* the goal of this reducer is store a fixed amount of payments (requested, done or failed)
* to allow the user to pick one that could be problematic and forward it
* to the customer care assistance
* to accomplish this scope we store:
* - started_at the time in ISO format when the payment started
* - "data" coming from: a message, qr code, or manual insertion
* - "verifiedData" coming from the verification of the previous one (see paymentVerifica.request ACTION and related SAGA)
* - "paymentId" coming from payment activation
* - "transaction" coming from payment manager when we ask for info about latest transaction
* - "failure" coming from the failure of a verification (paymentVerifica.failure)
import { RptId } from "@pagopa/io-pagopa-commons/lib/pagopa";
import * as O from "fp-ts/lib/Option";
import _ from "lodash";
import { getType } from "typesafe-actions";
import { Detail_v2Enum } from "../../../../definitions/backend/PaymentProblemJson";
import { PaymentRequestsGetResponse } from "../../../../definitions/backend/PaymentRequestsGetResponse";
import { Transaction } from "../../../types/pagopa";
import { getLookUpId } from "../../../utils/pmLookUpId";
import { differentProfileLoggedIn } from "../../actions/crossSessions";
import { clearCache } from "../../actions/profile";
import { Action } from "../../actions/types";
import { paymentOutcomeCode } from "../../actions/wallet/outcomeCode";
import {
} from "../../actions/wallet/payment";
import { fetchTransactionSuccess } from "../../actions/wallet/transactions";
import { GlobalState } from "../types";
export type PaymentHistory = {
started_at: string;
data: RptId;
paymentId?: string;
// TODO Transaction is not available, add it when PM makes it available again
// see https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/177067134
transaction?: Transaction;
verifiedData?: PaymentRequestsGetResponse;
failure?: keyof typeof Detail_v2Enum;
outcomeCode?: string;
success?: true;
payNavigationUrls?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
webViewCloseReason?: PaymentWebViewEndReason;
lookupId?: string;
// where the payment started (message, manual insertion, qrcode scan)
startOrigin: PaymentStartOrigin;
export type PaymentsHistoryState = ReadonlyArray<PaymentHistory>;
const INITIAL_STATE: ReadonlyArray<PaymentHistory> = [];
export const HISTORY_SIZE = 15;
// replace the last element of the state with the given one
// if the state is empty does nothing
const replaceLastItem = (
state: PaymentsHistoryState,
newItem: PaymentHistory
): PaymentsHistoryState => {
// it shouldn't never happen since an update actions should come after a create action
if (state.length === 0) {
return state;
return state.slice(0, state.length - 1).concat([newItem]);
const reducer = (
state: PaymentsHistoryState = INITIAL_STATE,
action: Action
): PaymentsHistoryState => {
switch (action.type) {
case getType(paymentVerifica.request):
// if already in, remove the previous one
const updateState = [...state].filter(
ph => !_.isEqual(ph.data, action.payload.rptId)
// if size exceeded, remove the ones exceeding (here we consider the one we will add in it)
if (updateState.length + 1 >= HISTORY_SIZE) {
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/immutable-data
updateState.length + 1 - HISTORY_SIZE
return [
data: { ...action.payload.rptId },
started_at: new Date().toISOString(),
lookupId: getLookUpId(),
startOrigin: action.payload.startOrigin
case getType(paymentIdPolling.success):
const paymentWithPaymentId: PaymentHistory = {
...state[state.length - 1],
paymentId: action.payload
return replaceLastItem(state, paymentWithPaymentId);
case getType(fetchTransactionSuccess):
const paymentWithTransaction: PaymentHistory = {
...state[state.length - 1],
transaction: { ...action.payload }
return replaceLastItem(state, paymentWithTransaction);
case getType(paymentVerifica.success):
const successPayload = action.payload;
const updateHistorySuccess: PaymentHistory = {
...state[state.length - 1],
verifiedData: successPayload
return replaceLastItem(state, updateHistorySuccess);
case getType(paymentVerifica.failure):
const failurePayload = action.payload;
const updateHistoryFailure: PaymentHistory = {
...state[state.length - 1],
failure: failurePayload
return replaceLastItem(state, updateHistoryFailure);
case getType(paymentCompletedSuccess):
const updateSuccess: PaymentHistory = {
...state[state.length - 1],
success: true
return replaceLastItem(state, updateSuccess);
case getType(paymentOutcomeCode):
const updateOutcome: PaymentHistory = {
...state[state.length - 1],
outcomeCode: O.getOrElse(() => "n/a")(action.payload.outcome)
return replaceLastItem(state, updateOutcome);
case getType(paymentRedirectionUrls):
const navigationUrls: PaymentHistory = {
...state[state.length - 1],
payNavigationUrls: action.payload
return replaceLastItem(state, navigationUrls);
case getType(paymentWebViewEnd):
return replaceLastItem(state, {
...state[state.length - 1],
webViewCloseReason: action.payload.reason
case getType(differentProfileLoggedIn):
case getType(clearCache): {
return state;
export const paymentsHistorySelector = (state: GlobalState) =>
export default reducer;