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 locales['foreman_salt'] = locales['foreman_salt'] || {}; locales['foreman_salt']['ja'] = {
  "domain": "foreman_salt",
  "locale_data": {
    "foreman_salt": {
      "": {
        "Project-Id-Version": "foreman_salt 1.0.0",
        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "",
        "PO-Revision-Date": "2019-04-29 07:31+0000",
        "Last-Translator": "Bryan Kearney <>, 2022",
        "Language-Team": "Japanese (",
        "MIME-Version": "1.0",
        "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
        "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit",
        "Language": "ja",
        "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;",
        "lang": "ja",
        "domain": "foreman_salt",
        "plural_forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;"
      "*Clear environment*": [
      "Accept": [
      "Accepted": [
      "Action with sub plans": [
      "Actions": [
      "Added": [
      "Array of Salt state IDs": [
        "Salt 状態 ID の配列"
      "Array of State ids": [
        "状態 ID の配列"
      "Autosign": [
      "Autosign entries for %s": [
        "%s の自動署名エントリー"
      "Autosign record": [
      "Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?": [
        "値をマージするときに重複する値を回避しますか (配列タイプのみ)?"
      "Before including these variables as Salt pillar, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.": [
        "Salt ピラーにこの変数を追加する前に、Foreman は変数がバリデーションに準拠していることを確認します。"
      "Cancel": [
      "Change Salt Environment": [
        "Salt 環境の変更"
      "Change Salt Master": [
        "Salt マスターの変更"
      "Check/Uncheck Added": [
      "Check/Uncheck All": [
      "Check/Uncheck Removed": [
      "Config Management": [
      "Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.": [
        "最初の検索後に継続して一致する候補を検索しますか (配列/ハッシュタイプのみ)? 注記: 上書きのマージにより、省略されたすべての Matcher が無視されます。"
      "Could not find salt environment with id %s": [
        "ID が %s の環境が見つかりませんでした"
      "Create Salt Variable": [
        "Salt 変数の作成"
      "Create Salt variable": [
        "Salt 変数の作成"
      "Create a Salt environment": [
        "Salt 環境の作成"
      "Create a state": [
      "Create an autosign record": [
      "Default Behavior": [
      "Default value of variable": [
      "Delete %s?": [
        "%s を削除しますか?"
      "Delete a Salt Key": [
        "Salt キーの削除"
      "Delete an autosign record": [
      "Deletes Salt variable": [
        "Salt 変数の削除"
      "Description of variable": [
      "Destroy a Salt environment": [
        "Salt 環境の破棄"
      "Destroy a state": [
      "Dryrun only": [
      "Edit": [
      "Edit %s": [
        "%s の編集"
      "Edit Salt Environment %s": [
        "Salt 環境の編集 %s"
      "Edit Salt State %s": [
        "Salt 状態の編集 %s"
      "Edit Salt Variable": [
        "Salt 変数の編集"
      "Environment": [
      "Environments": [
      "FQDN of host that key belongs to": [
        "キーが所属するホストの FQDN"
      "Filter %s": [
        "フィルター %s"
      "Fingerprint": [
      "Function": [
      "Hidden Value": [
      "Hide all values for this parameter.": [
      "Host groups": [
      "Host must have an environment in order to set salt states": [
        "salt 状態を設定するには、ホストには環境が必要です。"
      "Hosts": [
      "ID of Salt Proxy": [
        "Salt Proxy の ID"
      "ID of host group": [
        "ホストグループの ID"
      "If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.": [
        "チェックが付けられていると、デフォルト値がなく Matcher が値を指定しない場合にエラーが出されます。"
      "Import": [
      "Import Puppet classes": [
        "Puppet クラスのインポート"
      "Import facts": [
      "Import from %s": [
        "%s からのインポート"
      "Import states from a salt master": [
        "salt マスターからの状態のインポート"
      "Include default value when merging all matching values": [
      "Include default value when merging all matching values.": [
      "Invalid report": [
      "JID": [
      "Key Name": [
      "Keys": [
      "Limit to a specific environment": [
      "Limit to a specific environments": [
      "Limit to specific actions: i.e. add, remove": [
        "特定のアクションに限定する: 追加、削除など"
      "List Salt variables": [
        "Salt 変数の表示"
      "List all Salt Minions": [
        "すべての Salt ミニオンの表示"
      "List all Salt environments": [
        "すべての Salt 環境の表示"
      "List all Salt keys": [
        "すべての Salt キーの表示"
      "List all Salt states": [
        "すべての Salt 状態の表示"
      "List all autosign records": [
      "Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Salt State of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added as a Salt pillar for this host. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.": [
        "Foreman が管理する変数にマークを付けます。この変数の Salt 状態がホストに割り当てられると、デフォルト値がこのホストの Salt ピラーとして追加されます。このような変数に別の値を設定するには、マッチャーを指定します。"
      "Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)": [
        "一致するすべての値のマージ (配列/ハッシュタイプのみ)"
      "Must specify a Smart Proxy to use": [
        "使用する Smart Proxy を指定する必要があります"
      "Name": [
      "Name of the Salt state": [
        "Salt の状態名"
      "Name of variable": [
      "Namespace Foreman pillars under 'foreman' key": [
        "'foreman' キーの namespace Foreman ピラー"
      "New": [
      "New Autosign Entry": [
      "New Salt Environment": [
        "新規 Salt 環境"
      "New Salt State": [
        "新規 Salt 状態"
      "New Salt Variable": [
        "新しい Salt 変数"
      "No changes found": [
      "No salt environment selected!": [
        "Salt 環境が選択されていません!"
