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4 days
Test Coverage
'use strict';

import when from 'when';
import { Files, ReplaceNativeSeparator, Run } from './utility.js';
import { createSfx } from './createSfx.js';
import { isWindows } from 'node-sys';

const onProgress = (firstChar: string) => 
    function(data: string): string[] {
         * When a stdout is emitted, parse each line and search for a pattern. When
         * the pattern is found, extract the file (or directory) name from it and
         * pass it to an array. Finally returns this array.
        return data.split('\n')
            .filter((line) => line.startsWith(firstChar))
            .map((line) => ReplaceNativeSeparator(line.slice(2)));

function retry(
    command: string | undefined,
    options: {},
    override: boolean | undefined,
    progress: (arg0: any) => void,
    onprogress: (data: any) => any[],
    resolve: (arg0: any) => void,
    reject: (arg0: any) => void,
    archive: string
) {
    // Start the command
    const executables = ['7z', '7za']; // Two or more items
    let position = 0;
    const runner = () => Run(executables[position], command, options, override)
        .progress((data: any) => progress(onprogress(data)))        
        .then((args: string[]) => resolve(args)) // When all is done resolve the Promise.        
        .catch((err: any) => { // Catch the error and pass it to the reject function of the Promise.
            if (position === executables.length - 1) return reject(err);
            console.error(archive + ' failed using `' + executables[position] + 
                '`, retrying with `' + executables[position + 1] + '`.');
    return runner();

 * Create/add content to an archive.
 * @param filepath {string} Path to the archive.
 * @param files {string|array} Files to add.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @progress {array} Listed files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const createArchive =
    (SevenZip.createArchive =
    SevenZip.add =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            files: string | string[],
            options: any,
            override = false
        ) {
            return when.promise<string[]>(function (
                resolve: (args: string[]) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                const onprogress = onProgress('+');

                // Convert array of files into a string if needed.
                files = Files(files);
                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 'a "' + filepath + '" ' + files;
                // Start the command
                return retry(

 * Delete content from an archive.
 * @param filepath {string} Path to the archive.
 * @param files {string|array} Files to remove.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const deleteArchive =
    (SevenZip.deleteArchive =
    SevenZip.delete =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            files: string | string[],
            options: { files?: string[] | undefined } | undefined,
            override = false
        ) {
            return new Promise<string[]>(function (resolve, reject) {
                // Convert array of files into a string if needed.
                files = Files(files);
                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = `d "${filepath}" ${files}`;
                // Start the command
                const executables = ['7z', '7za']; // Two or more items
                let position = 0;
                const runner = () => Run(executables[position], command, options, override)
                    .then((args: any[]) => resolve(args)) // When all is done resolve the Promise.        
                    .catch((err: any) => { // Catch the error and pass it to the reject function of the Promise.
                        if (position === executables.length - 1) return reject(err);
                        console.error('DeleteArchive failed using `' + executables[position] + 
                            '`, retrying with `' + executables[position + 1] + '`.');
                return runner();

 * Extract an archive.
 * @param {string} archive Path to the archive.
 * @param {string} dest Destination.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @progress {array} Extracted files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const extractArchive =
    (SevenZip.extractArchive =
    SevenZip.extract =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            dest = '*',
            options = {},
            override = false
        ) {
            return when.promise<string[]>(function (
                resolve: (args: string[]) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                const onprogress = onProgress('-');

                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 'e "' + filepath + '" -o"' + dest + '" ';
                // Start the command
                return retry(

 * Extract an archive with full paths.
 * @param filepath {string} Path to the archive.
 * @param dest {string} Destination.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @progress {array} Extracted files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const fullArchive =
    (SevenZip.fullArchive =
    SevenZip.extractFull =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            dest = '*',
            options = {},
            override = false
        ) {
            return when.promise<string[]>(function (
                resolve: (args: string[]) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                const onprogress = onProgress('-');
                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 'x "' + filepath + '" -o"' + dest + '" ';
                return retry(

 * List contents of archive.
 * @param filepath {string} Path to the archive.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @progress {array} Listed files and directories.
 * @resolve {Object} Tech spec about the archive.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const listArchive =
    (SevenZip.listArchive =
    SevenZip.list =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            options: { files?: string[] | undefined } | undefined,
            override = false
        ) {
            return when.promise<Record<string, any>>(function (
                resolve: (spec: Record<string, any>) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                let spec: Record<string, any> = {};

                /* jshint maxlen: 130 */
                let regex =
                    /(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) ([\.D][\.R][\.H][\.S][\.A]) +(\d+) +(\d+)? +(.+)/;

                /* jshint maxlen: 80 */
                let buffer = ''; //Store incomplete line of a progress data.

