db
var _ db.Service = &Store{}