package api_test
import (
gosql "database/sql"
. ""
func (g APISuite) TestAddressRanking() {
var chainID uint32
chainIDs := []uint32{g.chainIDs[0], g.chainIDs[1], g.chainIDs[2]}
destinationChainIDA := g.chainIDs[3]
destinationChainIDB := g.chainIDs[4]
contractAddress := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
address := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
// used for validation later
var addressesTried = make(map[string]int)
// this counter lets us have a random variation in address occurrence
resetTokenAddrCounter := gofakeit.Number(1, 3)
// random token addr
tokenAddr := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
// for holding the current token addr in line the gofakeit.Bool() decides to pass true
lastTokenAddr := tokenAddr
// Generate bridge events for different chain IDs.
for blockNumber := uint64(1); blockNumber <= 10; blockNumber++ {
var destinationChainID uint32
if blockNumber%2 == 0 {
destinationChainID = destinationChainIDA
} else {
destinationChainID = destinationChainIDB
// if the token counter is zero reset it
if resetTokenAddrCounter == 0 {
tokenAddr = common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
lastTokenAddr = tokenAddr
resetTokenAddrCounter = gofakeit.Number(1, 3)
} else {
// before using the current token addr, let throw in some randomness
if gofakeit.Bool() {
tokenAddr = common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
} else {
currentTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
// change up chainID (1/3 chance of using a new chain)
chainID = chainIDs[gofakeit.Number(0, 2)]
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
InsertTime: 1,
ChainID: chainID,
Recipient: gosql.NullString{String: address.String(), Valid: true},
DestinationChainID: big.NewInt(int64(destinationChainID)),
BlockNumber: blockNumber,
TxHash: txHash.String(),
EventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
Token: tokenAddr,
Sender: tokenAddr,
TimeStamp: ¤tTime,
ChainID: chainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddr,
ContractAddress: contractAddress,
TokenIndex: 1,
// add the tokenAddr inserted to the test map (for validation later)
// Set all times after current time, so we can get the events.
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainIDs[0], blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainIDs[1], blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainIDs[2], blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainIDA, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainIDB, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
// if a random address was inserted, revert to address corresponding to resetTokenAddrCounter
if lastTokenAddr != tokenAddr {
tokenAddr = lastTokenAddr
blockNumberInit := uint64(10)
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID, blockNumberInit, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumberInit)
Nil(g.T(), err)
result, err := g.client.GetAddressRanking(g.GetTestContext(), nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
// check if the length of the response is same to the number of unique addresses inserted into test db
Equal(g.T(), len(addressesTried), len(result.Response))
// Validate contents of response by comparing to addressesTried
for k, v := range addressesTried {
for _, res := range result.Response {
if *res.Address == k {
Equal(g.T(), v, *res.Count)
func (g APISuite) TestGetCountByChainID() {
chainID := g.chainIDs[0]
chainID2 := g.chainIDs[1]
chainID3 := g.chainIDs[2]
address := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
contractAddress := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
tokenAddress := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
// Generate bridge events for different chain IDs.
for blockNumber := uint64(1); blockNumber <= 10; blockNumber++ {
var destinationChainID int64
var inputChain uint32
destinationChainID = int64(g.chainIDs[1])
inputChain = chainID
if blockNumber > 1 {
if blockNumber%2 == 0 {
inputChain = chainID2
destinationChainID = 0
} else {
inputChain = chainID3
destinationChainID = int64(g.chainIDs[0])
currentTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
ChainID: inputChain,
EventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
DestinationChainID: big.NewInt(destinationChainID),
Recipient: gosql.NullString{String: address.String(), Valid: true},
BlockNumber: blockNumber,
TxHash: txHash.String(),
EventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
TimeStamp: ¤tTime,
ContractAddress: contractAddress,
Token: tokenAddress,
ChainID: chainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddress,
ContractAddress: contractAddress,
TokenIndex: 1,
// Set all times after current time, so we can get the events.
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID2, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID3, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
addressRef := address.String()
directionRef := model.DirectionOut
resultOut, err := g.client.GetCountByChainID(g.GetTestContext(), nil, &addressRef, &directionRef, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
// There should be 3 chains, 2 for the destination chain IDs and 1 for the source chain ID.
