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 * The report page for a galaxy workflow submission.
 * @param int $sid
 *   The submission ID of the workflow.
function tripal_galaxy_workflow_report(int $sid) {
  if (!$sid) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!is_numeric($sid)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Get the submission details.
  $submission = tripal_galaxy_get_submission($sid);
  if (!$submission) {
    return FALSE;

  // If this a webform submission make sure the user has access to the
  // node that this workflow belongs to.
  if ($submission->nid) {
    $node = node_load($submission->nid);

    // Does this user have access to this node?
    if (!node_access('view', $node)) {
    $title = $node->title;

  // Get the galaxy server.
  $galaxy = db_select('tripal_galaxy', 'tg')
  ->condition('galaxy_id', $submission->galaxy_id)

  // Before doing anything check that the history has not been deleted.
  $galaxy_instance = tripal_galaxy_get_connection($submission->galaxy_id);
  $history_name = tripal_galaxy_get_history_name($submission);
  $error = [];
  $content = [];
  $history = tripal_galaxy_get_history($galaxy_instance, $history_name);

  if ($history['deleted'] === TRUE) {
    $content['deleted'] = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#title' => t('Results deleted from Galaxy Server'),
        '#description' => t('It appears this analysis result has been deleted from the galaxy server on which it was run. Please return to the previous page and delete this from your workflow listing.'),
        'status' => 'deleted',
    ->condition('sid', $submission->sid)
    return $content;

  // Get the list of input files so we can exclude them from the results
  $files_query = db_select('file_usage', 'fu');
  $files_query->join('file_managed', 'fm', 'fu.fid = fm.fid');
  $files_query->fields('fm', ['filename']);
  $files_query->condition('', $sid);
  $files_query->condition('fu.module', 'tripal_galaxy');
  $files_query->condition('fu.type', 'submission');
  $input_files = $files_query->execute()->fetchCol();

  // Add a warning message at the top if there are errors.
  if ($submission->status == 'Error') {
    $content['status_message'] = [
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => '<div class="messages error">' . t('This analysis failed. Check for errors in the submission details or in the error section if result files are present.') . '</div>',

  // Print the analysis name.
  $content['analysis_name'] = [
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#title' => 'Analysis Name',
    '#markup' => $title,

  // Add in a feildset for the submission details.
  $content['submission_details'] = tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_submission($submission, $galaxy);

  // Add a section now for errors, but it will only get shown if there
  // are errors.
  $content['errors'] = [
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Errors'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#attributes' => [
      'class' => [
    '#attached' => [
      'js' => [

  // Get details about the galaxy server and the connection to Galaxy.
  $galaxy = tripal_galaxy_get_connection($submission->galaxy_id);

  // This is just a placeholder for the results text. It will get fully
  // set below.
  $content['results'] = [
      '#type' => 'item',

  $errors = [];
  $has_any_results = FALSE;
  if (is_array($submission->errors)) {

    // If the workflow status is 'Completed' then there will be a history and
    // history contents. We'll get those out and remove them so we
    // can more easily iterate through the steps.
    if (array_key_exists('history_contents', $submission->errors)) {
      $history_contents = $submission->errors['history_contents'];
    if (array_key_exists('history_info', $submission->errors)) {
      $history_info = $submission->errors['history_info'];

    if (isset($history_contents) and is_array($history_contents) and
        isset($history_info) and is_array($history_info)) {

      $has_any_results = TRUE;
      foreach ($history_contents as $index => $history_content) {

        // Skip history content items that should be hidden.
        if ($history_content['visible'] != TRUE) {

        // Don't show input files.
        if (in_array($history_content['name'], $input_files)) {

        $content_id = 'history_content_' . $history_content['id'] . '_' . $index;

        // Handle Dataset Collections.
        if ($history_content['history_content_type']  == 'dataset_collection') {
          $content[$content_id] = tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_result_dataset_collection(
              $history_content, $submission, $node, $galaxy);
        // Handle Datasets.
        else {
          // If there are any errors on any file creation, then we'll add
          // the error message to our file_errors list.
          if ($history_content['state'] == 'error') {
            $errors[] = [
                'data' => $history_content['name'],
                'header' => TRUE,
              '<pre>' . $history_content['creating_job']['stderr'] . '</pre>'
          $content[$content_id] = tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_result_dataset($history_content,
              $submission, $node, $galaxy);

  if (count($errors) > 0) {
    $content['errors']['table'] = [
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => theme_table([
        'header' => [],
        'rows' => $errors,
        'attributes' => [
          'class' => 'tripal-galaxy-error-table'
        'sticky' => FALSE,
        'caption' => '',
        'colgroups' => [],
        'empty' => '',
  else {

  if ($has_any_results) {
    $content['results'] = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#title' => t('Result Files'),
        '#markup' => t('The result files are listed below. Click the filename to view or download results. Expand the field for the result below to
        view the status, peek or download result files.'),
  else {
    $content['results'] = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#title' => t('Results'),
        '#markup' => t('Currently, no results exist for this job. The current state of the job is:  %state.', [
            '%state' => $submission->status,

  return $content;

