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Foreman::SettingManager.define(:foreman) do
  category(:auth, N_('Authentication')) do
      type: :boolean,
      description: N_("Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization"),
      default: false,
      full_name: N_('OAuth active'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("OAuth consumer key"),
      default: '',
      full_name: N_('OAuth consumer key'),
      encrypted: true)
      type: :string,
      description: N_("OAuth consumer secret"),
      default: '',
      full_name: N_("OAuth consumer secret"),
      encrypted: true)
      type: :boolean,
      description: N_("When enabled, Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is disabled, OAuth requests will have admin rights."),
      default: true,
      full_name: N_('OAuth map users'))
      type: :integer,
      description: N_("Foreman will block user logins from an IP address after this number of failed login attempts for 5 minutes. Set to 0 to disable bruteforce protection"),
      default: 30,
      full_name: N_('Failed login attempts limit'))
      type: :boolean,
      description: N_('Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication'),
      default: true,
      full_name: N_('Restrict registered smart proxies'))
      type: :array,
      description: N_('List of hostnames, IPv4, IPv6 addresses or subnets to be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output'),
      default: [],
      full_name: N_('Trusted hosts'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies"),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('SSL certificate'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("SSL CA file path that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('SSL CA file'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("SSL Private Key path that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('SSL private key'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_('Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate'),
      default: 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN',
      full_name: N_('SSL client DN env'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_('Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate'),
      default: 'SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY',
      full_name: N_('SSL client verify env'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate"),
      default: 'SSL_CLIENT_CERT',
      full_name: N_('SSL client cert env'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("SSL CA file path that will be used in templates (to verify the connection to Foreman)"),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('Server CA file'))

      type: :string,
      description: N_("Private key file path that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets"),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('Websockets SSL key'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("Certificate path that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets"),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('Websockets SSL certificate'))
    # websockets_encrypt depends on key/cert when true, so initialize it last
      type: :boolean,
      description: N_("VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)"),
      default: !!SETTINGS[:require_ssl],
      full_name: N_('Websockets encryption'))
    validates('websockets_encrypt', ->(value) { !value || !(Setting["websockets_ssl_key"].empty? || Setting["websockets_ssl_cert"].empty?) }, message: N_("Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing"))
    validates('websockets_ssl_key', ->(value) { !Setting["websockets_encrypt"] || !value.empty? }, message: N_("Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on"))
    validates('websockets_ssl_cert', ->(value) { !Setting["websockets_encrypt"] || !value.empty? }, message: N_("Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on"))

      type: :string,
      description: N_('Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)'),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('Login delegation logout URL'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_('Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created. Empty means no autocreation.'),
      default: 'External',
      full_name: N_('Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate'))
      type: :boolean,
      description: N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER HTTP header"),
      default: false,
      full_name: N_('Authorize login delegation'))
      type: :boolean,
      description: N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER HTTP header for API calls too"),
      default: false,
      full_name: N_('Authorize login delegation API'))
      type: :integer,
      description: N_("Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes"),
      default: 60,
      full_name: N_('Idle timeout'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("Password hashing algorithm. A password change is needed effect existing passwords."),
      default: 'bcrypt',
      full_name: N_('Password hashing algorithm'),
      collection: proc { { 'sha1' => _("SHA1"), 'bcrypt' => _("BCrypt"), 'pbkdf2sha1' => _("PBKDF2 SHA1") } })
      type: :integer,
      description: N_("Cost value of bcrypt password hash function for internal auth-sources (4-30). A higher value is safer but verification is slower, particularly for stateless API calls and UI logins. A password change is needed effect existing passwords."),
      default: 4,
      full_name: N_('BCrypt password cost'))
      type: :integer,
      description: N_("Cost value of PBKDF2 password hash function for internal auth-sources. A higher value is safer but verification is slower, particularly for stateless API calls and UI logins. A password change is needed effect existing passwords."),
      default: 50000,
      full_name: N_('PBKDF2 password cost'))
      type: :boolean,
      description: N_("Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates"),
      default: false,
      full_name: N_('BMC credentials access'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("OpenID Connect JSON Web Key Set(JWKS) URL. Typically<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/certs when using Keycloak as an OpenID provider"),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('OIDC JWKs URL'))
      type: :array,
      description: N_("Name of the OpenID Connect Audience that is being used for Authentication. In case of Keycloak this is the Client ID."),
      default: [],
      full_name: N_('OIDC Audience'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("The iss (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT, which exists at a `/.well-known/openid-configuration` in case of most of the OpenID providers."),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('OIDC Issuer'))
      type: :string,
      description: N_("The algorithm used to encode the JWT in the OpenID provider."),
      default: nil,
      full_name: N_('OIDC Algorithm'))