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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<QuestionForm xmlns="http://mechanicalturk.amazonaws.com/AWSMechanicalTurkDataSchemas/2005-10-01/QuestionForm.xsd">
      <h1 align="center">Select the best image</h1>
      Your task is to select <strong>one</strong> image out of <strong>three</strong> that best represents the provided topic given the evaluation criteria defined below.
      <br/>It is possible that none of the images can satisfy all the evaluation criteria.  Your goal is to select the best image of the three.
      <h3>Evaluation Criteria</h3>
          <li>The image should be a representation of the provided topic (i.e. If the topic is Ferris Wheel, you should not select images that are not related to a Ferris Wheel.)</li>
          <li>The image should be in focus.  (i.e. not blurry)</li>
          <li>The image should have good color balance.  (i.e. not tinted)</li>
          <li>The image should be properly exposed.  (i.e. not overexposed/underexposed)</li>
          <li>The image should be composed well.  (i.e. not skewed)</li>
          <li>Please refer to the following <a href="http://s3.amazonaws.com/mturk/samples/bestimage/best-image-instructions.html" target="_blank" >link</a> for visual examples of the above criteria.</li>
      <font size="4" color="darkblue" >Select the image below that best represents: Houses of Parliament, London, England</font>
      <Text>Please help us improve this HIT by including any Questions and/or Comments (optional):</Text>