Equal(g.T(), 1, len(resultOut.Response))
// The source chain ID should have 10 events out, and the destination chain IDs should have 0 events out.
var reached = 0
for _, res := range resultOut.Response {
switch *res.ChainID {
case int(chainID):
Equal(g.T(), 1, *res.Count)
case int(chainID2):
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
case int(chainID3):
Equal(g.T(), 4, *res.Count)
Equal(g.T(), 1, reached)
directionRef = model.DirectionIn
resultIn, err := g.client.GetCountByChainID(g.GetTestContext(), nil, &addressRef, &directionRef, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
// Again, there should be 3 chains, 2 for the destination chain IDs and 1 for the source chain ID.
Equal(g.T(), 2, len(resultIn.Response))
// The source chain ID should have 0 events in, and the destination chain IDs should have 5 events in.
reached = 0
for _, res := range resultIn.Response {
switch *res.ChainID {
case int(chainID):
Equal(g.T(), 1, *res.Count)
case int(chainID2):
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
case int(chainID3):
Equal(g.T(), 4, *res.Count)
Equal(g.T(), 2, reached)
// nolint (needed for testing all possibilities)
func (g APISuite) TestGetCountByTokenAddress() {
chainID := g.chainIDs[0]
destinationChainID := g.chainIDs[1]
tokenAddressA := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
tokenAddressB := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
address := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
contractAddress := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
// Generate bridge events for different chain IDs.
for blockNumber := uint64(1); blockNumber <= 10; blockNumber++ {
var tokenAddress common.Address
if blockNumber%2 == 0 {
tokenAddress = tokenAddressA
destinationChainID = g.chainIDs[1]
} else {
tokenAddress = tokenAddressB
destinationChainID = 0
currentTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
ChainID: chainID,
EventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
Recipient: gosql.NullString{String: address.String(), Valid: true},
DestinationChainID: big.NewInt(int64(destinationChainID)),
Token: tokenAddress.String(),
BlockNumber: blockNumber,
TxHash: txHash.String(),
EventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
TimeStamp: ¤tTime,
ContractAddress: contractAddress,
ChainID: chainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddress.String(),
ContractAddress: contractAddress,
TokenIndex: 1,
// Set all times after current time, so we can get the events.
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainID, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
addressRef := address.String()
directionRef := model.DirectionOut
resultOut, err := g.client.GetCountByTokenAddress(g.GetTestContext(), nil, &addressRef, &directionRef, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
Equal(g.T(), 1, len(resultOut.Response))
reached := 0
for _, res := range resultOut.Response {
if *res.ChainID == int(chainID) {
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressA.String() {
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressB.String() {
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
if *res.ChainID == int(destinationChainID) {
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressA.String() {
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressB.String() {
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
Equal(g.T(), 1, reached)
directionRef = model.DirectionIn
resultIn, err := g.client.GetCountByTokenAddress(g.GetTestContext(), nil, nil, &directionRef, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
Equal(g.T(), 1, len(resultIn.Response))
reached = 0
for _, res := range resultIn.Response {
if *res.ChainID == int(destinationChainID) {
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressA.String() {
Equal(g.T(), *res.Count, 5)
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressB.String() {
Equal(g.T(), *res.Count, 5)
if *res.ChainID == int(chainID) {
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressA.String() {
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
if *res.TokenAddress == tokenAddressB.String() {
Equal(g.T(), 5, *res.Count)
Equal(g.T(), 1, reached)
// TODO add other platforms to make this test more exhaustive
// nolint:cyclop
func (g APISuite) TestDailyStatisticsByChain() {
chainID := g.chainIDs[0]
destinationChainIDA := g.chainIDs[1]
destinationChainIDB := g.chainIDs[2]
address := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
tokenAddr := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
nowTime := time.Now().Unix()
senders := []string{common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String(), common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String(), common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()}
cumulativePrice := []float64{}
contract := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
// Generate bridge events for different chain IDs.
for blockNumber := uint64(1); blockNumber <= 10; blockNumber++ {
var destinationChainID uint32
if blockNumber%2 == 0 {
destinationChainID = destinationChainIDA
} else {
destinationChainID = destinationChainIDB
price := float64(gofakeit.Number(1, 300))
cumulativePrice = append(cumulativePrice, price)
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
timestamp := uint64(nowTime) - (10*blockNumber)*86400
ChainID: chainID,
ContractAddress: contract.String(),
EventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
Recipient: gosql.NullString{String: address.String(), Valid: true},
DestinationChainID: big.NewInt(int64(destinationChainID)),
BlockNumber: blockNumber,
TxHash: txHash.String(),
EventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
Token: tokenAddr,
Amount: big.NewInt(int64(gofakeit.Number(1, 300))),
AmountUSD: &price,
Sender: senders[blockNumber%3],
TimeStamp: ×tamp,
ChainID: chainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddr,
TokenIndex: 1,
// Set all times after current time, so we can get the events.
