from .python_rsakey import Python_RSAKey
from .python_ecdsakey import Python_ECDSAKey
from .python_dsakey import Python_DSAKey
from .python_eddsakey import Python_EdDSAKey
from .pem import dePem, pemSniff
from .asn1parser import ASN1Parser
from .cryptomath import bytesToNumber
from .compat import compatHMAC
from ecdsa.curves import NIST256p, NIST384p, NIST521p
from ecdsa.keys import SigningKey, VerifyingKey
class Python_Key(object):
Generic methods for parsing private keys from files.
Handles both RSA and ECDSA keys, irrespective of file format.
def parsePEM(s, passwordCallback=None):
"""Parse a string containing a PEM-encoded <privateKey>."""
if pemSniff(s, "PRIVATE KEY"):
bytes = dePem(s, "PRIVATE KEY")
return Python_Key._parse_pkcs8(bytes)
elif pemSniff(s, "RSA PRIVATE KEY"):
bytes = dePem(s, "RSA PRIVATE KEY")
return Python_Key._parse_ssleay(bytes, "rsa")
elif pemSniff(s, "DSA PRIVATE KEY"):
bytes = dePem(s, "DSA PRIVATE KEY")
return Python_Key._parse_dsa_ssleay(bytes)
elif pemSniff(s, "EC PRIVATE KEY"):
bytes = dePem(s, "EC PRIVATE KEY")
return Python_Key._parse_ecc_ssleay(bytes)
elif pemSniff(s, "PUBLIC KEY"):
bytes = dePem(s, "PUBLIC KEY")
return Python_Key._parse_public_key(bytes)
raise SyntaxError("Not a PEM private key file")
def _parse_public_key(bytes):
# public keys are encoded as the subject_public_key_info objects
spk_info = ASN1Parser(bytes)
# first element of the SEQUENCE is the AlgorithmIdentifier
alg_id = spk_info.getChild(0)
# AlgId has two elements, the OID of the algorithm and parameters
# parameters generally have to be NULL, with exception of RSA-PSS
alg_oid = alg_id.getChild(0)
if list(alg_oid.value) == [42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1]:
key_type = "rsa"
elif list(alg_oid.value) == [42, 134, 72, 206, 56, 4, 1]:
key_type = "dsa"
raise SyntaxError("Only RSA or DSA Public keys supported")
if key_type == "rsa":
subject_public_key = ASN1Parser(
modulus = subject_public_key.getChild(0)
exponent = subject_public_key.getChild(1)
n = bytesToNumber(modulus.value)
e = bytesToNumber(exponent.value)
return Python_RSAKey(n, e, key_type="rsa")
elif key_type == "dsa":
# public key
subject_public_key = ASN1Parser(
public_key = bytesToNumber(subject_public_key.value)
# domain parameters
domain = alg_id.getChild(1)
p = bytesToNumber(domain.getChild(0).value)
q = bytesToNumber(domain.getChild(1).value)
g = bytesToNumber(domain.getChild(2).value)
return Python_DSAKey(p, q, g, y=public_key)
def _parse_pkcs8(bytes):
parser = ASN1Parser(bytes)
# first element in PrivateKeyInfo is an INTEGER
version = parser.getChild(0).value
if bytesToNumber(version) != 0:
raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized PKCS8 version")
# second element in PrivateKeyInfo is a SEQUENCE of type
# AlgorithmIdentifier
alg_ident = parser.getChild(1)
seq_len = alg_ident.getChildCount()
# first item of AlgorithmIdentifier is an OBJECT (OID)
oid = alg_ident.getChild(0)
if list(oid.value) == [42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1]:
key_type = "rsa"
elif list(oid.value) == [42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 10]:
key_type = "rsa-pss"
elif list(oid.value) == [42, 134, 72, 206, 56, 4, 1]:
key_type = "dsa"
elif list(oid.value) == [42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 2, 1]:
key_type = "ecdsa"
elif list(oid.value) == [43, 101, 112]:
key_type = "Ed25519"
elif list(oid.value) == [43, 101, 113]:
key_type = "Ed448"
raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized AlgorithmIdentifier: {0}"
# second item of AlgorithmIdentifier are parameters (defined by
# above algorithm)
if key_type == "rsa":
if seq_len != 2:
raise SyntaxError("Missing parameters for RSA algorithm ID")
parameters = alg_ident.getChild(1)
if parameters.value != bytearray(0):
raise SyntaxError("RSA parameters are not NULL")
if key_type == "dsa":
if seq_len != 2:
raise SyntaxError("Invalid encoding of algorithm identifier")
parameters = alg_ident.getChild(1)
if parameters.value == bytearray(0):
parameters = None
elif key_type == "ecdsa":
if seq_len != 2:
raise SyntaxError("Invalid encoding of algorithm identifier")
curveID = alg_ident.getChild(1)
if list(curveID.value) == [42, 134, 72, 206, 61, 3, 1, 7]:
curve = NIST256p
elif list(curveID.value) == [43, 129, 4, 0, 34]:
curve = NIST384p
