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<HTML xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><HEAD><TITLE>Version History for the Amazon Mechanical Turk Command Line Tools v1.3.1</TITLE>
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<H2>Version Information</H2>This distributable contains the Amazon Mechanical 
Turk Command Line Tools version <STRONG>1.3.1</STRONG>.
<P>This version includes the Amazon Mechanical Turk SDK for Java version 
<P>This version is compatible with Amazon Mechanical Turk web service version 
<P>The Amazon Mechanical Turk team would appreciate any comments and feedback on 
the Command Line Tools. Please submit issues via the <A 
target=_blank>Amazon Mechanical Turk discussion forums</A>. 
<H2>Revision History</H2>

<H3>Version 1.3.1 - August 23rd, 2012</H3>
<LI>Upgrade MTurk SDK to version 1.6.2
<LI>Improved error logging

<H3>Version 1.3.0 - April 22nd, 2008</H3>
<LI>Fixed: GetResults doesn't return assignment data when the HIT has more than 10 assignments.
<LI>New Feature: Windows installer for installing the CLT and setting up access keys
<LI>New Feature: the makeTemplate operation allows you to easily copy a sample and modify it as your own
<LI>New Feature: the image categorization sample and website filtering sample allow you to generate a result report to easily digest the results
<LI>New Feature: the .results file now includes links to manage the HITs in requester.mturk.com
<LI>New Feature: new statistics are displayed when running GetResults

<H3>Version 1.2.1 - February 16th, 2008</H3>
<LI>Fixed: 1889820 Change updateHITs -input parameter to -success file
<LI>Fixed: 1889783 Copyright information is incorrect in script files

<H3>Version 1.2.0 - February 6th, 2008</H3>
<LI>New Feature: 1816696 Update CLT to use New version of MTurk SDK
<LI>New Feature: 1826391 Add multi-threading features to speed up operations
<LI>New Feature: 1823722 Add Image Categorization sample to samples directory
<LI>New Feature: 1823715 Add Image Tagging sample to samples
<LI>New Feature: 1826393 Support for CSV file format
<LI>New Feature: 1834851 Change mturk.properties so that production is the default
<LI>New Feature: 1826400 All methods should have a -sandbox parameter
<LI>New Feature: 1836091 always override .success and .results files    
<LI>New Feature: 1836090 approveAndDelete should show a count relative to its total
<LI>New Feature: 1836088 users shouldn\'t have to type I AM SURE
<LI>New Feature: 1836086 makeTemplate should create template files that use the -label parameter
<LI>New Feature: 1834854 Support New version of FormattedContent.xsd for iframe
<LI>New Feature: 1834853 Add some additional line feeds when outputting the URL
<LI>New Feature: 1834850 invoke.cmd to not output JAVA_HOME errors
<LI>New Feature: 1830205 Site_category example should be renamed to external_hit
<LI>New Feature: 1826929 When operating against the sandbox, reduce # of threads used
<LI>New Feature: 1826272 GetResults should output rows with no assignments
<LI>New Feature: 1824965 Show summary data after calling loadHITs
<LI>New Feature: 1824952 Add template generator scripts for HITs and Qualifications
<LI>New Feature: 1823712 approveWork should take in a .success file
<LI>New Feature: 1823696 getResults should allow for -namevaluepairs parameter
<LI>New Feature: 1816834 Provide -label parameter to loadHITs
<LI>New Feature: 1798417 GetResults: List answers in column format
<LI>New Feature: 1796643 GetResults should output the effective hourly rate
<LI>New Feature: 1838917 Output only the first input field in the .failure file
<LI>New Feature: 1826189 GetResults should show # of assignments/total assignments
<LI>New Feature: 1826170 GetResults should show X of Y when downloading results
<LI>New Feature: 1841320 Need to be able to Reset your Account
<LI>New Feature: 1841321 Need to be able to Extend HITs
<LI>New Feature: 1846591 GetResults should show time elapsed
<LI>New Feature: 1830822 Need Grant Bonus command
<LI>New Feature: 1841321 Need to be able to Extend HITs
<LI>Fixed: 1836092 approveAndDelete failed counter is not accurate
<LI>Fixed: 1831885 The generated .success file is a Unix file even in Windows
<LI>Fixed: 1829772 The invoke script shouldn\'t blindly prepend a package name
<LI>Fixed: 1816806 GetResults has missing columns when value is NULL
<LI>Fixed: 1816703 GetResults: Retrieved HIT number is misleading
<LI>Fixed: 1816701 ApproveWork/RejectWork help does not specify comments
<LI>Fixed: 1816693 Exception when a cell in the input file is empty
<LI>Fixed: 1816692 If approve/reject file have missing comments, op fails
<LI>Fixed: 1846589 Poor error messaging for invalid IDs in the .success