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainIDA, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainIDB, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
total := 0.0
for _, v := range cumulativePrice {
total += v
platform := model.PlatformBridge
days := model.DurationAllTime
typeArg := model.DailyStatisticTypeVolume
result, err := g.client.GetDailyStatisticsByChain(g.GetTestContext(), nil, &typeArg, &days, &platform, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), cumulativePrice[len(cumulativePrice)-1], *result.Response[0].Total)
Equal(g.T(), len(cumulativePrice), len(result.Response))
typeArg = model.DailyStatisticTypeAddresses
result, err = g.client.GetDailyStatisticsByChain(g.GetTestContext(), nil, &typeArg, &days, &platform, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), float64(1), *result.Response[0].Total)
Equal(g.T(), len(cumulativePrice), len(result.Response))
typeArg = model.DailyStatisticTypeTransactions
result, err = g.client.GetDailyStatisticsByChain(g.GetTestContext(), nil, &typeArg, &days, &platform, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), float64(1), *result.Response[0].Total)
Equal(g.T(), len(cumulativePrice), len(result.Response))
// TODO add swap txs.
func (g APISuite) TestGetBridgeTransactions() {
chainID := g.chainIDs[0]
destinationChainID := g.chainIDs[1]
contractAddr := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
tokenAddress := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
address := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
senderAddress := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
senderString := senderAddress.String()
txHashA := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
txHashB := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
kappaString := crypto.Keccak256Hash(txHashA.Bytes()).String()
txHashString := txHashA.String()
amount := big.NewInt(int64(gofakeit.Uint64()))
amountUSD := float64(gofakeit.Number(1, 300))
tokenDecimals := uint8(gofakeit.Number(0, 3))
tokenSymbol := gofakeit.Word()
timestamp := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
page := 1
InsertTime: 1,
ContractAddress: common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String(),
ChainID: chainID,
EventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
Sender: senderString,
Recipient: gosql.NullString{String: address.String(), Valid: true},
DestinationChainID: big.NewInt(int64(destinationChainID)),
Token: tokenAddress,
BlockNumber: 1,
TxHash: txHashA.String(),
DestinationKappa: kappaString,
EventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
Amount: amount,
AmountUSD: &amountUSD,
TokenDecimal: &tokenDecimals,
TokenSymbol: gosql.NullString{String: tokenSymbol, Valid: true},
TimeStamp: ×tamp,
ChainID: chainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddress,
TokenIndex: 1,
ContractAddress: contractAddr,
InsertTime: 1,
ChainID: destinationChainID,
EventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
Recipient: gosql.NullString{String: address.String(), Valid: true},
Token: tokenAddress,
BlockNumber: 1,
TxHash: txHashB.String(),
Kappa: gosql.NullString{String: kappaString, Valid: true},
SwapSuccess: big.NewInt(1),
EventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
Amount: amount,
AmountUSD: &amountUSD,
TokenDecimal: &tokenDecimals,
Sender: gofakeit.Word(),
TokenSymbol: gosql.NullString{String: tokenSymbol, Valid: true},
TimeStamp: ×tamp,
ContractAddress: contractAddr,
ChainID: destinationChainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddress,
ContractAddress: contractAddr,
TokenIndex: 1,
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID, 1, timestamp)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainID, 1, timestamp)
Nil(g.T(), err)
pending := false
originRes, err := g.client.GetBridgeTransactions(g.GetTestContext(), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, &txHashString, nil, &pending, &page, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
Equal(g.T(), 1, len(originRes.Response))
originResOne := *originRes.Response[0]
Equal(g.T(), kappaString, *originResOne.Kappa)
// do pending
Equal(g.T(), *originResOne.SwapSuccess, true)
