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'use strict'

const _ = require('lodash')
const Service = require('trails/lib/Service')
const ModelError = require('../../lib').ModelError

const manageError = err => {
  if ( === 'SequelizeValidationError') {
    return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_VALIDATION', err.message, err.errors))
  return Promise.reject(err)

 * Trails Service that maps abstract ORM methods to their respective Waterine
 * methods. This service can be thought of as an "adapter" between trails and
 * Sequelize. All methods return native ES6 Promises.
module.exports = class FootprintService extends Service {

   * Internal method to retreive model object
   * @param modelName name of the model to retreive
   * @returns {*} sequelize model object
   * @private
  _getModel(modelName) {
    return[modelName] ||[modelName]

   * Create a model, or models. Multiple models will be created if "values" is
   * an array.
   * @param modelName The name of the model to create
   * @param values The model's values
   * @param options to pass to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  create(modelName, values, options) {
    const Model = this._getModel(modelName)
    const modelOptions = _.defaultsDeep({}, options,'footprints.models.options'))
    if (!Model) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${modelName} can't be found`))
    if (modelOptions.populate) {
      modelOptions.include = this._createIncludeField(Model, modelOptions.populate)
    return Model.create(values, modelOptions).catch(manageError)

  _createIncludeField(model, populate) {
    if (populate === true || populate === 'all') return {all: true}
    if (_.isPlainObject(populate) || _.isArray(populate)) return populate

    const fields = populate.split(',')
    const includes = []

    fields.forEach((value, key) => {

    return includes

   * Find all models that satisfy the given criteria. If a primary key is given,
   * the return value will be a single Object instead of an Array.
   * @param modelName The name of the model
   * @param criteria The criteria that filter the model resultset
   * @param options to pass to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  find(modelName, criteria, options) {
    const Model = this._getModel(modelName)
    const modelOptions = _.defaultsDeep({}, options, _.get(, 'footprints.models.options'))
    let query
    if (!Model) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${modelName} can't be found`))
    if (modelOptions.populate) {
      modelOptions.include = this._createIncludeField(Model, modelOptions.populate)
    delete modelOptions.populate

    if (!_.isPlainObject(criteria) || modelOptions.findOne === true) {
      if (modelOptions.findOne === true) {
        if (!criteria.where) {
          criteria = {where: criteria}

        query = Model.find(_.defaults(criteria, modelOptions))
      else {
        query = Model.find(_.defaults({
          where: {
            [Model.primaryKeyAttribute]: criteria
        }, modelOptions))
    else {
      if (!criteria.where) {
        criteria = {where: criteria}
      if (modelOptions.sort) {
        criteria.order = modelOptions.sort
        delete modelOptions.sort
      query = Model.findAll(_.defaults(criteria, modelOptions))

    return query.catch(manageError)

   * Update an existing model, or models, matched by the given by criteria, with
   * the given values. If the criteria given is the primary key, then return
   * exactly the object that is updated; otherwise, return an array of objects.
   * @param modelName The name of the model
   * @param criteria The criteria that determine which models are to be updated   *
   * @param [id] A optional model id; overrides "criteria" if both are specified.
   * @param values to update
   * @param options extends { where: criteria } then passed to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  update(modelName, criteria, values, options) {
    const Model = this._getModel(modelName)
    if (!options) options = {}
    if (!Model) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${modelName} can't be found`))
    let query
    if (!criteria) {
      criteria = {}

    if (_.isArray(options.populate) || _.isPlainObject(options.populate)) {
      options.include = options.populate
      delete options.populate

    if (_.isPlainObject(criteria)) {
      if (!criteria.where) {
        criteria = {where: criteria}
      query = Model.update(values, _.extend(criteria, options))
    else {
      criteria = {
        where: {
          [Model.primaryKeyAttribute]: criteria

      query = Model.update(values, _.extend(criteria, options))

    return query.catch(manageError)

   * Destroy (delete) the model, or models, that match the given criteria.
   * @param modelName The name of the model
   * @param criteria The criteria that determine which models are to be updated
   * @param options to pass to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  destroy(modelName, criteria, options) {
    const Model = this._getModel(modelName)
    if (!options) options = {}
    let query
    if (!Model) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${modelName} can't be found`))

    if (_.isArray(options.populate) || _.isPlainObject(options.populate)) {
      options.include = options.populate
      delete options.populate

    if (_.isPlainObject(criteria)) {
      if (!criteria.where) {
        criteria = {where: criteria}
      if (_.isArray(options.populate) || _.isPlainObject(options.populate)) {
        criteria.include = options.populate
        delete options.populate
      query = Model.destroy(_.extend(criteria, options))
    else {
      criteria = {
        where: {
          [Model.primaryKeyAttribute]: criteria
      query = Model.destroy(_.extend(criteria, options)).then(results => results[0])

    return query.catch(manageError)

  _findNativeAssociation(model, childAttributeName) {
    return model.associations[childAttributeName] ||
      model.associations[childAttributeName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + childAttributeName.slice(1)]

