# Copyright (c) 2015, Hubert Kario
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.
"""Pure Python implementation of ChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD cipher
Implementation that follows RFC 7539 and draft-ietf-tls-chacha20-poly1305-00
from __future__ import division
from .constanttime import ct_compare_digest
from .chacha import ChaCha
from .poly1305 import Poly1305
import struct
class CHACHA20_POLY1305(object):
"""Pure python implementation of ChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD cipher"""
def __init__(self, key, implementation):
"""Set the initial state for the ChaCha20 AEAD"""
if len(key) != 32:
raise ValueError("Key must be 256 bit long")
if implementation != "python":
raise ValueError("Implementations other then python unsupported")
self.isBlockCipher = False
self.isAEAD = True
self.nonceLength = 12
self.tagLength = 16
self.implementation = implementation = "chacha20-poly1305"
self.key = key
def poly1305_key_gen(key, nonce):
"""Generate the key for the Poly1305 authenticator"""
poly = ChaCha(key, nonce)
return poly.encrypt(bytearray(32))
def pad16(data):
"""Return padding for the Associated Authenticated Data"""
if len(data) % 16 == 0:
return bytearray(0)
return bytearray(16-(len(data)%16))
def seal(self, nonce, plaintext, data):
Encrypts and authenticates plaintext using nonce and data. Returns the
ciphertext, consisting of the encrypted plaintext and tag concatenated.
if len(nonce) != 12:
raise ValueError("Nonce must be 96 bit large")
otk = self.poly1305_key_gen(self.key, nonce)
ciphertext = ChaCha(self.key, nonce, counter=1).encrypt(plaintext)
mac_data = data + self.pad16(data)
mac_data += ciphertext + self.pad16(ciphertext)
mac_data += struct.pack('<Q', len(data))
mac_data += struct.pack('<Q', len(ciphertext))
tag = Poly1305(otk).create_tag(mac_data)
return ciphertext + tag
def open(self, nonce, ciphertext, data):
Decrypts and authenticates ciphertext using nonce and data. If the
tag is valid, the plaintext is returned. If the tag is invalid,
returns None.
if len(nonce) != 12:
raise ValueError("Nonce must be 96 bit long")
if len(ciphertext) < 16:
return None
expected_tag = ciphertext[-16:]
ciphertext = ciphertext[:-16]
otk = self.poly1305_key_gen(self.key, nonce)
mac_data = data + self.pad16(data)
mac_data += ciphertext + self.pad16(ciphertext)
mac_data += struct.pack('<Q', len(data))
mac_data += struct.pack('<Q', len(ciphertext))
tag = Poly1305(otk).create_tag(mac_data)
if not ct_compare_digest(tag, expected_tag):
return None
return ChaCha(self.key, nonce, counter=1).decrypt(ciphertext)