* Return true if function is enabled for the wallet (aka payment method)
* @param wallet
import * as O from "fp-ts/lib/Option";
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/function";
import { TypeEnum as WalletTypeEnumV1 } from "../../definitions/pagopa/Wallet";
import { CardInfo, TypeEnum } from "../../definitions/pagopa/walletv2/CardInfo";
import { WalletTypeEnum } from "../../definitions/pagopa/WalletV2";
import {
} from "../types/pagopa";
import { EnableableFunctions } from "../../definitions/pagopa/EnableableFunctions";
import { PayPalInfo } from "../../definitions/pagopa/PayPalInfo";
import {
} from "./input";
* true if the given paymentMethod supports the given walletFunction
* @param paymentMethod
* @param walletFunction
export const hasFunctionEnabled = (
paymentMethod: RawPaymentMethod | undefined,
walletFunction: EnableableFunctions
): boolean =>
paymentMethod !== undefined &&
// check if a PatchedWalletV2 has BPay as paymentInfo
const isWalletV2BPay = (
wallet: PatchedWalletV2,
paymentMethodInfo: PatchedPaymentMethodInfo
): paymentMethodInfo is CardInfo =>
(paymentMethodInfo && wallet.walletType === WalletTypeEnum.BPay) ||
wallet.walletType === WalletTypeEnum.BPay;
// check if a PatchedWalletV2 has Paypal as paymentInfo
const isWalletV2PayPal = (
wallet: PatchedWalletV2,
paymentMethodInfo: PatchedPaymentMethodInfo
): paymentMethodInfo is PayPalInfo =>
paymentMethodInfo && wallet.walletType === WalletTypeEnum.PayPal;
// check if a PatchedWalletV2 has Bancomat as paymentInfo
const isWalletV2Bancomat = (
wallet: PatchedWalletV2,
paymentMethodInfo: PatchedPaymentMethodInfo
): paymentMethodInfo is CardInfo =>
paymentMethodInfo && wallet.walletType === WalletTypeEnum.Bancomat;
// check if a PatchedWalletV2 has CreditCard as paymentInfo
const isWalletV2CreditCard = (
wallet: PatchedWalletV2,
paymentMethodInfo: PatchedPaymentMethodInfo
): paymentMethodInfo is CardInfo =>
paymentMethodInfo && wallet.walletType === WalletTypeEnum.Card;
export const fromPatchedWalletV2ToRawPaymentMethod = (
wallet: PatchedWalletV2
): RawPaymentMethod | undefined => {
if (
isWalletV2CreditCard(wallet, wallet.info) &&
wallet.info.type !== TypeEnum.PRV
) {
return { ...wallet, kind: "CreditCard", info: wallet.info };
if (isWalletV2Bancomat(wallet, wallet.info)) {
return { ...wallet, kind: "Bancomat", info: wallet.info };
if (isWalletV2BPay(wallet, wallet.info)) {
return { ...wallet, kind: "BPay", info: wallet.info };
if (isWalletV2PayPal(wallet, wallet.info)) {
return { ...wallet, kind: "PayPal", info: wallet.info };
return undefined;
// if some, the value will be a RawBPayPaymentMethod
export const fromPatchedWalletV2ToRawBPay = (
wallet: PatchedWalletV2
): O.Option<RawBPayPaymentMethod> =>
O.fromPredicate((wallet: PatchedWalletV2) =>
isWalletV2BPay(wallet, wallet.info)
O.map(w => ({ ...w, kind: "BPay", info: wallet.info }))
* inject walletV2 into walletV1 structure
* @param walletV2
export const convertWalletV2toWalletV1 = (
walletV2: PatchedWalletV2
): Wallet => {
const paymentMethodInfo = fromPatchedWalletV2ToRawPaymentMethod(walletV2);
const card =
paymentMethodInfo?.kind === "CreditCard"
? paymentMethodInfo.info
: undefined;
// if the payment method is a credit card
// fill the creditCard field of Wallet
const cc = card
? {
id: undefined,
holder: card.holder ?? "",
pan: card.blurredNumber as CreditCardPan,
expireMonth: card.expireMonth as CreditCardExpirationMonth,
expireYear: card.expireYear as CreditCardExpirationYear,
brandLogo: card.brandLogo,
flag3dsVerified: true,
brand: card.brand,
onUs: true,
securityCode: undefined
: undefined;
return {
idWallet: walletV2.idWallet,
walletV2.walletType === WalletTypeEnum.Card
? WalletTypeEnumV1.CREDIT_CARD
: WalletTypeEnumV1.EXTERNAL_PS,
favourite: walletV2.favourite,
creditCard: cc,
psp: undefined,
idPsp: undefined,
pspEditable: false,
lastUsage: walletV2.updateDate ? new Date(walletV2.updateDate) : undefined,
isPspToIgnore: false,
registeredNexi: false,
saved: true,
paymentMethod: fromPatchedWalletV2ToRawPaymentMethod(walletV2)