#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
/* eslint-disable no-process-exit */
* Dependencies.
import minimist from 'minimist';
import { Binary } from '../lib/utility.js';
import {
} from 'module';
const require = createRequire(
const pack = require('../package.json'),
sevenBinary = Binary();
* Arguments.
let argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
* Command.
var command = Object.keys(pack.bin)[0];
* Help.
* @return {string}
function help() {
return [
'Full ' + command + ' Console Commands.',
'Adds files to archive.',
'Usage: `createArchive` archivePath files ...options',
'Deletes files from archive.',
'Usage: `deleteArchive` archivePath files ...options',
'Extracts files from an archive to the current directory or to the output directory.',
'Usage: `extractArchive` archivePath destination ...options',
'Extracts files from an archive with their full paths in the current directory, or in an output directory',
'Usage: `fullArchive` archivePath destination ...options',
'Extracts only the selected files from an archive to the current directory, or in an output directory',
'Usage: `onlyArchive` archivePath destination files ...options',
'Lists contents of archive.',
'Usage: `listArchive` archivePath ...options',
'Renames files in archive.',
'Usage: `renameArchive` archivePath file pairs ...options',
'Tests archive files.',
'Usage: `testArchive` archivePath ...options',
'Update older files in the archive and add files that are not already in the archive.',
'Usage: `updateArchive` archivePath files ...options',
'Create an Sfx - self extracting installation package for targeted platform.',
'Usage: `createSfx` platform packageName files --dir --gui ...options',
'The `7z` and `7za` binary on your system is located in directory: ' + sevenBinary.path,
].join('\n ') + '\n';
* Program.
if ( || argv.h) {
} else if (argv.version || argv.v) {
} else if (argv) {
} else {