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Test Coverage
# Contributing

## Important notes
Grunt will place minified / packaged versions of this plugin in the `dist`
subdirectory. Don't worry about those! You'll find source code in the `src`

### Code style
Regarding code style like indentation and whitespace, **follow the conventions
you see used in the source already.**

### PhantomJS
While Grunt can run the included unit tests via
[PhantomJS](, this shouldn't be considered a substitute
for the real thing. Please be sure to test the `test/*.html` unit test file(s)
in _actual_ browsers.

## Modifying the code
First, ensure that you have the latest [Node.js]( and
[npm]( installed.

1. Fork and clone the repo.
1. Run `npm install` to install all dependencies (including Grunt).
1. Run `node_modules/.bin/grunt` to grunt this project.

Assuming that you don't see any red, you're ready to go. Just be sure to run
`grunt` after making any changes, to ensure that nothing is broken.

## Submitting pull requests

1. Create a new branch, please don't work in your `master` branch directly.
1. Add failing tests for the change you want to make. Run local `grunt` to see the
tests fail.
1. Fix stuff.
1. `grunt` again to see if the tests pass. Repeat steps 2-4 until done.
1. Open `test/*.html` unit test file(s) in actual browser to ensure tests pass
1. Update the documentation to reflect any changes.
1. Push to your fork and submit a pull request.