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Drupal.behaviors.tripalGalaxyDashboard = {
  attach: function (context, settings) {
     * Renders the graphs for the Galaxy Admin Dashboard.
     * id: the element id into which the charts will be drawn.
     * fData: The data to be rendered in graphs.
    function dashboard(id, fData){
      // Set aside 10 colors
      var c10 = d3.scale.category10();
      // Function to handle histogram.
      function barChart(fD){
          var chart_width = 600;
          var chart_height = 300;
          var top_margin = 30;
          var left_margin = 300;
          var right_margin = 30;
          // Create SVG for histogram.
          var hGsvg ="svg")
              .attr("width", chart_width)
              .attr("height", chart_height)
          // Create function for mapping of data to x and y axes.
          var x = d3.scale.linear().range([0, chart_width - (left_margin + right_margin)])
            .domain([0, d3.max(fD, function(d) { return d.count; })]);
          var y = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeRoundBands([0, chart_height - top_margin], 0.1)
            .domain( { return;}));
          // Create function for y-axis map.
          var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
          var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
          // Add axes to the histogram svg.  
            .attr("class", "x tripal-galaxy-usage-axis")
            .attr("transform", "translate(" + left_margin + ", 0)")
            .attr("class", "y tripal-galaxy-usage-axis")
            .attr("transform", "translate(" + left_margin + ", " + top_margin + ")")
          // Create bars for histogram to contain rectangles and labels.
          var bars = hGsvg.selectAll(".bar")
             .data( {return [, d.count]}))
             .attr("class", "bar");

          // Create the rectangles.
              .attr("x", function(d) { return left_margin; })
              .attr("y", function(d) { return y(d[0])  + top_margin; })
              .attr("height", y.rangeBand())
              .attr("width", function(d) { return x(d[1]); })
              .attr('fill', function(d, i) { return c10(i); })
          // Create the quantity labels to the right of the rectangles.
          bars.append("text").text(function(d){ return d3.format(",")(d[1])})
              .attr("x", function(d) { return left_margin + x(d[1]) + 10; })
              .attr("y", function(d) { return y(d[0]) + (y.rangeBand()/2) + top_margin; })
              .attr("text-anchor", "middle");
      // function to handle legend.
      function legend(lD){
          var leg = {};
          // create table for legend.
          var legend ="table").attr('class', 'tripal-galaxy-usage-legend');
          // create one row per segment.
          var tr = legend.append("tbody").selectAll("tr").data(lD).enter().append("tr");
          // create the first column for each segment.
          tr.append("td").append("svg").attr("width", '16').attr("height", '16').append("rect")
              .attr("width", '16').attr("height", '16')
              .attr("fill",function(d, i){ return c10(i); });
          // create the second column for each segment.
          tr.append("td").text(function(d){ return;});
          return leg;
      // Create the histogram and legends.
      var hG = barChart(fData); 
          //leg= legend(fData);  
    dashboard('#tripal-galaxy-usage-users-chart', top10users);
    dashboard('#tripal-galaxy-usage-workflows-chart', top10workflows);