package confirmedtofinalized
import (
experimentalLogger ""
omniHTTP ""
// FinalizedProxy is the interface for the finalized proxy.
type FinalizedProxy interface {
// Run runs the proxy.
Run(ctx context.Context) error
// finalizedProxyImpl handles simple rxoy requests to omnirpc.
type finalizedProxyImpl struct {
// port is the port the server is run on
port uint16
// client contains the http client
client omniHTTP.Client
// handler is the metrics handler
handler metrics.Handler
// proxyURL is the proxy url to proxy to
proxyURL string
// logger is the logger
logger experimentalLogger.ExperimentalLogger
// maxSubmitAhead is the max number of blocks to submit ahead
maxSubmitAhead int
// chainID is the chain id
chainID int
// NewProxy creates a new simply proxy.
func NewProxy(proxyURL string, handler metrics.Handler, port, maxSubmitAhead, chainID int) FinalizedProxy {
return &finalizedProxyImpl{
proxyURL: proxyURL,
handler: handler,
port: uint16(port),
client: omniHTTP.NewRestyClient(),
logger: handler.ExperimentalLogger(),
maxSubmitAhead: maxSubmitAhead,
chainID: chainID,
func (r *finalizedProxyImpl) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
router := ginhelper.NewWithExperimentalLogger(ctx, r.handler.ExperimentalLogger())
router.POST("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
err := r.ProxyRequest(c)
if err != nil {
_ = c.Error(err)
router.GET("/collection.json", func(c *gin.Context) {
res, err := collection.CreateCollection()
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"error": fmt.Sprintf("could not parse collection: %v", err),
c.Data(http.StatusOK, gin.MIMEJSON, res)
router.Any("/swagger/*any", gin.WrapH(http.StripPrefix("/swagger", swaggerui.Handler(swagger.OpenAPI))))
r.logger.Infof(ctx, "running on port %d", r.port)
err := router.Run(fmt.Sprintf("", r.port))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not run: %w", err)
return nil
var errBatchNotSupported = errors.New("simple proxy batch requests are not supported")
// ProxyRequest proxies a request to the proxyURL.
func (r *finalizedProxyImpl) ProxyRequest(c *gin.Context) (err error) {
ctx, span := r.handler.Tracer().Start(c, "ProxyRequest",
trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("endpoint", r.proxyURL)),
defer func() {
metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)
requestID := []byte(c.GetHeader(omniHTTP.XRequestIDString))
rawBody, err := io.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not read request body: %w", err)
// make sure it's not a batch
if rpc.IsBatch(rawBody) {
err = c.Error(errBatchNotSupported)
// nolint: wrapcheck
return err
rpcRequests, err := rpc.ParseRPCPayload(rawBody)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse payload: %w", err)
rpcRequest := rpcRequests[0]
span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("original-body", string(rawBody)))
rpcRequest = rewriteConfirmableRequest(rpcRequest)
shouldRequest := r.checkShouldRequest(ctx, rpcRequest)
if !shouldRequest {
c.Data(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.MIMEJSON, []byte(`{"error": "submitted too far ahead"}`))
return nil
body, err := json.Marshal(rpcRequest)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("could not marshal request")
req := r.client.NewRequest()
resp, err := req.
SetHeaderBytes(omniHTTP.XRequestID, requestID).
SetHeaderBytes(omniHTTP.XForwardedFor, []byte(r.proxyURL)).
SetHeaderBytes(omniHTTP.ContentType, omniHTTP.JSONType).
SetHeaderBytes(omniHTTP.Accept, omniHTTP.JSONType).
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get response from %s: %w", r.proxyURL, err)
c.Data(resp.StatusCode(), gin.MIMEJSON, resp.Body())
return nil
func rewriteConfirmableRequest(r rpc.Request) rpc.Request {
//nolint: exhaustive
switch client.RPCMethod(r.Method) {
case client.BlockByNumberMethod:
r.Params[0] = bytes.Replace(r.Params[0], latestBlock, finalizedBlock, 1)
case client.BlockNumberMethod:
r.Params[0] = bytes.Replace(r.Params[0], latestBlock, finalizedBlock, 1)
return r
func (r *finalizedProxyImpl) checkShouldRequest(parentCtx context.Context, req rpc.Request) bool {
// only apply to sendRawTransaction
// ignore if maxSubmitAhead is 0
if client.RPCMethod(req.Method) != client.SendRawTransactionMethod && r.maxSubmitAhead > 0 {
return true
ctx, span := r.handler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "checkShouldRequest",
trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("endpoint", r.proxyURL)),
var err error
defer func() {
metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)
tx, err := mixins.ReqToTX(req)
if err != nil {
return false
ethParams := params.AllCliqueProtocolChanges
ethParams.ChainID = big.NewInt(int64(r.chainID))
// derive sender
signer := types.MakeSigner(ethParams, big.NewInt(1), uint64(time.Now().Unix()))
var from common.Address
from, err = types.Sender(signer, tx)
if err != nil {
return false
// evm client is used to get the nonce
evmClient, err := client.DialBackend(ctx, r.proxyURL, r.handler)
if err != nil {
return false
var currentNonce uint64
currentNonce, err = evmClient.NonceAt(ctx, from, nil)
if err != nil {
return false
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("current-nonce", int(currentNonce)))
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("tx-nonce", int(tx.Nonce())))
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("max-submit-ahead", r.maxSubmitAhead))
// if the tx is too far ahead, don't submit
return tx.Nonce() <= currentNonce+uint64(r.maxSubmitAhead)