 * Builds the submission fieldset for the report page.
function tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_submission($submission, $galaxy) {

  // Create a galaxy logo clickable image.
  $galaxy_logo = l('<img src="' . url(drupal_get_path('module', 'tripal_galaxy') . '/theme/images/PoweredByGalaxy120.png') . '" border="0"></img>', "", [
    'html' => TRUE,
    'attributes' => [
      'target' => '_blank',

  $title = $submission->workflow_name;

  $headers = [];
  $submission_details = [];
  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'Workflow Name',
          'header' => TRUE,
          'width' => '25%',
  if (user_access('administer galaxy')) {
    $submission_details[] = [
            'data' => 'Submission ID',
            'header' => TRUE,
            'width' => '25%',
    $submission_details[] = [
            'data' => 'Workflow ID',
            'header' => TRUE,
            'width' => '25%',
    $submission_details[] = [
            'data' => 'Invocation ID',
            'header' => TRUE,
            'width' => '25%',
  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'Status',
          'header' => TRUE,
  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'Submission Error',
          'header' => TRUE,
      array_key_exists('error', $submission->errors) ? $submission->errors['error'] : '',
  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'Submission Date',
          'header' => TRUE,
  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'History Name',
          'header' => TRUE,
  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'Start Time',
          'header' => TRUE,
      $submission->start_time ? format_date($submission->start_time) : '',
  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'End Time',
          'header' => TRUE,
      $submission->end_time ? format_date($submission->end_time) : '',

  $submission_details[] = [
          'data' => 'Galaxy Server',
          'header' => TRUE,
      $galaxy->servername . '<br>' . $galaxy_logo,

  $submission_section = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Submission Details'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      '#attributes' => [
        'class' => [
      '#attached' => [
        'js' => [

  $submission_section['table'] = [
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#markup' => theme_table([
      'header' => $headers,
      'rows' => $submission_details,
      'attributes' => [
        'class' => 'tripal-galaxy-submission-table'
      'sticky' => FALSE,
      'caption' => '',
      'colgroups' => [],
      'empty' => '',

  return $submission_section;
 * Creates a result elemnt for a single file.
function tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_result_dataset_collection($history_content, $submission, $node, $galaxy) {
  $step_content = [
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => $history_content['name'] . ' (data collection)',
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#attributes' => [
      'class' => ['collapsible', 'collapsed'],
    '#attached' => [
      'js' => [
  foreach ($history_content['elements'] as $element) {
    // Dig down through dataset_collections to find the real dataset
    if ($element['element_type'] == 'dataset_collection')
      foreach ($element['object']['elements'] as $inner_elements) {

        // Get the $history_content for each of the dataset ids we just dug up. These can be found by examining
        // $submission and matching dataset ids and where visible == FALSE
        foreach ($submission->errors['history_contents'] as $dc_history_content)
          if ($dc_history_content['id'] == $inner_elements['object']['id'])
            $step_content[$inner_elements['element_identifier']] = tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_result_dataset(
              $dc_history_content, $submission, $node, $galaxy);
    else {
      $step_content[$element['element_identifier']] = tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_result_dataset(
        $element['contents'], $submission, $node, $galaxy);
  return $step_content;
 * Creates a result elemnt for a single file.
function tripal_galaxy_workflow_report_build_result_dataset($history_content, $submission, $node, $galaxy) {

  $step_content = [
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => $history_content['name'],
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#attributes' => [
      'class' => ['collapsible', 'collapsed'],
    '#attached' => [
      'js' => [

  // If this is a file add viewing and download links
  if ($history_content['type'] == 'file') {

    // If this is an HTML file then add a view link.
    if ($history_content['extension'] == 'html') {
      $dataset_id = $history_content['id'];
      $dataset = tripal_galaxy_get_dataset($submission, $dataset_id);
      $proxy_url = tripal_galaxy_get_proxy_url($submission, $dataset, $node->uid, 'download');
      $step_content['html_view'] = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#title' => t('Download web page report'),
        '#markup' => l($history_content['name'], $proxy_url, ['attributes' => ['target' => '_blank']]),
    // If this is not an HTML file then provide link to view the file
    // unless it exceeds 1MB.  If Galaxy provides a peek then show that.
    else {
      $link = $history_content['content_link'];
      $dataset_id = $history_content['id'];
      $dataset = tripal_galaxy_get_dataset($submission, $dataset_id);
      $proxy_url = tripal_galaxy_get_proxy_url($submission, $dataset, $node->uid, 'download');
      $file_size = tripal_format_bytes($history_content['file_size']);
      $step_content['download_link'] = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#title' => t('Download File'),
        '#markup' => l($history_content['name'], $proxy_url) . ' (' . $file_size . ')',