fromInfo := *originResOne.FromInfo
Equal(g.T(), int(chainID), *fromInfo.ChainID)
Equal(g.T(), address.String(), *fromInfo.Address)
Equal(g.T(), txHashA.String(), *fromInfo.TxnHash)
Equal(g.T(), amount.String(), *fromInfo.Value)
Equal(g.T(), amountUSD, *fromInfo.USDValue)
formattedValue := uint64((float64(amount.Int64()) / math.Pow10(int(tokenDecimals))) * 1000000)
Equal(g.T(), formattedValue, uint64(*fromInfo.FormattedValue*1000000))
Equal(g.T(), tokenSymbol, *fromInfo.TokenSymbol)
Equal(g.T(), tokenAddress, *fromInfo.TokenAddress)
Equal(g.T(), 1, *fromInfo.BlockNumber)
Equal(g.T(), int(timestamp), *fromInfo.Time)
toInfo := *originResOne.ToInfo
Equal(g.T(), int(destinationChainID), *toInfo.ChainID)
Equal(g.T(), address.String(), *toInfo.Address)
Equal(g.T(), txHashB.String(), *toInfo.TxnHash)
Equal(g.T(), amount.String(), *toInfo.Value)
Equal(g.T(), amountUSD, *toInfo.USDValue)
Equal(g.T(), formattedValue, uint64(*toInfo.FormattedValue*1000000))
Equal(g.T(), tokenSymbol, *toInfo.TokenSymbol)
Equal(g.T(), tokenAddress, *toInfo.TokenAddress)
Equal(g.T(), 1, *toInfo.BlockNumber)
Equal(g.T(), int(timestamp), *toInfo.Time)
pending = false
destinationRes, err := g.client.GetBridgeTransactions(g.GetTestContext(), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, &kappaString, &pending, &page, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
Equal(g.T(), 1, len(destinationRes.Response))
destinationResOne := *destinationRes.Response[0]
Equal(g.T(), originResOne, destinationResOne)
pending = true
addressRes, err := g.client.GetBridgeTransactions(g.GetTestContext(), nil, nil, nil, &senderString, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, &pending, &page, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
Equal(g.T(), 1, len(addressRes.Response))
addressResOne := *addressRes.Response[0]
Equal(g.T(), originResOne, addressResOne)
func (g APISuite) TestLeaderboard() {
chainID := g.chainIDs[0]
address := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
var addressNS gosql.NullString
addressNS.String = address.String()
addressNS.Valid = true
tokenAddr := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
senders := []string{common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String(), common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String(), common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()}
nowTime := time.Now().Unix()
contract := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
// Generate bridge events for different chain IDs.
for blockNumber := uint64(1); blockNumber <= 10; blockNumber++ {
price := float64(gofakeit.Number(1, 300))
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
timestamp := uint64(nowTime) - (10*blockNumber)*86400
FChainID: chainID,
FContractAddress: contract.String(),
FEventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
FBlockNumber: blockNumber,
FTxHash: txHash.String(),
FEventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
FAmountUSD: &price,
FFeeAmountUSD: &price,
FSender: senders[blockNumber%3],
FTimeStamp: ×tamp,
TChainID: chainID,
TContractAddress: contract.String(),
TEventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
TBlockNumber: blockNumber,
TTxHash: txHash.String(),
TEventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
TAmountUSD: &price,
TFeeAmountUSD: &price,
TSender: senders[blockNumber%3],
TTimeStamp: ×tamp,
ChainID: chainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddr,
TokenIndex: 1,
// Set all times after current time, so we can get the events.
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
useMv := true
page := 1
duration := model.DurationAllTime
result, err := g.client.GetLeaderboard(g.GetTestContext(), &duration, nil, &useMv, &page)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
for i := 0; i < len(result.Response); i++ {
NotNil(g.T(), result.Response[i].Address)
NotNil(g.T(), result.Response[i].VolumeUsd)
NotNil(g.T(), result.Response[i].Fees)
NotNil(g.T(), result.Response[i].Txs)
NotNil(g.T(), result.Response[i].Rank)
NotNil(g.T(), result.Response[i].AvgVolumeUsd)
// TODO rewrite this test so that it is exhaustive with all platform and statistic types.