                 * When a stdout is emitted, parse each line and search for a pattern.When
                 * the pattern is found, extract the file (or directory) name from it and
                 * pass it to an array. Finally returns this array.
                function onprogress(data: string) {
                    type Entry = {
                        date: Date;
                        attr: string;
                        size: number;
                        name: string;

                    let entries: Entry[] = [];

                    if (buffer.length > 0) {
                        data = buffer + data;
                        buffer = '';

                    // Populate the tech specs of the archive that are passed to the 
                    // resolve handler.        
                    type Param = [string, string, Function | null];

                    const params: Param[] = [
                        ['Path = ', 'path', null],
                        ['Type = ', 'type', null],
                        ['Method = ', 'method', null],
                        ['Physical Size = ', 'physicalSize', parseInt],
                        ['Headers Size = ', 'headersSize', parseInt],
                    const lines = data.split('\n');

                    for (const line of lines) {
                        let lineDone = false;
                        for (const [beginning, paramType, fn] of params) {
                            if (line.startsWith(beginning)) {
                                const paramValue = line.slice(beginning.length);
                                spec[paramType] = fn ? fn(paramValue) : paramValue;
                                lineDone = true;

                        if (lineDone) continue;

                        // Parse the stdout to find entries
                        let res = regex.exec(line);

                        if (res) {
                            let e = {
                                date: new Date(res[1]),
                                attr: res[2],
                                size: parseInt(res[3], 10),
                                name: ReplaceNativeSeparator(res[5]),
                        } // Line may be incomplete, Save it to the buffer.
                        else buffer = line;

                    return entries;

                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 'l "' + filepath + '" ';
                // Start the command
                const executables = isWindows() ? ['7z', '7za'] : ['7za'];
                let position = 0; 
                const runner = () => Run(executables[position], command, options, override)
                    .progress((data: string) => progress(onprogress(data)))        
                    .then((args: any) => resolve(position === 0 ? spec : args))      
                    .catch((err: any) => {
                        if (position === executables.length - 1) return reject(err);
                        console.error('ListArchive failed using `' + executables[position] + 
                            '`, retrying with `' + executables[position + 1] + '`.');
                return runner();

 * Extract only selected files from archive.
 * @param {string} filepath Path to the archive.
 * @param {string} dest Destination.
 * @param {string|array} files Files in archive to extract.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @progress {array} Extracted files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const onlyArchive =
    (SevenZip.onlyArchive =
    SevenZip.only =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            dest: string,
            files: any,
            options = {},
            override = false
        ) {
            return when.promise<string[]>(function (
                resolve: (args: string[]) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                options = Object.assign(options, {
                    files: files,

                const onprogress = onProgress('-');
                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 'e "' + filepath + '" -o"' + dest + '"';
                // Start the command
                return retry(

 * Renames files in archive.
 * @param filepath {string} Path to the archive.
 * @param files {string} Files pairs to rename in archive.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @progress {array} Listed files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const renameArchive =
    (SevenZip.renameArchive =
    SevenZip.rename =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            files: string | string[],
            options: {},
            override = false
        ) {
            return when.promise<string[]>(function (
                resolve: (args: string[]) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                const onprogress = onProgress('U');

                // Convert array of files into a string if needed.
                files = Files(files);
                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 'rn "' + filepath + '" ' + files;
                // Start the command
                return retry(

 * Test integrity of archive.
 * @param filepath {string} Path to the archive.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @progress {array} Extracted files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const testArchive =
    (SevenZip.testArchive =
    SevenZip.test =
        function (filepath: string, options: {}, override = false) {
            return when.promise<string[]>(function (
                resolve: (args: string[]) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                const onprogress = onProgress('T');

