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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Nikolchev
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.

from __future__ import division
from tlslite.utils.cryptomath import numberToByteArray
from tlslite.utils import python_aes

class AESCCM(object):
    # AES-CCM implementation per RFC3610

    def __init__(self, key, implementation, rawAesEncrypt, tag_length=16):
        self.isBlockCipher = False
        self.isAEAD = True
        self.key = key
        self.tagLength = tag_length
        self.nonceLength = 12
        self.implementation = implementation

        if len(self.key) == 16 and self.tagLength == 8:
   = "aes128ccm_8"
        elif len(self.key) == 16 and self.tagLength == 16:
   = "aes128ccm"
        elif len(self.key) == 32 and self.tagLength == 8:
   = "aes256ccm_8"
            assert len(self.key) == 32 and self.tagLength == 16
   = "aes256ccm"

        self._ctr =, 6, bytearray(b'\x00' * 16))
        self._cbc =, 2, bytearray(b'\x00' * 16))

    def _cbcmac_calc(self, nonce, aad, msg):
        L = 15 - len(nonce)
        mac_data = bytearray()

        # Flags constructed as in section 2.2 in the rfc
        flags = 64 * (len(aad) > 0)
        flags += 8 * ((self.tagLength - 2) // 2)
        flags += 1 * (L - 1)

        # Construct B_0
        b_0 = bytearray([flags]) + nonce + numberToByteArray(len(msg), L)

        aad_len_encoded = bytearray()
        if len(aad) > 0:
            if len(aad) < (2 ** 16 - 2 ** 8):
                oct_size = 2
            elif len(aad) < (2 ** 32):
                oct_size = 4
                aad_len_encoded = b'\xFF\xFE'
                oct_size = 8
                aad_len_encoded = b'\xFF\xFF'

            aad_len_encoded += numberToByteArray(len(aad), oct_size)

        # Construct the bytearray that goes into the MAC
        mac_data += b_0
        mac_data += aad_len_encoded
        mac_data += aad

        # We need to pad with zeroes before and after msg blocks are added
        self._pad_with_zeroes(mac_data, 16)
        if msg != b'':
            mac_data += msg
            self._pad_with_zeroes(mac_data, 16)

        # The mac data is now constructed and
        # we need to run in through AES-CBC with 0 IV

        self._cbc.IV = bytearray(b'\x00' * 16)
        cbcmac = self._cbc.encrypt(mac_data)

        # If the tagLength has default value 16, we return
        # the whole last block. Otherwise we return only
        # the first tagLength bytes from the last block
        if self.tagLength == 16:
            t = cbcmac[-16:]
            t = cbcmac[-16:-(16-self.tagLength)]
        return t

    def seal(self, nonce, msg, aad):

        if len(nonce) != 12:
            raise ValueError("Bad nonce length")

        L = 15 - len(nonce)

        # We construct the key stream blocks.
        # S_0 is not used for encrypting the message, it is only used
        # to compute the authentication value.
        # S_1..S_n are used to encrypt the message.

        flags = L - 1
        s_0 = bytearray([flags]) + nonce + numberToByteArray(0, L)

        mac = self._cbcmac_calc(nonce, aad, msg)
        self._ctr.counter = s_0
        if self.tagLength == 16:
            auth_value = self._ctr.encrypt(mac)
            assert self.tagLength == 8
            self._pad_with_zeroes(mac, 16)
            auth_value = self._ctr.encrypt(mac)[:8]
        enc_msg = self._ctr.encrypt(msg)

        ciphertext = enc_msg + auth_value
        return ciphertext

    def open(self, nonce, ciphertext, aad):

        if len(nonce) != 12:
            raise ValueError("Bad nonce length")
        if self.tagLength == 16 and len(ciphertext) < 16:
            return None
        if self.tagLength == 8 and len(ciphertext) < 8:
            return None

        L = 15 - len(nonce)
        flags = L - 1

        # Same construction as in seal function

        s_0 = bytearray([flags]) + nonce + numberToByteArray(0, L)

        auth_value = ciphertext[-self.tagLength:]

        # We decrypt the auth value
        self._ctr.counter = s_0
        if self.tagLength == 16:
            received_mac = self._ctr.decrypt(auth_value)
            assert self.tagLength == 8
            self._pad_with_zeroes(auth_value, 16)
            received_mac = self._ctr.decrypt(auth_value)[:8]
        msg = self._ctr.decrypt(ciphertext)
        msg = msg[:-self.tagLength]
        computed_mac = self._cbcmac_calc(nonce, aad, msg)

        # Compare the mac vlaue is the same as the one we computed
        if received_mac != computed_mac:
            return None
        return msg

    def _pad_with_zeroes(data, size):
        if len(data) % size != 0:
            zeroes_to_add = size - (len(data) % size)
            data += b'\x00' * zeroes_to_add