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 * Mailer service
 * PHP Version 5.3.4
 * @author  Marco Afonso <mafonso333@gmail.com>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
 * @link    http://github.com/taviroquai/duality
 * @since   0.7.0

namespace Duality\Service;

use Duality\Structure\Storage;
use Duality\Core\AbstractService;
use Duality\Core\InterfaceMailer;
use PHPMailer;

 * Default mailer service
 * Provides operations for sending email
 * Based on PHPMailer
 * PHP Version 5.3.4
 * @author  Marco Afonso <mafonso333@gmail.com>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
 * @link    http://github.com/taviroquai/duality
 * @since   0.7.0
class Mailer 
extends AbstractService
implements InterfaceMailer
     * Holds the current mail params
     * @var \Duality\Core\InterfaceStorage The mail params
    protected $current;

     * Holds the pretend simulation option
     * @var boolean Pretend to send but do not send
    protected $pretend;

     * Holds smtp configuration
     * @var \Duality\Core\InterfaceStorage The current smtp configuration
    protected $smtp;

     * Initiates the service
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function init()
        $this->pretend = false;
        $this->current = new Storage;
        $this->smtp = new Storage;

                'from'          => array('email' => '', 'name' => ''),
                'to'            => array(),
                'cc'            => false,
                'bcc'           => false,
                'reply'         => array('email' => '', 'name' => ''),
                'subject'       => '',
                'body'          => '',
                'altBody'       => '',
                'attachments'   => array()
                'host' => false,
                'user' => '',
                'pass' => '',
                'encr' => '',
                'port' => '',
                'dbgl' => 0

        // Load SMTP from configuration
        if ($this->app->getConfigItem('mailer.smtp')) {

        // Load sender address from configuration
        if ($this->app->getConfigItem('mailer.from')) {
            $this->current->set('from', $this->app->getConfigItem('mailer.from'));

        return $this;

     * Terminates the service
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function terminate()
        return $this;

     * Set pretend option. If true, does not send email
     * @param boolean $option Set the pretend option
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function pretend($option)
        $this->pretend = (boolean) $option;
        return $this;

     * Set mail smtp
     * @param string $host       The remote hostname
     * @param string $user       The authentication user
     * @param string $pass       The authentication password
     * @param string $encr       The connection encryptino
     * @param string $port       The remote port
     * @param int    $debugLevel The debug level
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer
    public function setSMTP(
        $host, $user = '', $pass = '', $encr = 'tls', $port = 587, $debugLevel = 0
    ) {
                'host' => $host,
                'user' => $user,
                'pass' => $pass,
                'encr' => $encr,
                'port' => $port,
                'dbgl' => $debugLevel
        return $this;

     * Set mail to
     * @param string $to The target recipient
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function to($to)
        return $this;

     * Add address
     * @param string $address Give the recipient address
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function addAddress($address)
        $list = $this->current->get('to');
        $list[] = $address;
        $this->current->set('to', $list);
        return $this;

     * Add copy
     * @param string  $address The cc recipient
     * @param boolean $bcc     Tells whether use bcc or not
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function copy($address, $bcc = true)
        if ($bcc) {
            $this->current->set('bcc', $address);
        } else {
            $this->current->set('cc', $address);
        return $this;

     * Set reply address
     * @param string $address The reply address
     * @param string $name    The reply name
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function reply($address, $name)
        $reply = $this->current->get('reply');
        $reply['email'] = $address;
        $reply['name'] = $name;
        $this->current->set('reply', $reply);
        return $this;

     * Set mail from
     * @param string $from Give the sender email address
     * @param string $name Give the sender sender name
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function from($from, $name)
        $config = $this->current->get('from');
        $config['email'] = $from;
        $config['name'] = $name;
        $this->current->set('from', $config);  
        return $this;

     * Set mail subject
     * @param string $subject Give the message subject
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function subject($subject)
        $this->current->set('subject', $subject);
        return $this;

     * Set body and alternate text body
     * @param string $html    Give the HTML body
     * @param string $altBody Give the alternate text message
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function body($html, $altBody = 'Text message')
        $this->current->set('body', $html);
        $this->current->set('altbody', $altBody);
        return $this;

     * Set mail attachments
     * @param array $list The list of files as array
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function attach($list)
        $this->current->set('attachments', $list);
        return $this;

     * Send mail
     * @param \Closure $callback Give the after sent callback
     * @return \Duality\Service\Mailer This instance
    public function send(\Closure $callback)
        $mail = new PHPMailer;

        // Setup SMTP
        if ($this->smtp->get('host')) {
            if ($this->smtp->get('dbgl')) {
                $mail->SMTPDebug    = $this->smtp->get('dbgl');
            $mail->Host         = $this->smtp->get('host');
            $mail->SMTPAuth     = !$this->smtp->get('user');
            $mail->Username     = $this->smtp->get('user');
            $mail->Password     = $this->smtp->get('pass');
            $mail->SMTPSecure   = $this->smtp->get('encr');
            $mail->Port         = $this->smtp->get('port');  
        // Set params
        $from = $this->current->get('from');
        $mail->From = $from['email'];
        $mail->FromName = $from['name'];
        foreach ($this->current->get('to') as $item) {
        // Set message body options
        $mail->Subject      = $this->current->get('subject');
        $mail->Body         = $this->current->get('body');
        $mail->AltBody      = $this->current->get('altBody');
        $mail->WordWrap     = 50;

        // Set extra options: reply, cc and bcc
        $reply = $this->current->get('reply');
        if (!empty($reply['email'])) {
            $replyEmail     = $reply['email'];
            $replyName      = $reply['name'];
            $mail->addReplyTo($replyEmail, $replyName);
        if ($this->current->get('cc')) {
        if ($this->current->get('bcc')) {

        // Set attachments      
        foreach ($this->current->get('attachments') as $item) {
        // Finally, sent mail or pretend
        $result = !$this->pretend ? $mail->send() : true;
        return $callback($result, $mail);