      /*             // Any files that are smaller than 1MB can be shown in a browser.
       if ($history_content['file_size'] < pow(10, 6)) {
       // SPF: originally this was $history_content['dataset_id'] but for
       // some reason that value seems off for v17.09 as it does not
       // point to the correct dataset. Rather the 'id' does.  However,
       // in v18.01 it seems fixed and both 'id' and 'dataset_id' are the
       // same.
       $dataset_id = $history_content['id'];
       $dataset = tripal_galaxy_get_dataset($submission, $dataset_id);
       $proxy_url = tripal_galaxy_get_proxy_url($submission, $dataset, $node->uid, 'viewer-full');
       $step_content['html_view'] = [
       '#type' => 'item',
       '#title' => t('View File'),
       '#markup' => l($history_content['name'], $proxy_url, ['attributes' => ['target' => '_blank']] ),
       } */

      // Provide a peek if one is provided.
      if ($history_content['peek'] != NULL) {
        $step_content['peek'] = [
          '#type' => 'item',
          '#title' => 'Peek',
          '#description' => 'A short view of the first few lines of the output file.',
          '#markup' => '<div class="tripal-galaxy-file-peek">' . $history_content['peek'] . '</div>',
  return $step_content;

 * A generic full page for viewing content from Galaxy.
 * @param string $proxy_id
 *   A unique proxy ID that maps to a URL.
function tripal_galaxy_stream_link_proxy(string $proxy_id) {
  if (array_key_exists($proxy_id, $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'])) {

    // Get the current proxy details, so we can map links for download.
    $cproxy = $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'][$proxy_id];
    $dataset = $cproxy['dataset'];
    $uid = $cproxy['uid'];
    $sid = $cproxy['sid'];

    // retrieve the pertinents needed to download the file.
    $submission = tripal_galaxy_get_submission($sid);
    $galaxy_id = $submission->workflow->galaxy_id;
    $galaxy = tripal_galaxy_get_connection($galaxy_id);
    $dataset_id = $dataset['id'];

    $url = $galaxy->getURL() . $dataset['download_url'];
    $headers = get_headers($url);
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
      $results = preg_split('/:/', $header, 2);
      if (count($results) == 2) {
        drupal_add_http_header($results[0], $results[1]);
    print tripal_galaxy_stream_url_proxy_url($url);

  else {
    $content['name'] = [
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#markup' => t('This page has expired. Please reload the job results page for uploaded links.'),
    return $content;

 * A generic full page for viewing content from Galaxy.
 * @param string $proxy_id
 *   A unique proxy ID that maps to a URL.
function tripal_galaxy_results_viewer_full_page(string $proxy_id) {
  if (array_key_exists($proxy_id, $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'])) {
    $content = tripal_galaxy_stream_url_proxy($proxy_id);

    // Replace relative URLs to have the proxy.
    $url = url('galaxy/link/' . $proxy_id);
    $content = preg_replace('/href\s*=\s*[\'"](?!\s*http)(.*?)[\'"]/', 'href=' . $url . '?url=\1', $content);
    return $content;
  else {
    $content['name'] = [
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#markup' => t('This link has expired. Please reload the job results page for uploaded links.'),
    return $content;

 * A generic page for viewing content from Galaxy.
 * @param string $proxy_id
 *   A unique proxy ID that maps to a URL.
function tripal_galaxy_results_viewer_page(string $proxy_id) {
  if (array_key_exists($proxy_id, $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'])) {

    // Get the current proxy details, so we can map links for download.
    $cproxy = $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'][$proxy_id];
    $dataset = $cproxy['dataset'];
    $uid = $cproxy['uid'];
    $sid = $cproxy['sid'];

    $user = user_load($uid);

    // Set the breadcrumb.
    $breadcrumb = [];
    $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Home'), '<front>');
    $breadcrumb[] = l($user->name, 'user/' . $uid);
    $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Analyses'), 'user/' . $uid . 'galaxy-jobs');
    $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Analysis Results'), 'user/' . $uid . '/galaxy-jobs/'  . $sid);

    // retrieve the pertinents needed to download the file.
    $submission = tripal_galaxy_get_submission($sid);
    $galaxy_id = $submission->workflow->galaxy_id;
    $galaxy = tripal_galaxy_get_connection($galaxy_id);
    $dataset_id = $dataset['id'];
    $name = $dataset['name'];

