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Test Coverage

This product includes software developed by
The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).

This product contains an implementation of the Document Object Model
Level 2 Core (DOM). DOM is copyright (c) 2000, World Wide Web
Consortium. See prerequisites/LICENSE-DOM.html for details.

This product contains HSQLDB. HSQLDB is Copyright (c) 2001-2002, The
HSQL Development Group. See prerequisites/LICENSE-hsqldb.txt for
details. HSQLDB is based on Hypersonic SQL, which is Copyright
(c) 1995-2000, The Hypersonic SQL Group. See
prerequisites/LICENSE-hypersonic.txt for details.

This product contains JUnit. JUnit was originally written by Erich Gamma
and Kent Beck and is distributed under the terms of the Common Public
License, v1.0. For details see prerequisites/LICENSE-junit.html.

This product includes SAX. SAX is in the public domain. See
prerequisites/LICENSE-SAX.html for details.

This product includes software developed by the XML:DB Initiative
(http://www.xmldb.org/). See prerequisites/LICENSE-xmldb.txt for

This product includes the AntLR parser generator (http://www.antlr.org/).
AntLR is in the public domain. See prerequisites/LICENSE-antlr.txt for

This product includes the Beaver parser generator (http://beaver.sf.net/),
which is Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Alexander Demenchuk <alder@softanvil.com>.
See prerequisites/LICENSE-beaver.txt for details.