                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 't "' + filepath + '"';
                // Start the command
                return retry(

 * Update content to an archive.
 * @param filepath {string} Path to the archive.
 * @param files {string} Files to update.
 * @param options {Object} An object of acceptable 7-zip switch options.
 * @param override {boolean} should binary directory change?
 * @resolve {array} Arguments passed to the child-process.
 * @progress {array} Listed files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const updateArchive =
    (SevenZip.updateArchive =
    SevenZip.update =
        function (
            filepath: string,
            files: string | string[],
            options: {},
            override = false
        ) {
            return when.promise<string[]>(function (
                resolve: (args: string[]) => void,
                reject: (reason: any) => void,
                progress: (arg0: any) => any
            ) {
                const onprogress = onProgress('U');

                // Convert array of files into a string if needed.
                files = Files(files);
                // Create a string that can be parsed by `run`.
                let command = 'u "' + filepath + '" ' + files;
                // Start the command
                return retry(

 * Creates Windows self extracting archive, an Installation Package.
 * @param {String} name Application name.
 * @param {Array} files Files to add.
 * @param {String} destination Application root for the `SfxPackages` directory, will default to package root.
 * - All Sfx package archives are stored in the **created** `SfxPackages` directory.
 * - The `destination` directory must already exists.
 * @param {Object} options Object for Installer config and 7-zip switch options.
 * `{`
 * `title:` - Window title message, Default "`name` installation package created on `Current running platform OS`"
 * `beginPrompt:` - Begin Prompt message, Default "Do you want to install `name`?""
 * `progress:` - Value can be "yes" or "no". Default value is "yes".
 * `runProgram:` - Command for executing. Default value is "setup.exe".
 * Substring `% % T` will be replaced with path to temporary folder,
 * where files were extracted
 * `directory:` - Directory prefix for `RunProgram`. Default value is `.\`
 * `executeFile:` Name of file for executing
 * `executeParameters:` Parameters for `ExecuteFile`
 * `}`
 * `NOTE:` There are two ways to run program: `RunProgram` and `ExecuteFile`.
 * - Use `RunProgram`, if you want to run some program from .7z archive.
 * - Use `ExecuteFile`, if you want to open some document from .7z archive or
 * if you want to execute some command from Windows.
 * @param {String} type Application type `gui` or `console`. Default `gui`. Only `console` possible on **Linux** and **Mac** OS.
 * @resolve {string} full filepath
 * @progress {array} Listed files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const createSfxWindows = (SevenZip.windowsSfx = function (
    name: string,
    files: string[],
    destination: string | undefined,
    options: Record<string, any> | undefined,
    type: string | undefined
) {
    return createSfx(name, files, destination, options, type, 'win32', '.exe');

 * Creates Linux self extracting archive.
 * @param {String} name Application name.
 * @param {Array} files Files to add.
 * @param {String} destination Application root for the `SfxPackages` directory, will default to package root.
 * - All Sfx package archives are stored in the **created** `SfxPackages` directory.
 * - The `destination` directory must already exists.
 * @param {Object} options Object for 7-zip switch options.
 * @resolve {string} full filepath
 * @progress {array} Listed files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const createSfxLinux = (SevenZip.linuxSfx = function (
    name: string,
    files: string[],
    destination: string | undefined,
    options: Record<string, any> | undefined
) {
    return createSfx(

 * Creates Apple macOS self extracting archive.
 * @param {String} name Application name.
 * @param {Array} files Files to add.
 * @param {String} destination Application root for the `SfxPackages` directory, will default to package root.
 * - All Sfx package archives are stored in the **created** `SfxPackages` directory.
 * - The `destination` directory must already exists.
 * @param {Object} options Object for 7-zip switch options.
 * @resolve {string} full filepath
 * @progress {array} Listed files and directories.
 * @reject {Error} The error as issued by 7-Zip.
 * @returns {Promise} Promise
export const createSfxMac = (SevenZip.macSfx = function (
    name: string,
    files: string[],
    destination: string | undefined,
    options: Record<string, any> | undefined
) {
    return createSfx(

function SevenZip() {}

export default SevenZip;
export const Zip = SevenZip;