    $content['sub_title'] = [
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#markup' => '<h2>Viewing results for ' . $name . '</h2>',
    $content['name'] = [
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#markup' => l(t('View full screen'), 'galaxy/viewer-full/' . $proxy_id),
    $content['viewer'] = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#markup' => '<iframe src="' . url('galaxy/viewer-full/' . $proxy_id) . '" id="tripal-galaxy-results-viewer-iframe"></iframe>',

    return $content;
  else {
    $content['name'] = [
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#markup' => t('This link has expired. Please reload the job results page for uploaded links.'),
    return $content;

 * A generic callback for downloading content from Galaxy.
 * @param string $proxy_id
 *   A unique proxy ID that maps to a URL.
function tripal_galaxy_results_download(string $proxy_id) {

  // Get the current proxy details, so we can map links for download.
  $cproxy = $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'][$proxy_id];
  $dataset = $cproxy['dataset'];
  $uid = $cproxy['uid'];
  $sid = $cproxy['sid'];

  // retrieve the pertinents needed to download the file.
  $submission = tripal_galaxy_get_submission($sid);
  $galaxy_id = $submission->workflow->galaxy_id;
  $galaxy = tripal_galaxy_get_connection($galaxy_id);
  $dataset_id = $dataset['id'];

  $url = $galaxy->getURL() . $dataset['download_url'] . '?to_ext=' . $dataset['extension'];

  $headers = get_headers($url);
  foreach ($headers as $header) {
    $results = preg_split('/:/', $header, 2);
    if (count($results) == 2) {
      drupal_add_http_header($results[0], $results[1]);
  print tripal_galaxy_stream_url_proxy_url($url);


 * Retrieves content from a Galaxy URL and stream it back.
 * @param string $proxy_id
 *   A unique ID that maps to a URL.
function tripal_galaxy_stream_url_proxy(string $proxy_id) {
  // Get the current proxy details, so we can map links for download.
  $cproxy = $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'][$proxy_id];
  $dataset = $cproxy['dataset'];
  $uid = $cproxy['uid'];
  $sid = $cproxy['sid'];

  // retrieve the pertinents needed to download the file.
  $submission = tripal_galaxy_get_submission($sid);
  $galaxy_id = $submission->workflow->galaxy_id;
  $galaxy = tripal_galaxy_get_connection($galaxy_id);
  $dataset_id = $dataset['id'];

  $url = $galaxy->getURL() . $dataset['download_url'];

  return tripal_galaxy_stream_url_proxy_url($url);

 * Retrieves content from a Galaxy URL and stream it back.
 * @param string $url
 *   A valid URL on the remote Galaxy server.
function tripal_galaxy_stream_url_proxy_url(string $url) {
  $headers = get_headers($url);
  $ch = curl_init();

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  $output = curl_exec($ch);
  if ($output === FALSE) {
    $error_msg = curl_error($ch);
    $this->error->setError('HTTP', $error_msg);
    return $error_msg;

  if (!$output) {
    $output = 'The remote Galaxy server returns no display.';
  return $output;

 * Adds a URL to the proxy array.
 * This function can be used to create a URL for downloading of a dataset from
 * a remote Galaxy server.
 * @param stdClass $submission
 *   A submission object as obtained by the tripal_galaxy_get_submission()
 *   function.
 * @param array $dataset
 *   An array describing the dataset as returned by the
 *   tripal_galaxy_get_dataset() or tripal_galaxy_get_datasets() functions.
 * @param int $uid
 *   The user that is allowed to view this link.
 * @param string $action
 *   The action to perform when the link is clicked. Can be 'viewer',
 *   'viewer-full', or 'download'. The action 'viewer' will create a link for
 *   results to be shown inside of a page on the Drupal site. The action
 *   'viewer-full' will create a link for results to be shown stand-alone. The
 *   action 'download' will create a link that will start a download of the
 *   file.
 * @throws Exception
 * @return
 *   A URL that can be used, when clicked by the end-user, to either view or
 *   download the dataset.
 * @ingroup tripal_galaxy_api
function tripal_galaxy_get_proxy_url(stdClass $submission, array $dataset, int $uid, string $action = 'download') {

  if (!in_array($action, ['viewer', 'viewer-full', 'download'])) {
    throw new Exception('Please indicate the action as: "viewer" or "download".');

  $galaxy_id = $submission->workflow->galaxy_id;
  $galaxy = tripal_galaxy_get_connection($galaxy_id);

  if (!array_key_exists('tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls', $_SESSION)) {
    $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'] = [];
  $id = uniqid('TGPX', TRUE);
  $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'][$id]['dataset'] = $dataset;
  $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'][$id]['sid'] = $submission->sid;
  $_SESSION['tripal_galaxy_proxy_urls'][$id]['uid'] = $uid;

  // Create the link.
  $url = 'galaxy/' . $action . '/' . $id;
  return $url;