// nolint:cyclop
func (g APISuite) TestAmountStatistic() {
chainID := g.chainIDs[0]
destinationChainIDA := g.chainIDs[1]
destinationChainIDB := g.chainIDs[2]
address := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
contractAddress := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
tokenAddr := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
sender := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())).String()
cumulativePrice := []float64{}
// Generate bridge events for different chain IDs.
for blockNumber := uint64(1); blockNumber <= 10; blockNumber++ {
var destinationChainID uint32
if blockNumber%2 == 0 {
destinationChainID = destinationChainIDA
} else {
destinationChainID = destinationChainIDB
currentTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
price := float64(gofakeit.Number(1, 300))
cumulativePrice = append(cumulativePrice, price)
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
InsertTime: 1,
FChainID: chainID,
FContractAddress: contractAddress,
FEventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
FBlockNumber: blockNumber,
FTxHash: txHash.String(),
FEventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
FAmountUSD: &price,
FFeeAmountUSD: &price,
FRecipient: gosql.NullString{String: address.String(), Valid: true},
FSender: sender,
FTimeStamp: ¤tTime,
TChainID: destinationChainID,
TContractAddress: contractAddress,
TEventType: gofakeit.Uint8(),
TBlockNumber: blockNumber,
TTxHash: txHash.String(),
TEventIndex: gofakeit.Uint64(),
TAmountUSD: &price,
TFeeAmountUSD: &price,
TSender: sender,
TTimeStamp: ¤tTime,
ChainID: chainID,
TokenAddress: tokenAddr,
ContractAddress: contractAddress,
TokenIndex: 1,
// Set all times after current time, so we can get the events.
err := g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), chainID, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainIDA, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.eventDB.StoreBlockTime(g.GetTestContext(), destinationChainIDB, blockNumber, uint64(time.Now().Unix())*blockNumber)
Nil(g.T(), err)
total := 0.0
for _, v := range cumulativePrice {
total += v
count := float64(len(cumulativePrice))
mean := total / count
var median float64
switch {
case count == 0:
median = 0.0
case len(cumulativePrice)%2 == 0:
median = (cumulativePrice[len(cumulativePrice)/2-1] + cumulativePrice[len(cumulativePrice)/2]) / 2
median = cumulativePrice[len(cumulativePrice)/2]
statType := model.StatisticTypeTotalVolumeUsd
duration := model.DurationAllTime
platform := model.PlatformBridge
// nolint:dupword
result, err := g.client.GetAmountStatistic(g.GetTestContext(), statType, &platform, &duration, nil, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), fmt.Sprintf("%f", total), *result.Response.Value)
statType = model.StatisticTypeCountTransactions
// nolint:dupword
result, err = g.client.GetAmountStatistic(g.GetTestContext(), statType, &platform, &duration, nil, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), fmt.Sprintf("%f", count), *result.Response.Value)
statType = model.StatisticTypeMeanVolumeUsd
// nolint:dupword
result, err = g.client.GetAmountStatistic(g.GetTestContext(), statType, &platform, &duration, nil, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), fmt.Sprintf("%f", mean), *result.Response.Value)
statType = model.StatisticTypeMedianVolumeUsd
result, err = g.client.GetAmountStatistic(g.GetTestContext(), statType, &platform, &duration, nil, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), fmt.Sprintf("%f", median), *result.Response.Value)
statType = model.StatisticTypeCountAddresses
result, err = g.client.GetAmountStatistic(g.GetTestContext(), statType, &platform, &duration, nil, nil, nil, nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
NotNil(g.T(), result)
Equal(g.T(), "1.000000", *result.Response.Value)
func (g APISuite) TestGetBlockHeight() {
chainID1 := 1
chainID2 := 56
type1 := model.ContractTypeCctp
type2 := model.ContractTypeBridge
contract1 := g.config.Chains[uint32(chainID1)].Contracts.CCTP
contract2 := g.config.Chains[uint32(chainID2)].Contracts.Bridge
block1 := uint64(3)
block2 := uint64(4)
contracts := []*model.ContractQuery{
ChainID: chainID1,
Type: type1,
ChainID: chainID2,
Type: type2,
// Store blocks in the database.
err := g.db.StoreLastBlock(g.GetTestContext(), uint32(chainID1), block1, contract1)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.db.StoreLastBlock(g.GetTestContext(), uint32(chainID2), block2, contract2)
Nil(g.T(), err)
results, err := g.client.GetBlockHeight(g.GetTestContext(), contracts)
Nil(g.T(), err)
Equal(g.T(), 2, len(results.Response))
Equal(g.T(), int(block1), *results.Response[0].BlockNumber)
Equal(g.T(), int(block2), *results.Response[1].BlockNumber)