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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-parser/src/slr1-parser.ts

import { IImmutableSet } from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

import { GrammarSymbol, IGrammar } from 'thaw-interpreter-types';

import { CFSMState, LR0Configuration, LR0Parser } from './lr0-parser';

import { ShiftReduceAction } from './shift-reduce-actions';

import { ReduceReduceConflictException } from './exceptions/reduce-reduce-conflict';
import { ShiftReduceConflictException } from './exceptions/shift-reduce-conflict';

export class SLR1Parser extends LR0Parser {
    constructor(g: IGrammar) {

    // public SLR1Parser(GrammarSelector gs)
    //     : this(GrammarFactory.Create(gs))
    // {
    // }

    // Adapted from Fischer and LeBlanc, pages 158-159.

    private GetActionSLR1(
        S: CFSMState,
        tokenAsSymbol: GrammarSymbol
    ): {
        reduceProductionNum: number;
        action: ShiftReduceAction;
    } {
        let result = ShiftReduceAction.Error;
        let reduceResultFound = false; // In order for the grammar to be SLR(1), there must be at most one result per state-symbol pair.

        let reduceProductionNum = -1;

        // 1) Search for Reduce actions.

        for (const c of S.ConfigurationSet) {
            const matchedProduction = c.ConvertToProductionIfAllMatched();

            if (typeof matchedProduction === 'undefined') {

            let currentFollowSet: IImmutableSet<GrammarSymbol> | undefined;

            for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {
                const productionToCompare =[i].stripOutSemanticActions();

                if (matchedProduction.equals(productionToCompare)) {
                    // Is tokenAsSymbol in Follow(productionToCompare.lhs) ?

                    if (typeof currentFollowSet === 'undefined') {
                        const value = this.followSet.get(matchedProduction.lhs);

                        if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
                            throw new Error('matchedProduction.lhs has no followSet');

                        currentFollowSet = value;

                    if (
                        typeof currentFollowSet !== 'undefined' &&
                    ) {
                        if (reduceResultFound && reduceProductionNum !== i) {
                            // 2013/10/22 : To find out why my CLU grammar is not SLR(1):

                            // throw new ReduceReduceConflictException(string.Format(
                            // "GetActionSLR1() : Multiple actions found; grammar is not SLR(1).  Symbol {0}, productions {1} and {2}.",
                            // //tokenAsSymbol, reduceProductionNum, i));
                            // tokenAsSymbol, grammar.Productions[reduceProductionNum].ToString(), grammar.Productions[i].ToString())); // The .ToString() here may be unnecessary.

                            throw new ReduceReduceConflictException(
                                `GetActionSLR1() : Multiple actions found (Reduce-Reduce Conflict); grammar is not SLR(1). GrammarSymbol ${GrammarSymbol[tokenAsSymbol]}, productions ${[reduceProductionNum]} and ${[i]}.`

                        result = ShiftReduceAction.Reduce;
                        reduceProductionNum = i;
                        reduceResultFound = true;

        // 2) Search for Shift and Accept actions.
        // const shiftOrAcceptResultFound = S.ConfigurationSet.toArray().some(
        //     (c: LR0Configuration) => {
        //         const symbol = c.FindSymbolAfterDot();
        //         return typeof symbol !== 'undefined' && symbol === tokenAsSymbol;
        //     }
        // );
        const shiftOrAcceptResults = S.ConfigurationSet.toArray().filter((c: LR0Configuration) => {
            const symbol = c.FindSymbolAfterDot();

            return typeof symbol !== 'undefined' && symbol === tokenAsSymbol;

        if (shiftOrAcceptResults.length > 0) {
            if (reduceResultFound) {
                // throw new ShiftReduceConflictException(string.Format(
                // "GetActionSLR1() : Multiple actions found; grammar is not SLR(1).  Symbol {0}, production {1}.",
                // tokenAsSymbol, grammar.Productions[reduceProductionNum].ToString())); // The .ToString() here may be unnecessary.

                throw new ShiftReduceConflictException(
                    `GetActionSLR1() : Multiple actions found (Shift-Reduce Conflict); grammar is not SLR(1).  GrammarSymbol ${
                    }; shift configurations ${shiftOrAcceptResults.join(', ')}; reduce production ${

            result =
                tokenAsSymbol === GrammarSymbol.terminalEOF
                    ? ShiftReduceAction.Accept
                    : ShiftReduceAction.Shift;

        // Test:

        // if (result == ShiftReduceAction.Error) {
        //     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        //     string separator = string.Empty;

        //     for each (Symbol transitionSymbol in S.Transitions.Keys) {
        //         sb.Append(separator);
        //         sb.Append(transitionSymbol.ToString());
        //         separator = ", ";
        //     }

        //     throw new Exception(string.Format("GetActionSLR1() error: symbol = {0}; transition keys = {1}", tokenAsSymbol, sb.ToString()));
        // }

        // return result;

        return {
            action: result

    protected override GetActionCaller(
        S: CFSMState,
        tokenAsSymbol: GrammarSymbol
    ): {
        reduceProductionNum: number;
        action: ShiftReduceAction;
    } {
        return this.GetActionSLR1(S, tokenAsSymbol);