   * Create a model, and associate it with its parent model.
   * @param parentModelName The name of the model's parent
   * @param childAttributeName The name of the model to create
   * @param parentId The id (required) of the parent model
   * @param values The model's values
   * @param options to pass to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  createAssociation(parentModelName, parentId, childAttributeName, values, options) {
    const parentModel = this._getModel(parentModelName)
    if (!parentModel) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${parentModelName} can't be found`))
    const association = this._findNativeAssociation(parentModel, childAttributeName)
    if (!association) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${parentModelName}'s association ${childAttributeName} can't be found`))
    const childModelName =
    const childModel = this._getModel(childModelName)

    if (!options) {
      options = {}
    // Used for things like hasMany
    if (association.foreignKeyField || (association.sourceKey && !association.targetKey)) {
      values[association.foreignKeyField || association.foreignKey] = parentId
    return parentModel.sequelize.transaction(t => {
      options.transaction = t
      return this.create(childModelName, values, options).then(child => {
        let promise = Promise.resolve()
        // Used for things like belongsToMany
        if (association.throughModel) {
          promise = promise.then(association.throughModel.create({
            [association.identifierField]: parentId,
            [association.foreignIdentifierField]: child[childModel.primaryKeyAttribute]
          }, options))
        // Used for things like belongsTo
        if (!association.foreignKeyField) {
          promise = promise.then(this.update(parentModelName, parentId, {
            [association.identifierField]: child[childModel.primaryKeyAttribute]
          }, options).then(() => child))
        promise = promise.then(() => child)
        return promise

   * Find all models that satisfy the given criteria, and which is associated
   * with the given Parent Model.
   * @param parentModelName The name of the model's parent
   * @param childAttributeName The name of the model to create
   * @param parentId The id (required) of the parent model
   * @param criteria The search criteria
   * @param options to pass to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  findAssociation(parentModelName, parentId, childAttributeName, criteria, options) {
    const parentModel = this._getModel(parentModelName)
    if (!parentModel) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${parentModelName} can't be found`))
    const association = this._findNativeAssociation(parentModel, childAttributeName)
    if (!association) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${parentModelName}'s association ${childAttributeName} can't be found`))
    const childModelName =
    const childModel = this._getModel(childModelName)
    if (!childModel) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${childModelName} can't be found`))

    // Used for things like hasMany
    if (association.foreignKeyField || (association.sourceKey && !association.targetKey)) {
      if (!criteria) {
        criteria = {}
      else if (!_.isPlainObject(criteria)) {
        criteria = {
          [childModel.primaryKeyAttribute]: criteria
      criteria[association.foreignKeyField || association.foreignKey] = parentId
      if (!options) {
        options = {}
      return this.find(childModelName, criteria, options)
    // Used for things like belongsToMany
    else if (association.throughModel) {
      // Get all through tables with the parent
      return this._getThroughModelAssociation(association, parentId)
        .then(ids => childModel.findAll(_.extend({
          where: {
            $and: [
              criteria || {},
                [childModel.primaryKeyAttribute]: {
                  $in: ids
        }, options)))
    // Used for things like belongsTo
    else {
      return this.find(parentModelName, parentId)
        .then(parent => this.find(childModelName, parent[association.identifierField], options))

   * Update models by criteria, and which is associated with the given
   * Parent Model.
   * @param parentModelName The name of the model's parent
   * @param parentId The id (required) of the parent model
   * @param childAttributeName The name of the model to create
   * @param criteria The search criteria
   * @param values to update
   * @param options to pass to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  updateAssociation(parentModelName, parentId, childAttributeName, criteria, values, options) {
    const parentModel = this._getModel(parentModelName)
    if (!parentModel) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${parentModelName} can't be found`))
    const association = this._findNativeAssociation(parentModel, childAttributeName)
    if (!association) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${parentModelName}'s association ${childAttributeName} can't be found`))
    const childModelName =
    const childModel = this._getModel(childModelName)
    if (!childModel) {
      return Promise.reject(new ModelError('E_NOT_FOUND', `${childModelName} can't be found`))

    // Used for things like hasMany
    if (association.foreignKeyField || (association.sourceKey && !association.targetKey)) {
      if (!options) {
        options = {}
      if (!criteria) {
        criteria = {}
      else if (!_.isPlainObject(criteria)) {
        criteria = {
          [childModel.primaryKeyAttribute]: criteria
        options.findOne = true
      criteria[association.foreignKeyField || association.foreignKey] = parentId
      return this.update(childModelName, criteria, values, options)
    // Used for things like belongsToMany
    else if (association.throughModel) {
      // Get all through tables with the parent
      return this._getThroughModelAssociation(association, parentId)
        .then(ids => childModel.update(values, _.extend({
          where: {
            $and: [
              criteria || {},
                [childModel.primaryKeyAttribute]: {
                  $in: ids
        }, options)))
    // Used for things like belongsTo
    else {
      return this.find(parentModelName, parentId)
        .then(parent => this.update(childModelName, parent[association.identifierField], values, options))

  _getThroughModelAssociation(association, parentId) {
    return association.throughModel.findAll({
      where: {
        [association.identifierField]: parentId
      attributes: [association.foreignIdentifierField]
      // Get the childrens' IDs
      .then(throughTables => => throughTable[association.foreignIdentifierField]))

   * Destroy models by criteria, and which is associated with the
   * given Parent Model.
   * @param parentModelName The name of the model's parent
   * @param parentId The id (required) of the parent model
   * @param childAttributeName The name of the model to create
   * @param criteria The search criteria
   * @param options to pass to sequelize
   * @return Promise
  destroyAssociation(parentModelName, parentId, childAttributeName, criteria, options) {
    return this
      .findAssociation(parentModelName, parentId, childAttributeName, criteria, options)
      .then(records => {
        // If criteria is the ID for instance
        if (!(records instanceof Array)) {
          records = [records]
        return Promise.all( => {
          return record.destroy()