<strong>NOTE: </strong>In this relesae, the Command Line Tools are configured to work against the production site by default.
<H3>Version 1.1.0 patch - October 25th, 2007</H3>
  <LI>Bug 1819004: Removed Error message when .aws/auth file is not found. 
<H3>Version 1.1.0 - September 13th, 2007</H3>
  <LI>New Feature: Added Qualification Management commands allowing you to 
  create and manage qualifications for your HITs. 
  <LI>New Feature: Added an Update HITs command allowing you to update 
  properties of HITs that are in production. 
  <LI>New Feature: Added Block Worker and Unblock Worker commands to prevent 
  workers from working on your HITs. 
  <LI>New Feature: Support for Developer Sandbox throttling. The tools will auto 
  retry requests if the Developer Sandbox throttles your requests. 
  <LI>New Feature: Updated to use the Java SDK 1.1.1 and Requester WSDL version 
  2007-06-21. </LI></UL>
<H3>Version 1.0.1 - June 15th, 2007</H3>
  <LI>New Feature: When retrieving results, the data is streamed directly to the 
  Results file instead of being cached in memory and written at once. Avoids out 
  of memory errors when retrieving large data sets. 
  <LI>New Feature: The generated Results file now orders the question/answer 
  pairs based on the order they appear in the QuestionForm instead of being 
  ordered alphabetically. 
  <LI>New Feature: Progress indicator when results are being retrieved from the 
  <LI>Fixed: Batch operations halt when the first error is encountered instead 
  of skipping and continuing. 
  <LI>Fixed: Removed some extraneous files from the distribution. </LI></UL>
<H3>Version 1.0.0 - June 4th, 2007</H3>
  <LI>New Feature: The URL to the HITs that are loaded via the Command Line 
  Tools is displayed. 
  <LI>New Feature: User specified logging has been added to aid debugging and 
  reporting issues to Amazon Mechanical Turk. 
  <LI>New Feature: Command Line Tools supports the Amazon Mechanical Turk 
  Developer Sandbox <A href="http://sandbox.mturk.com/" 
  <LI>New Feature: The Java Standard Edition Runtime Environment 1.5.0 (JRE) for 
  Windows is now included in the distribution to ease installation. 
  <LI>New Feature: The Amazon Mechanical Turk SDK for Java is now included in 
  the distribution to ease installation. 
  <LI>New Feature: Added several convenience scripts in sample applications to 
  complete HIT workflow (Create HIT-&gt;Get Results-&gt;Approve And Delete 
  <LI>Fixed: Retrieving assignments for a HIT over a certain number causes the 
  code to lockup. 
  <LI>Fixed: -preview of LoadHITs should default to a filename of preview.html 
  and not require -previewfile to be specified. 
  <LI>Fixed: Time format in Results file should be standard 0-23 hr format 
  instead of 1-24 format. 
  <LI>Fixed: QuestionForm validation fails when using ExternalQuestion 
  <LI>Fixed: QuestionForm validation does not validate the XHTML contained in 
  the FormattedContent blocks of the QuestionForm. It will currently ignore 
  content inside FormattedContent blocks. 
  <LI>Fixed: The ordering of the name/value pairs of the HIT results output file 
  is inconsistent. 
  <LI>Fixed: When writing the .success and .failure files, it overwrites the 
  file instead of appending. 
  <LI>Fixed: The .failure file is output if there are no failures. It should 
  only exist if there are errors. </LI></UL>
<H3>Version 0.9.0 Beta - March 28th, 2007</H3>
  <LI>Initial release </LI></UL></BODY></HTML>