      "Operation": [
      "Optional Input Validator": [
      "Order": [
      "Override the default value of the Salt variable.": [
        "Salt 変数のデフォルト値を上書きします。"
      "Overriden": [
      "Please select a Salt environment first": [
        "まず Salt 環境を選択してください"
      "Prioritize Attribute Order": [
      "Record deleted.": [
      "Reject": [
      "Rejected": [
      "Remote action:": [
      "Remove duplicate values (only array type)": [
        "重複する値の削除 (配列タイプのみ)"
      "Removed": [
      "Result": [
      "Run Salt": [
        "Salt の実行"
      "Run Salt state.highstate": [
        "Salt state.highstate の実行"
      "Salt Autosign": [
        "Salt 自動署名"
      "Salt ENC": [
        "salt ENC"
      "Salt Environment": [
        "Salt 環境"
      "Salt Environments": [
        "Salt 環境"
      "Salt Keys": [
        "salt キー"
      "Salt Keys on %s": [
        "%s の Salt キー"
      "Salt Master": [
        "salt マスター"
      "Salt Smart Proxy ID": [
        "Salt Smart Proxy ID"
      "Salt State": [
        "salt 状態"
      "Salt States": [
      "Salt Variable Details": [
        "Salt 変数の詳細"
      "Salt Variables": [
        "Salt 変数"
      "Salt environment": [
        "Salt 環境"
      "Salt environment ID": [
        "Salt 環境 ID"
      "Salt external nodes YAML dump": [
        "Salt 外部ノード YAML ダンプ"
      "Salt master/smart proxy ID": [
        "Salt master/smart proxy ID"
      "Salt namespace pillars": [
        "salt namespace ピラー"
      "Salt state": [
        "salt 状態"
      "Salt states must be in the environment of the host": [
        "ホストの環境には、Salt の状態が必要です。"
      "SaltEnvironment|Name": [
      "SaltModule|Name": [
      "Save": [
      "Select salt environment": [
        "Salt 環境の選択"
      "Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman": [
        "Foreman に適用する変更を選択する"
      "Set the order in which values are resolved.": [
      "Set the salt_status as \\\\'successful authentication\\\\' and remove the corresponding autosign key from the Smart Proxy": [
        "salt_status を \\\\'successful authentication\\\\' に設定し、対応する自動署名キーを Smart Proxy から削除します。"
      "Show a Salt environment": [
        "Salt 環境の表示"
      "Show a minion": [
      "Show a state": [
      "Show the Salt parameters of a host group": [
        "ホストグループの Salt パラメーターの表示"
      "Show variable": [
      "Specify Matchers": [
        "Matcher の指定"
      "State": [
      "State ID": [
        "状態 ID"
      "State can be \\\"accepted\\\" or \\\"rejected\\\"": [
      "States": [
      "Successfully imported": [
      "The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>": [
        "Matcher キーが処理される順序です。先に一致したもの順になります。<br> 複数の属性を Matcher キーとして使用できます。たとえば、<code>host group, environment</code> の順序の場合には、<code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> のような Matcher が予想されます"
      "The order in which values are resolved": [
      "Toggle": [
      "Type": [
      "Types of validation values": [
      "Types of variable values": [
      "Unable to accept Salt key for %s": [
        "%s の Salt キーを許可できません"
      "Unable to create Salt autosign key %s": [
        "%s の Salt 自動署名キーを作成できません"
      "Unable to delete Salt autosign hostname for %s": [
        "%s の Salt 自動署名ホスト名を削除できません"
      "Unable to delete Salt autosign key %s": [
        "%s の Salt 自動署名キーを削除できません"
      "Unable to delete Salt key for %s": [
        "%s の Salt キーを削除できません"
      "Unable to fetch Salt environments list": [
        "Salt 環境一覧を取得できません"
      "Unable to fetch Salt key list": [
        "Salt キー一覧を取得できません"
      "Unable to fetch Salt states list": [
        "Salt 状態一覧を取得できません"
      "Unable to fetch autosign list": [
      "Unable to generate output, Check log files": [
      "Unable to reject Salt key for %s": [
        "%s の Salt キーを拒否できません"
      "Unable to run Salt state.highstate for %s": [
        "%s の Salt state.highstate を実行できません"
      "Unable to set Salt autosign hostname for %s": [
        "%s の Salt 自動署名ホスト名を設定できません"
      "Unaccepted": [
      "Update": [
      "Update a Salt Key": [
        "Salt キーの更新"
      "Update a minion": [
      "Update the Salt parameters of a host group": [
        "ホストグループの Salt パラメーターの更新"
      "Updated hosts: changed salt environment": [
        "更新済みホスト: 変更済み Salt 環境"
      "Updates Salt variable": [
        "Salt 変数の更新"
      "Upload a Job": [
      "Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values": [
      "Value to use when there is no match.": [
      "Variables": [
      "Variable|Name": [
      "Variable|State": [
      "When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI": [
        "有効な場合はパラメーターは UI で非表示になります"
      "is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces": [
      "must be alphanumeric, can contain periods, dashes, underscores and must not contain spaces": [