elif list(curveID.value) == [43, 129, 4, 0, 35]:
curve = NIST521p
raise SyntaxError("Unknown curve")
else: # rsa-pss
pass # ignore parameters - don't apply restrictions
if seq_len > 2:
raise SyntaxError("Invalid encoding of AlgorithmIdentifier")
#Get the privateKey
private_key_parser = parser.getChild(2)
#Adjust for OCTET STRING encapsulation
private_key_parser = ASN1Parser(private_key_parser.value)
if key_type in ("Ed25519", "Ed448"):
return Python_Key._parse_eddsa_private_key(bytes)
if key_type == "ecdsa":
return Python_Key._parse_ecdsa_private_key(private_key_parser,
elif key_type == "dsa":
return Python_Key._parse_dsa_private_key(private_key_parser, parameters)
return Python_Key._parse_asn1_private_key(private_key_parser,
def _parse_ssleay(data, key_type="rsa"):
Parse binary structure of the old SSLeay file format used by OpenSSL.
For RSA keys.
private_key_parser = ASN1Parser(data)
# "rsa" type as old format doesn't support rsa-pss parameters
return Python_Key._parse_asn1_private_key(private_key_parser, key_type)
def _parse_dsa_ssleay(data):
Parse binary structure of the old SSLeay file format used by OpenSSL.
For DSA keys.
private_key_parser = ASN1Parser(data)
return Python_Key._parse_dsa_private_key(private_key_parser)
def _parse_ecc_ssleay(data):
Parse binary structure of the old SSLeay file format used by OpenSSL.
For ECDSA keys.
private_key = SigningKey.from_der(compatHMAC(data))
secret_mult = private_key.privkey.secret_multiplier
return Python_ECDSAKey(None, None,,
def _parse_ecdsa_private_key(private, curve):
ver = private.getChild(0)
if ver.value != b'\x01':
raise SyntaxError("Unexpected EC key version")
private_key = private.getChild(1)
public_key = private.getChild(2)
# first two bytes are the ASN.1 custom type and the length of payload
# while the latter two bytes are just specification of the public
# key encoding (uncompressed)
# TODO: update ecdsa lib to be able to parse PKCS#8 files
if curve is not NIST521p:
if list(public_key.value[:1]) != [3] or \
list(public_key.value[2:4]) != [0, 4]:
raise SyntaxError("Invalid or unsupported encoding of public key")
pub_key = VerifyingKey.from_string(
if list(public_key.value[:3]) != [3, 129, 134] or \
list(public_key.value[3:5]) != [0, 4]:
raise SyntaxError("Invalid or unsupported encoding of public key")
pub_key = VerifyingKey.from_string(
pub_x = pub_key.pubkey.point.x()
pub_y = pub_key.pubkey.point.y()
priv_key = SigningKey.from_string(compatHMAC(private_key.value),
mult = priv_key.privkey.secret_multiplier
return Python_ECDSAKey(pub_x, pub_y,, mult)
def _parse_eddsa_private_key(data):
"""Parse a DER encoded EdDSA key."""
priv_key = SigningKey.from_der(data)
return Python_EdDSAKey(priv_key.verifying_key, private_key=priv_key)
def _parse_asn1_private_key(private_key_parser, key_type):
version = private_key_parser.getChild(0).value[0]
if version != 0:
raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized RSAPrivateKey version")
n = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(1).value)
e = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(2).value)
d = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(3).value)
p = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(4).value)
q = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(5).value)
dP = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(6).value)
dQ = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(7).value)
qInv = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(8).value)
return Python_RSAKey(n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv, key_type)
def _parse_dsa_private_key(private_key_parser, domain_parameters=None):
if domain_parameters:
p = bytesToNumber(domain_parameters.getChild(0).value)
q = bytesToNumber(domain_parameters.getChild(1).value)
g = bytesToNumber(domain_parameters.getChild(2).value)
x = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.value)
return Python_DSAKey(p, q, g, x)
p = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(1).value)
q = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(2).value)
g = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(3).value)
y = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(4).value)
x = bytesToNumber(private_key_parser.getChild(5).value)
return Python_DSAKey(p, q, g, x, y)